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Quick poll: which group in SG is the best one in your opinion?

Playing Appreciated used to be my response but it's not as active as it used to be so I'd say Unlucky 7 because what's coolest than helping newbies get their start?

2 weeks ago

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Of course my group is the best.
(That's a lie.)😋

I generally agree with your assertion.
There are several private steam groups in SG, but it seems that when people's daily activities in SG are going well, UFOs come and grab them.🛸🐄😲

2 weeks ago

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You had a group! What happened?

UFOs come and grab them

That's a reasonable explanation. I'll take it.

2 weeks ago

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I kinda want to join your group :D

2 weeks ago

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I am totally biaised on that, as one of my favorite things here is to gift newcomers

2 weeks ago

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I agree with Unlucky 7. It's a great idea.

2 weeks ago

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You mean unlicky 7? 🐱

2 weeks ago

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Haha oops. Typo ;)

2 weeks ago

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Unfortunately recruitment for PA has been closed for a while. Playing Matters is somewhat similar but the requirement to beat wins scares me.

1 week ago

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I am in the same boat but Play or Pay looks cool.

1 week ago

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Yeah PoP and PAGYWOSG are both good motivators to complete games, as is the BLAEO site.

1 week ago

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None. Or maybe I’m just a snob.

2 weeks ago

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I saw someone call you that, but I personally don't think you are !

2 weeks ago

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They just have opinions which happen to not be popular like myself. It would be great if we could all just accept that fact instead of going after and blacklisting each other but whatever.

2 weeks ago

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Why? Cz its pretty cool to see a bunch of random people of different nationalities making an effort to address their backlog in a fun way. Some of them are hardcore tho. Also I love the memes in the Discord server.
Recently join Play or Pay, was hesitant initially cause I didn't want to be burdened/forced to play someone else's choice! But turns out the selection is flexible and the minimum requirement to progress is extremely easy!

2 weeks ago*

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Recently join Play or Pay, was hesitant initially cause I didn't want to be burdened/forced to play someone else's choice! But turns out the selection is flexible and the minimum requirement to progress is extremely easy!

I have had the same reservations about joining the group but I may rethink that. I just need to figure out how BLAEO works first lol

2 weeks ago

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If you do give it a chance some day, do try Kubikill's excellent script. Makes list-making a breeze!
BLAEO is also excellent to sift through all your games, there is community engagement there too.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the added info. I'll definitely give it a go.
I'm currently sifting through my library and deleting games I have played and/or will never play but there is so much I'd like to play, I need to organize.

2 weeks ago

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Come joing, Fluffster! \o/

2 weeks ago

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Heh you make it so tempting. I see the next cycle is in October so i'll create a BLAEO profile and sign up
You have no idea how long the group has been in my bookmarks

2 weeks ago*

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Say no more! Act today! giggles

2 weeks ago

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I was reluctant at first but I realized 3 months to beat 6 games is largely doable (in fact on the 2 times I participated , I finished early) Sure there are some very long games that are very long to finish. But you really need to beat just 2 games , and as CoP said, if there is a game that you really don't want to play, you can ask it to be repicked.

Plus people are really helpful and nice (Wink wink Nin)

2 weeks ago

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I was reluctant at first but I realized 3 months to beat 6 games is largely doable

I managed for CJ's monthly event several times so 3 months is a good time frame even to play a longish game on top of the others. I imagine if I was a completionist that would be a problem but I'm fine beating games and leaving the 100% for later if it's doable.

Plus people are really helpful and nice (Wink wink Nin)

Heh I can see that. I already got a lot if help (Wink wink all 3 of you)

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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I like very much PAGYWOSG :)

2 weeks ago

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I do like groups that don't remove you for not making regular contributions but as far as a favorite not really sure. I guess PAGYWOSG is pretty good. The event motivates people to play their wins but I have noticed some people cheese it with games that take less than an hour to complete.

2 weeks ago

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At least they don't just idle their games. It's not like there's a big prize at the end. It's just to motivate people to play their games, depending on their time and what they feel like playing.

2 weeks ago

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In the end, it was still an hour long game they won in Steamgifts, I suppose. So wins being played.

I don't have tons of time or thinking to me in a day, so sometimes I join short narrative games giveaways for kind of relaxing night gaming.

2 weeks ago

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There are supposedly rules about this but it is not my place to judge. It does however seem unfair when most people are plunking down at least 10 hours into it and a few come along with games like "100 cats in blah blah" and blow it off in less than 10 minutes. Enjoying the game or what kind of game you play is honestly irrelevant. I certainly don't play games I don't enjoy. The "issue" is that some people do it on purpose just like they use scripts to automatically solved jiggidi's in a fraction of the time. I mean honestly people can do whatever they want but it's still slightly frustrating.

2 weeks ago

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no clue, i am too scared to apply to any,
but unlucky 7 is a really good one.

2 weeks ago

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Nin being biased :3

PoP/PagywoSG xD

2 weeks ago

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I'm really liking PAGYWOSG, but I think Unlucky 7 is the coolest group idea. Thoughtful. PAGYWOSG is thoughtful also, just not quite the same way. Encouraging perhaps.

2 weeks ago

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I'm still in love with PA - thankfully, I was one of the last people to join before it closed.

1 week ago

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as Fluffster said: PA cause it's truly more than a Group. still luv ya the tons, Ref!

then, Unlucky, cause of Oppen' moderation and the awesome idea that is.

1 week ago

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MGoF (Masafors Group of Friends) because no cheaters there, no needed min. level restriction, friendly people.

1 week ago

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The unlucky 7 was my first won. It took me a long and a lot to get my first win, i was so unlucky back then

1 day ago

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