
It's a Lootboy key so you know the drill. Please enter only if you agree to delete in case the key is a dupe.

Good Luck (β€’β€Ώβ€’)

Hello! I hope it's okay to comment on here because I don't want to bother you on Steam. πŸ˜…My visits to SG has decreased in the past few months, but when I can, I want to find the folks who whitelisted me! I feel bad I'm only getting around to doing this now especially since I think most of the whitelists happened after some chats/ nice interactions on here. Unfortunately after being MIA here I've forgotten a lot. There's been some whitelists though that I don't know who are from/why 😳

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you whitelisted me back in July, possibly after our conversation in the Pride Month thread?. It was fun reading this conversation again today. Though I'm also shocked this thread got locked?!

I would like to whitelist you too and hopefully I have some cool games as giveaways in the future. I've seen your opinions on some discussion, and as appreciated blue hearts are, I do always hope that people I give them to or give them to me aren't completely awful (sexist, racist, homophobic, etc). A bit TMI but yeah. You seem like a cool and open-minded person!

Thank you if you had or have whitelisted me, I never expect anything, especially from just a short talk. But if you never whitelisted me, oooops, forget about this post and hope you have a good day! Haha. πŸ˜„πŸ€˜πŸΌ

5 years ago*

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Heh I was just going through my whitelist (I do checks periodically to see if anyone's gone) and wondering where you went.

You are not wrong, I did WL you and the Pride Month thread customarily gets locked after the end of July. I guess we can only be proud in June lol. I think a Pride thread could work all year long but what do I know?

Trust me, if you spend a week reading general discussion threads, you'll have a pretty good idea of who the assholes are on SG because they don't try to hide in the least so you're probably fine with people you whitelisted.
I even started using the Enhances SteamGifts browser addon so I could put some people on Ignore because there's only so many times I can read "SJW" in a week and while I generally have fun making trolls spin, SG is a place I'd like to relax.

I like to think I'm open-minded except when it comes to close-minded people, which I guess makes me a bit of a hypocrite lol.
I don't really have patience for people who pretend that telling them they are bigots when they say gay people are gross, is somehow infringing on their right to free speech...

I added you on Steam so feel free to message me there if/when you want.

5 years ago

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Ahhh I'm so sorry for replying two weeks later! Life is busy nowadays, so my apologies 😭And that is so cool that you did WL me after the Pride month conversation, again it surprised me, but that's nice. πŸ™πŸΌ

I agree with pretty much you said above especially this:

Trust me, if you spend a week reading general discussion threads, you'll have a pretty good idea of who the assholes are on SG because they don't try to hide in the least so you're probably fine with people you whitelisted.

Oh yeah, haha. People can be surprising still as this is the internet, but it is easy to know the folks I wouldn't want to talk to. Sorry again for replying late, luckily I WL you before things got busy.

Btw, Happy Halloween if you celebrate it πŸŽƒIf not, I hope your last day of October is good at least! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

5 years ago*

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Happy Halloween to you!

I'm a Canuck so I'm very much into Halloween but I live in France where they are not that much so it's a struggle even to find a pumpkin to carve. I do miss seeing hordes of kids dressed up and roaming the neighborhood the most though.

They celebrate Samhain even less than Halloween and my girlfriend is into Wicca so we are doubly misfits, which is not an unusual feeling for either of us lol

Hope yo'ure doing well, beside real life keeping you busy.

5 years ago

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