Ah ok :)
Small duh.

edit: okay i get that part, yet the answer eludes me...for now.

7 years ago*

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Hmm, bedtime for me. I found all the info you left us, and I thought I applied it correctly, but nothing works so far, maybe tomorrow.

7 years ago

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Welp, thinking in process -_- Only got Q2 so far obviously. Not sure if we shall use Q2 to get the decoding for Q3 or if there is anything else to do. For Q1 not even the slightest idea (well, those I had didn't work)

7 years ago

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Well, I think I'm the dumbest here since I haven't got a single idea since opening the ITH page >< (except for Q2 obviously)

7 years ago

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yes, got this far!
2/3 solved. Q3 ith for me, never understood those kind of "tricks" I'll try a few more times though :)

7 years ago*

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Q3... at least I tried xD

7 years ago

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Oh sure, perro got it, lol.

7 years ago

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Don't know how to decrypt it, but I know what the blueprint is...
The hint doesn't work with Q2 if the alphabet is of 26 letters.-> This is wrong, I was thinking of different shifts based on the position in the string, but it's not that kind of thing.

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Stuck here now.

7 years ago

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OK, I am here and now what? No idea about answers to Q1 and 3... Probably I am not good enough in eglish as I don't understand what the hint is telling me :(

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I am hopeless, still no idea :(

7 years ago

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well, I'm so dumb...... :|
still no idea for q1 though..

7 years ago*

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And... stucked again..

7 years ago

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Q3 was easy, but I have no idea about Q1, even went back to see if I've missed something, but nothing. Guess it's time to wait for hints.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Can you reroll please, just won the same game a few days ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the game! And for the excellent puzzle too. Pity my mental capabilities weren't enough to crack the code.

7 years ago

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