
I love this saga. I wanted to gifted it to a friend and didn't check if he had it (i knew he had the first one), and well he have it. F for me.

The key is from Fanatical and it was purchased today (few hours ago), so it should work.

There could be some restrictions in few countries that im not 100% sure. I checked and almost all the countries are allowed to activate the key, but if it's not the case, please let me delete the GA!

As usual, if you win and redeem it, please mark it as 'received'.

Not doing it will mean I will blacklist you from future GAs. I don't blacklist in general but piss me off make a ticket after a week because someone decided to know marked as a received, so that's the punishment lol

More than that, enjoy it!

Key has been sent! :)

7 months ago

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