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768 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
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2,796 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Fluffster
71% of our planet is covered with water. And yet we still have to build anything under our many oceans, at least anything inhabitable.
How lame is that?
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That's a real shame. As long as we don't know how to do that, we're not ready for space
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Yeah but "I'm going to be the King of Mars" is a better boasting line than "I'm going to be King Triton" and Elon can't afford the memes if he says he's gonna be Aquaman...
Although... he already had Aquaman's wife so...
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...that we know of...
I'd argue that the navy is likely to have built a few underwater stations for training, and resupply.
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Maybe, maybe not. It seems likely but at the same time if they had, there's a decent chance that technology would have spread a little. Not the secret tech but offshoots of the tech. Like say... microwave ovens were an offshoot of the US Navy's research into radar tech.
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I'm thinking there is a sharp cost due to the materials used, but also there are things such as carbon fiber and nanotubes that could be usd.
Also it'd only take a couple of unknown tech uses fr them to be able to take bits openly manufactured, and utilized for other purposes.
Stepping back from the more crazy theories. At the very least they have discovered undersea caverns, and likely utilized them by pumping in air.
Most the tech we use for oil rigs, could also be useful in this case.
Also good to note that supposedly our space tech has barely increased in 70 years. So much so that normal corporations do a better job than the government. Which leads me to believe discoveries from last century have been heavily classified.
So i'm on the side that believes there is a US Space Fleet, that is super secret and unknown to most. I'd assume similar tech would also be in the ocean.
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Well I don't know how far we've come but it's very very likely that we have come further than most of us know.
Just like I'm sure we have come way further when it comes to energy alternatives and a lot of that technology is sitting in storage somewhere in Big Oil offices waiting to be unearthed when they can't make any more money on oil.
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I assume they're at least 2 generations of tech, or about a hundred years ahead of what we know of.
Also pretty sure there's a better energy source than oil, but they cant let us have it, because it would give us too much freedom, and thus make us harder to keep under control.
I'm less of a conspiracy theorist/believer, and more pragmatic about how humans historically treat eachother, and what strategies i would use if in power.
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Well there are conspiracy theories and then there are all the glaring plot holes of our history that tend to repeat itself so it's not like it's hard to fill in the blanks.
And it's not even just stuff that for sure exists but every time I see a movie with teleportation, I have to lmao. Imagine the trillions of dollars in the transportation of goods and people just going poof overnight. If teleportation ever is made possible, on more than a quantum level, it'll be disappeared before we ever knew it existed.
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To be fair, water at depth gets pretty heavy unlike space.
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True but maybe there would be ways to remedy that. I am faaaaar from being a scientist or an engineer. I just think that there are areas we just don't try hard enough (like energy alternatives took forever to even consider for example) because failure is inevitable in the beginning and corporations and investors don't like that.
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I think it mostly has to do with economics. People love capitalism but it really is holding back advancement. People love to crap all over Elon Musk but he's one of the few people spearheading advancement. Also I am not sure how hurricanes would affect low depth structures and high depth structures would need a lot of reinforcement to deal with pressure. That would really tie back into economics though.
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He's really not. You would think so from the way he advertises himself every time he puts money anywhere but there are a lot of people spearheading advancement in many areas.
I love space but I think a lot more time and efforts should be spent fixing the one planet we fucked up and the one we know for sure we can live in (unless we keep fucking it up)
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He has the only successful entirely electric automotive company. People can deny global warming all they want and spout off about how fossil fuels and the vehicles that use them are cheaper but no matter what people believe I feel electric is superior to fossil fuels. He also is against censorship which people can laugh at and talk about how twitter is triple X now but I would rather that than what's at the opposite end of the spectrum. Those people at the other end chop your head off and burn you alive among other things. There are a lot of advancements beyond space which is a very big thing. You seem to be forgetting the "all your eggs in one basket scenario". Earth has experienced global life ending scenarios before, this isn't fiction it's fact. And it WILL happen again, probably not in our lifetimes but if we don't pursue ways of travelling to and living on other planets then we are just dooming ourselves to the inevitable. So it's good that he and a few others have kicked up some dust in the space programs. He is only human and he is autistic which makes him an easy target but I believe he means well. Just my thoughts.
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Let's not act like he created Tesla. All he ever did was put his daddy's money, and then the money he made by doing it, into other people's ideas and creations. In fact he most likely pushed out the ones who did and screwed them over massively
I actually am not laughing. I'm scared shitless that people still buy that preposterous premise. He has censored people on Twitter many times for disagreeing with him, making fun of him, criticizing him, making public records available, reporting the news and hm... making money for political opponents I guess... also his competition? and TwitterX is now complying with more censorship requests from governments, some of which are definitely not good guys, than it ever did before.
I don't care he's autistic. I didn't even know that. And he's not "just human". He's a superhuman. Or so he thinks. And he also doesn't think people like you and me should vote.... Only the Oligarchs... just like the good old days of uh... not Democracy.
Just my thoughts
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I don't do politics sorry, I don't care what his or your political views are. All politics is garbage powered by money. Nobody who actually cares about the little man is ever going to be in power. Your personal views on Elon Musk as a person are also irrelevant. He still took Tesla to where it is today. You seem to be making this some sort of personal vendetta and getting angry at this point so I'm done with it. I don't have any stake in Elon Musk but you seem to have quite a large one. I'm not entirely sure about X, I don't use it but the few times I have snooped around a LOT more was being allowed than had been in the past. Notably porn, some of which the legality is questionable, zoophilia. These are just unbiased observations, I'm not for or against any of it particularly beyond basic principles and I certainly don't worship nor denigrate. To be fair I don't spend a lot of time researching all of it so perhaps Elon Musk is some kind of secret Nazi anti-christ but I somehow doubt it. I think he is just a good businessman with some personal flaws. Again just my thoughts and you are welcome to say your piece but I'm moving on from this as it seems to be a bad focal point. Sorry for any misconceptions or perceived slights.
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I am all for letting the conversation drop, but this long of a "let's let it drop' with so many counterpoints isnt very 'dropped'. :D
Also, I don't think Musk is being particularly secret about his anti-things. Anti trans, anti low income people voting. I don't mind a good 'head in the sand', but even I notice this stuff eventually. Thanks, Fluff, for the links to references.
I like scientific progress. Agreed that there are lots of less recognized people doing work for it. Super keen on the CHIPS and Science act, which seems like it's doing useful stuff in the US
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No it's very dropped for me. I don't want to agitate anyone and they seem very agitated about Elon Musk. That's fine, it is their opinion and I respect that but there is no need to stir a pot just to stir it. I just like to explain myself as best I can that is all.
I am sure you can find dirt on anyone if you go looking for it. Even Ghandi had flaws and to go back to politics for just a moment if any leader actually cared about the little guy it was him and look what happened to him.
And about trans people, while I support their opinion I personally don't agree with the concept. The issue is there are a lot of them competing in sports and while there are a lot of strong and fast women out there they just cannot match a man at their level. This isn't an opinion it is fact and you merely need to look at fastest running times and other figures. A lot of trans people are also hiding who they are by simply omitting certain facts and when their partners find out it usually ends badly. Then there are the attention seekers who just do things to be in the spotlight. Being gender fluid seems to be quite popular right now among celebrities. So while I support people being who they are and pursuing what they want at least be honest about it. As for sports I guess maybe they need to create special trans divisions in the spirit of fairness. Again these are just my thoughts and I have no personal stake in any of it really. Sorry if I explain anything poorly and I hold no malice towards trans people, there's enough hate in the world.
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I mean, as a tomboy in my youth, us girls just wanted to be allowed to play all the sports... I totally get fairness and all that, but ... to me they're just sports. I have nothing invested in the games, and fairness has always been an issue in competitive commercially or internationally supported sports. If they're going to make a deal of testosterone and estrogen, just test everyone and have levels like they do weight classes. :D
I don't know any trans people hiding who they are. I only know trans people trying to unhide who they are. But there's definitely a lot of people trying to make drama.
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There are a few out there hiding trust me, you usually see them on the news. Not saying it's right or wrong but a lot of people out there are very set in their ways and if they are dating someone they think is a woman and later find out it's not that can cause a lot of problems. Believe me I know most trans people are just normal people trying to live their lives in a world that is very much against them. It would be great if we could all live how we want to live but at the end of the day with society the majority rules and the outliers always suffer. I could say more but apparently people don't like "walls of text".
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As a woman, we are constantly having to be concerned with rapists and various men waiting to attack us as we walk at night. So I'm not terribly impressed with the concern that someone somewhere might possibly be trans and get in a relationship and someone's feelings get a bit hurt.
These men should do what we are told to do. Take classes for your own protection. Female presenting people are taught to travel in pairs, carry mace, never be distracted while walking. Since this involves feelings and romantic negotiation, perhaps men concerned for their romantic safety should take classes in how to open up to their potential partners, to discuss things openly, to be able to talk about subjects important to them.
I don't mind walls of text, if that's a mention for my comment. It's funny to have a wall of text that starts off with, "let's not discuss this anymore." :D
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Not all languages are left to right or top to bottom for that matter so I'm not sure what placement would have to do with anything. Seems more like a having the last word scenario which honestly doesn't matter to me. I can say that I am done with something and never leave another reply personally. I can't speak for others.
I won't however talk about rape, torture or mutilation so if you are trying to turn this into something revolving around that then this is where I get off. I am sorry if something has happened to you or someone you know because it does happen but I don't honestly feel like this is the place to talk about those matters.
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I'm not sure where placement comes in either. :D
I'm just saying that the odds someone's feelings will be hurt by a stealth trans person in a relationship seems vanishingly small. But probably would provoke a lot of outcry.
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The chances of being struck by a meteor are also quite small but it still happens.
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Sure. I guess. Is that something that worries you? Because you're more likely to be struck by lightning. There's an entire Wikipedia page of unusual deaths you could worry about, however.
(Now I'm curious how many people will go read that page. It's long and looks like quite the timesink!)
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Just saying things happen. And no I don't worry about any of it because there are real issues to think about like should I wear a red shirt or a black shirt. Or maybe should I drink tea or fruit juice. It is more about stating that just because you haven't seen something happen or believe that it is even possible doesn't mean that it in fact doesn't happen. In fact I have seen things much more absurd than a trans person trying to hide what they are. One thing that comes to mind is people falling 10,000+ feet without a parachute and surviving. Frogs being frozen completely in solid ice and being fine after thawing out months later. In fact there is an arctic moth that takes multiple years to mature from a caterpillar because it freezes. There is a jellyfish that is more or less immortal because it can revert to a polyp and release clones of itself. Lots of weird stuff out there. As for worry I guess viruses that have been frozen for millions of years finding new life in the modern world due to permafrost thawing is sort of worrisome. Also rate of mutation skyrocketing due to factory farming and crowded cities. Bacteria becoming more resistant and even immune to antibiotics and bleach such as C. diff.
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I wish I could 💙 you twice.
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I wouldn't care about Elon's politics if he didn't make it 99% of who he is. You don't do politics but you seem concerned about the planet and the effect of pollution, which I totally agree with. Apparently this is politics now, just like the weather and people using whatever pronouns they want. And speaking of pollution, the candidate he supports thinks pollution is not a matter of concern and has actively blocked regulations and laws that helped prevent it but I digress. Hey he owns an electric car company so it's all awash or something.
They are totally irrelevant. And yet you challenged me on a random comment I made in good humor in a conversation that wasn't with you so I guess I had to expand on them.
I don't know what in my post made it appear that I was angry or on a vendetta. Facts? I guess they can appear one-sided. Better to ignore them if it helps the cult of personality.
You literally white-knighted in every conversation I had which involved him on this site and for anyone who cares, it was two. I'm not obsessed with him lol
That is very weird and random but ok. I wasn't a Twitter user before so I'll trust you on that.
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Yes as I said the joke is X is for XXX since people post a lot of porn even with animals. Sex sells. Whether this is good or bad I cannot say but it probably has a lot to do with censorship pressure from multiple sources against the platform. But as I said I am done with the topic because I don't want to aggravate anyone intentionally or not, enough people already falsely believe I am passive aggressive and a troll and any number of things. It is interesting to see other peoples views on the subject though.
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No problem. You know I don't hold grudges for discussing things, buddy.
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Pretty sure there is at least one Post Apocalyptic game based around diving underwater.
Although the apocalypse is normally something like your spaceship crashed on an unknown planet.
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kinda.. ;)
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You win . I was really sure none existed!
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XCom has Terror from the Deep, and there's that new one ...Underwater Abyss? Something like that. Not quite post apocalyptic I guess.
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There's also SOMA!
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Doesn't Bioshock count?
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It's not really post apocalyptic :)
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I found a few thanks to steamdb's multi-tag search!
I think the ones that look the best are Sunkenland
Sonorous | Deep Down Below
Arden's Wake Seems like a beautiful story but Vr only sadly :(
Call from the Abyss Looks really cool but no English language at the moment!
and Glaciered which I'm surprised I haven't seen before, the graphics are wild!
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Very interesting, thank you !
Glaceried and Sunkenland look both interesting !
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Some do exist for sure, but I personally want one in the ice Arctic
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It's not quite underwater (because you navigate on the surface) but Submerged is all about the flooded ruins of modern day civilization in a post-apocalyptic future.
It's a lot more common for games dealing with underwater ruins to be set in the present and dealing with a fallen great civilization of the past, likely because they're all getting inspired by the myth of Atlantis.
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Sierra had the Outpost games in the 90s where, iirc, your entire building process was underground (on the moon!), so that definitely had a unique vibe that's probably at least in part resemblant of what you'd have with a fully underwater city.
There's definitely been post-apoc stuff where water plays a part, but if it's fully or near-fully underwater, it's definitely nearly always a localized (rather than global) apocalyptic event (ala Atlantis or a ship sinking, or something akin to Bioshock, where an underwater facility had something bad happenn to it) or takes place on an alien planet, as others have already noted.
I think the main reason is simply a game design one- at the point where the water no longer has land to contrast against, in adventure/action games there's no real need to add in a full apocalyptic setting (since you'll be underwater the whole time anyway, and there's easier explanations that'd make that work), and in full strategy/sim games you'd basically just be playing on land at that point, since there's no other terrain type to contrast against.
There's an absolute boatload (ha) of games out there where you're perpetually on a raft or boat or island or similar, though. While survival games in the style of Sunkenland are the obvious ones (as there's like 5 or 6 in that style now, though only a few are post-apoc rather than "our plane crashed in the intro") thanks to the enduring influence of Waterworld, and quite a few games like Raft have you perpetually building up a boat with land being scarce or non-existant, there's also plenty of Pirate games or games like Overfall or Sunken Sea or Dredge where your core focus is sailing around on a boat, where islands are simply a place to visit and nothing more.
Again, those mostly take place in "a strange realm" or "in the grand age of piracy", rather than in a post-apocalyptic setting but, as I noted before, that's probably just because there's no real need to add that in unless you're planning on doing a weird cyberpunk pirate setting, where the post-apoc could help justify an anachronistic setting. Which, I mean, ABSOLUTELY all for, but.. rather a bit more effort to develop, probably. ;P
And then, finally, you have Flotsam which is, while still above water on a raft city, an entirely water-based post-apoc-set city builder game. Taking a look at that, and then at games like Sunkenland where you swim around underwater for resources, you really get the vibe that an underwater version of flotsam would simply just replace island exploration with underwater exploration, making the games pretty indistinguishable from one another, gameplay-wise.
As such, in conclusion, I think the real limitation is in noone having a good enough idea yet to justify building a game entirely underwater, rather than above it, given the added dimensions and easier conceptual design that basing the game above water provides. Then again, a game where you play as Atlanteans who then have to deal with land-dweller incursions could definitely be the city-builder/Dungeon Keeper hybrid we've always secretly wanted.
So.. yeah, I guess you just need to find someone to pitch that idea to? :'P
In any case, I'm quite fine with the city/colony builders that take place above land, as well. Thanks a bunch for the game,Swordoffury. :)
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That's a very interesting analysis , extremely detailed and well argumented!
Thanks for that, andcongratulations for your game.
Now you kinda made me want to play an atlantean DK game :p
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