
Hi, Enjoy this gift!!

This legendary game!!

Thanks for the wishlist giveaway. )

8 years ago

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Thank you:)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the GA =D I had a question; how did you send the gift? I didn't receive anything in my email (not in my spam folder either), nothing on Steam or a code. Maybe something went wrong when you send it?

8 years ago

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Hello, there is no problem, the problem is that you have the private profile of steam, and I think that your profile should be public to be able to enter the sweepstakes.
I sent them a ticket to the steamgift support so that they can answer me, and it will take more 3 days to reply me. Thanks for the interest.

8 years ago

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Ok. Well, you could have asked for me to make my profile public for a week or so and I would have done so. I like my privacy on the internet, but I do not have a problem with temporary making things public for a good reason. But I guess not everyone makes their profile public when they are asked.

8 years ago

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So how come they let you in steamgifts if your profile is not public and you require it when you make an account ??

I don´t have any problem if i can see you activated the game in your account.

Can you do it public at 4:00 pm london hour? So that I can see it and settle the matter?

8 years ago*

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When you make and sync your account you have to make it public. But once you have done so, you can set it to private again. And saving any changes such as removed games or added games on my wishlist is important to do even before Sg tells you to resync your account (I only enter wishlist GA's).

I will set my account to public for 2 days. That way you can check when you have time :)

8 years ago

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OK, the gift send to you, thanks for the patience, im a newie xDDD!! and sorry for the inconvenience. And to continue participating in more steamgifts! Bye.

8 years ago

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No problem; it is better to be cautious and to be sure of things. And I had it happen once before that the GA creator went through support to make sure everything was checking out alright with me because of my private profile ^^ So while it is unusual, you are not the only one whose first action is to contact support.

Thanks again for the GA :)

Ps, you might want to inform support that the issue is resolved ^^

8 years ago

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"Ps, you might want to inform support that the issue is resolved ^^"

Yes, I did not forget that, now I delete the ticket, they have not paid much attention to me, the ticket is 4 days old and they have not even looked at it. : D

8 years ago

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Ha ha xD Well, sometimes they are slow and sometimes they are lightning quick to respond. I also once also did get a response that my issue (a unlisted game) would be submitted to another person who would presumably come back to me about it. I never heard of it again, until I tried it again last year and the issue was resolved really quickly ^^

I guess that sometimes they are busy or overlook things x)

8 years ago

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