Say, didn't the cool Star Wars game get cancelled a year or two ago? They probably couldn't fit in enough loot boxes or something. Oh well.
Anyway, this one will probably suck. But hey, at least it's free! So it's only going to suck for me. Either way, you get a +1! :)
And maybe even trading cards! Woohoo! :)
Good luck! :)
Umm, not to rain on your parade or anything, but are you sure you want to play this? :) There's already a bunch of awesome Star Wars games on Steam, just look here. :)
My vote is probably and but I still feel guilty about never finishing ... :)
I'd ask if you have a favourite Star Wars game, but then I'd have to reply a bunch and my brain's running on empty, so maybe I'll just imagine asking... :)
7 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Golwar
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742 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Warriot
302 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by Gorebelly318
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743 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by Ninglor03
109 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by OneNonLy
Well, if they're supposedly making Single Player games again maybe they will bring back Black & White some d-ahahahahahahahahaHAHA... haaaaa... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... ha. Yeah, right, if they ever remember it existed they'll probably turn it into a friggin' mobile game. (coughDungeonKeeperMobilecough)
Um... yeah... I was here...
Hope whoever wins likes the game and EA doesn't just frustrate the heck out of them with their bullshit. ^_^'
Anyway, thank you very much for the giveaways. :D
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Single player games? I'm not sure EA remember what that means... But maybe some rogue engineer will give it a try, you never know... :)
Good luck, if you try for it! :)
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Uf.. dunno about favorite, didn't play any of sw recently.. did bought them tho.. eh.. +1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Hey, one of your shrug-arms fell off! Careful with that
axebackslash, Eugene... :)Yeah, I have that whole pile in Steam, some were for nostalgia and some were for shrug too, I guess... :)
Good luck! :)
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I've played the good ones already (you can add Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy to that list) so now maybe I'll get a chance to play... this. Thanks!
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This is probably better than the random garbage I used to hide the giveaway, but how much better I can't say... :) Maybe the winner can report back to us... :)
Good luck! :)
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I've enjoyed Jedi Academy in my younger years, it was one of the first games i played and i really loved it.
Later i moved to Kotor 1 and 2.
I also remember playing Galactic Battlegrounds and Pod Racer. They were cool too, i just couldn't finish those. :D
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Oh, I remember playing a Star Wars racing game on Dreamcast, wonder if it was the same one? I thought that was fun, whatever it was, dunno if I ever finished it though... :(
Good luck! :)
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I am ashamed to say that the only Star Wars games that I've played were the Age of Empires 2 reskin one and a bit of that MMO with the Old Republic...I remember trying to login again, but, I think my account got wiped a long time ago, now I only have some old screenshots of my Sith lookalike custom character to remember those days.
Also, fun fact, one of my laziest cosplays is young George Lucas.
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Hey, lazy or not that's pretty good! :) Hopefully I can be forgiven for thinking if you can find a young Carrie Fisher you'd be golden! :)
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One can only dream...
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Aha, now that you mention it, I played that MMO for a little while too. All I could think about was how we'd never see another KOTOR because of this... :( Parts of it were pretty good (I remember agreeing with everyone said the umm Imperial Agent part) but it was still a big bummer... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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You can imagine me answering :)
My favorite one is definitely Tie Fighter. I got it on GOG recently but haven't played yet. Not sure I'll play it anytime soon, partly because of all the shiny new games to play and partly because some things are impossible to experience twice while getting the same.. hmm.. experience.
But yeah, back in the 90s I had a blast with it!
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Yeah, replaying old games can be tricky, hopefully you would be able to get back into it, but at first... Wow, these are some clunky controls and huge pixels... :)
Good luck! :)
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Tie Fighter was great. Played it all summer long when I had an operation on my foot and was sort of confined to my grandmothers attic.
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Let's hope this one measures up, hopefully you won't need to be confined to an attic to play it... :) Although considering the publisher, maybe that will be some optional dlc...
Good luck! :)
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You forgot to add Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy :) And hey Republic Commando was a surprisingly good SW FPS!
Thanks for the chance, but If I win the fastest I get around to play it will be in february 2020 as that's when I'm hoping to buy a new PC, I could probably play it on my current crap but I rather not :p
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Hmm, didn't play Republic Commando, but I'm not really into fps...
Oh, don't worry about playing, nobody installs stuff around here, it's just the +1 and the trading cards... Profitz...
Good luck...
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I think I've only played Battlefront 2 on PS2 and a game on Master System. I haven't got around to playing KOTOR yet unfortunately, it's hard to catch up when you only started playing on PC in the 2010s
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If you wait too long for KOTOR, it might be too old to enjoy... :( So if you like that sort of game, here's hoping you can find the time sooner or later... :)
Good luck! :)
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ayyyy, when you get to playing KOTOR, it's highly recommended to download the Restoration Mod, as it adds back in alot of the content that Bioware left out as a result of rushing development. It makes a huge difference on quality
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Ah yes, I think I've heard about that, I'll keep it in mind (always best to check for that kind of stuff for old games anyway)
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Back in the day I enjoyed Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast games also multiplayer lightsaber dueling was really fun xD
Glad to be able to solve your puzzle this time, I feel a little bit less dumb now.
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I dunno, sounds like people aren't too impressed with how the light saber stuff looks in this game... :) So don't get your hopes up... :)
Ahh, sorry, it's a dumb puzzle, maybe there will be a real one some day but for now this is as close as we get... :)
Good luck! :)
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Okay, challenge accepted! I have three days to get to level 5, sounds doable. XD
I am big fan of KOTOR games! Also, I have bought both Battlefront games on Origins, but you know, no time to play them. ;)
Oh and can't wait to play some LEGO Star Wars!! :D
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Umm, if you already own enough leftover keys from bundles to reach level 5, that's worth a try... :) But if you're paying brand new money for just a chance to win this, umm... :) Maybe just buy the game instead, that's a 100% chance... :)
Lego Star Wars sounds vaguely familiar, now that you mention it. I'm pretty sure I've played something like that, or maybe I just watched my nephew play, and forgot? Sigh... :)
Good luck if you get there in time... :)
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Tadaaaaa, here I am. :D
Of course I used my leftovers. ;) Also I was really close, level 4.95, otherwise I would have just passed by. ;D
I think that everything with Lego in it must sound familiar. X)
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Aha, you did it, just in time! :) Congratulations! :)
Not sure where you can cash in those Steamgifts levels, but hopefully you can find something interesting to do with them... :) Oh, other than enter this giveaway, I mean... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Yeah, I dunno about the "looks very nice" part, but I'm 100% with you on the "not for me" part... :) Hopefully it gets trading cards so the winner can appreciate it properly... :)
Real puzzles are too hard, so this is all we get... :) Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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Hey, I figured it out! Woot! I am the smartest!
As far as favorite Star Wars game, it's a toss up between KOTOR and the original Tie Fighter. I can't separate either game from the nostalgia around them, so it's hard to chose a winner.
I do feel guilty about never finishing KOTOR 2. I don't remember why I stopped playing - something must have come up - and not I'm loathe to restart it.
SW The Old Republic as the Imperial Agent was actually surprisingly good at first, at least until the MMO bullshit took over and made me drop it. Once I hit level 14 and received my 13th skill on a cooldown that required breaking out the 3rd hotbar, I remembered why I don't play MMOs anymore and quit. Real shame, too, as it clearly had the hallmarks of a rather good single-player RPG.
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Hooray! :) So now I don't have to feel about about stumping anyone... :)
Hmm, yeah, nostalgia is tough... I'd probably die if I had to replay something like the old Ultima games, or Wing Commander, or whatever classics I've completely forgotten, but in my memory they were so awesome... Maybe it's better to leave them in the memory, sigh...
Big RPGs can be murder... If you reload an old save, your character is still super ultra murder man but the player is back to level 1 noob with a wooden sword. :( I think big games would benefit from a "just came back, re-tutorialise me please!" option... :)
Oh, yes, Imperial Agent, I remember thinking that was by far the most interesting part... :) Still stuck inside the same old MMO garbage, though... :( And KOTOR died for this? :(
Good luck! :)
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I know! The whole time I was playing SWTOR, I was thinking to myself - why must it be an MMO? Why couldn't this have been KOTOR 3? It would have been so good!
And I have often wished for a repeat-tutorial option. I think that's a great way of putting it - the character is still powered up and awesome, but the player is reset back to the beginning where they struggle to kill rats. I remember having to put down The Last of Us for a bit, and when I picked it back up again I couldn't remember the controls. It has lots of in-game tutorial messages you can review, but some of the controls are only mentioned in-game at the beginning of the game and never again. I ended up restarting the game so I could re-learn how to play.
Thankfully most games now have quest logs, but for games that don't... I am in the middle of playing West of Loathing, but I haven't played it for a couple months, and I know that when I do go back to it I'll be completely lost. With no real quest log, and having to remember manually what's where at what location, it's going to be painful to try to get back up to speed.
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Not entering, I'm not a fan of Star Wars. I've only played the Lego one. Thanks again for Dark Souls.
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Sorry I don't have any Jaws game to give away instead... :) Oh well... :)
Hope Dark Souls was fun, probably a lot better than this thing... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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Yes, very. I know you don't keep track, but I did have fun. If I ever have the time I'd like to play through it again. I've beaten all of the Dark Souls and even 100%'d the third game. I don't think I'll get around to doing that with the other games, but it would be neat to try out some other playstyles.
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It's definitely fun to replay, but I'd say wait until you're in the right mood for it, don't force yourself to do it just because... :) If you see someone talking about Dark Souls and it makes you think of all the stuff you haven't tried yet, maybe go for it then... :)
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I hope they won't offer us another loot boxes on Steam... ;-)
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Probably Valve will want a piece of the action... Can't give away the whole store... :)
Good luck! :)
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I love your puzzles. I always tend to overthink it. I start to look for some obscure ways to decipher it, and when I'm almost desperate - BAM! And I see the answer in plain text right under my nose. And I'm trying not to miss your puzzles, so I should know better where to look for an answer, and yet every time I do the same mistake. Oh well.
As for the favorite SW game - I chose Dark Forces, just because I'm at least sure I played it, heh. Not sure if I finished it though - it was LONG ago.
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Yeah, as a general rule for my puzzles if you're thinking at all you're working too hard... :) I'm too worn out to make any real puzzles, maybe some day though, who knows? :)
I didn't finish Dark Forces either... :( For stuff that old generally I remember finishing them, or giving up or whatever. :) Just weren't as many games back then, and you had to buy them one at a time... :)
Good luck! :)
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Back then I pirated games, so, you know, I never have too few... Actually, even back than I had much more games than I could possibly play...
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Arrrr, I didn't think of that... :)
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I hope it's a good game, thank you for the chance!
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And if not, keep hope alive for the trading cards! :) Good luck! :)
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I still feel ashamed for abandoning first kotor after one hour - I couldn't handle this form of combat.
Altough now I'm forced to play first dragon age and I'm kinda getting used to it... So maybe I will finish it one day? Who knows.
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Yeah, go back, actually play the second one too. Both are great! :)
Hmmmm, maybe there's a mod to let you one-shot everything so you can just ignore the combat and experience the story stuff... :)
Good luck! :)
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Naah.. I like my games hard...
And now I realised why I'm so slow with completing my backlog!
Have to rethink some things I guess...
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Always loving your puzzles, f! Thanks a ton!
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Sorry it's too easy... :) But that's less work for me, so hooray! :)
Good luck! :)
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the other game.... very interesting other
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I hope it's interesting, but probably it's not my sort of interesting... :) So rather than get bored with it myself, why not buy it for someone else instead? :) That way, if they hate it I'll never know... :)
Good luck! :)
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Friend said that it will be Dark Souls-like game, but I don't believe him. It's not the way EA is making their games. But who knows, maybe it will be hard enough be fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Btw my favorite is Republic Commando, but... as an RPG fan I'm really ashamed because I haven't played KOTOR yet.
May the force be with you and thanks for the chance! ^^
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I think to random people "like Dark Souls" means "super difficult, not for me"... :) And if random people think the new Star Wars game is "super difficult, not for me" they probably aren't going to buy it... :) So I think you are right, no reason EA will make people afraid to buy their shiny new game... :)
Hmmmm, I never played Republic Commando so we can be ashamed together. Oh well. :)
Wow, only 34 people entering this so far? That's some pretty good odds for a preorder game, kinda weird though...
Good luck! :)
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Lies of the Jedi!
Everyone knows this is the only Star Wars game worth to be played.
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Hmm, that's weird though, there must be some kind of typo: "Play through all six Star Wars movies in one videogame!" I thought there were only three movies? Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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This one has lovely looking graphics at least!
I misread your description and thought initially that you felt bad for not finishing KotOR 2, like I do! Then I read it again and realised I'm still all alone. For what it's worth, I finished Dark Forces twice I think. What a waste.
Thank you fiftykyu.
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You can always go back and try to finish those old games some day, or at least that's what I keep pretending... :) Don't let me know that I'm just deluding myself, keep hope alive! :)
Hope it's got some shiny foil cards, otherwise it looks kinda meh here... :) The perfect game for someone else to buy, so you can save your cash for something you'd actually enjoy... :)
Good luck! :)
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Hahaha. Yes, that sounds a lot like me. "I'm sure I'll go back and play that one day." sigh
This one looks very fancy. That has to be worth something, right? ;)
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Hopefully the winner will find out... :) Maybe it will get fancy trading cards... :)
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Only ever played the one Star Wars game I won here but mehh it has no trading cards and I kinda was pretty disappointed and quit trying to get that black light saber in the last level, I just couldn't reach it.
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Hmm, I never tried that game, probably bought it in a Star Wars sale and forgot about it... :( Maybe I'll take a look some day, but most likely I'll forget about it all over again in a few days... :(
Good luck! :)
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I have finished most SW games except, you know, Dark Forces 😅
My favorites are the KoTOR games and Tie Fighter. Both KoTOR are still very playable, but I can't touch Tie Fighter, not even with my nostalgia glasses on. If there is a game that really needs a remake is Tie Fighter.
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I tried to play Dark Forces again recently, and I ended up stuck in some sewer level(?) - kept zooming around and around but couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, finally said screw it and gave up. :(
Lot of Tie Fighter fans in here... :) I think there's money to be made in remaking all the classics, but most likely we'd all buy it again and forget to play... :(
Good luck! :)
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