
Old keys I found to keep you busy & safe during Corona. Please allow me to delete the giveaway in the unlikely event that it doesn't work (e.g. incorrect game/DLC, dupe or region lock)

As for the game itself, I got a good 15+ hours of time out of this when doing 100% of the single player, having a lot of fun jumping around and shooting up the bad guys in this very polished game. However, I also got to laugh a lot as Lara is continually punished in the most outrageous and ridiculous ways non-stop through the whole adventure, and I just became so immune to caring about her at all (she has a very bland personality). The gameplay & exploration are the strong points of this title, not the narrative (I didn't find myself caring for her shipmates AT ALL in the game).

All that said, this was my favourite of the 3 new Tomb Raider games from the recent reboot, whereas the next two games (Rise and Shadow) both completely overstay their welcome.

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