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Okay, now I finally ran out of slots. I tried making support ticket yesterday, but I guess I should have made it sooner. Sorry icaio, I should have listened to you.


you're so awesome, my buddy. thanks for your help... and your beautiful giveaway's slots 🐽

12 hours ago

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i was wondering when it was finally gonna happen

11 hours ago

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Since you changed the discussion title, does that mean if I get extra slots I can still make more cart as long as it's 27th in local time?

11 hours ago

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ngl, just noticed that some giveaways end in 10 hours so i think i'm gonna add the final cart in 10 hours from now before they do.

so 10 hours from now is when the last cart gonna get added

11 hours ago

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11 hours ago

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Wow... I can't imagine running out of slots myself... That is achievement in itself.

5 hours ago

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Apparently I have over 400 slots... must have been one of "those" insane trains from yore...

3 hours ago

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810 left... I think it is 1 per 4 successful giveaways. Minus any deleted ones...

3 hours ago

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1 per 3

1 hour ago

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I asked for a few hundred years ago but it seems to have grown over time...

1 hour ago

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