
Are you a fan of Umberto Eco's novel "The Name of the Rose" and/or Jean-Jacques Annaud's film of the same name? Do you enjoy adventure games with a retro look and great pixel art? Immersive environments and ambience? Then you should try the recently released game "The Abbey of Crime Extensum" .

"The Abbey of Crime Extensum" is inspired by both the novel and the film, and is based on the spanish game "La abadía del crimen" by Paco Menéndez and Juan Delcán, published in 1987 for 8-bit computers (Amstrad CPC, MSX and Spectrum).

It's available FOR FREE on Steam. GO TRY IT RIGHT NOW!!

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Yo vote en positivo por el juego The Abbey of Crime Extensum " en GreenLight, tras leerlo en un articulo de la web Hobby Consolas. Creo que deje rastro de mi voto, en los comentarios, nada mas al votarlo. Un autentico clásico, que se estaba haciendo de rogar, para hacer su acto de presencia en Steam. Pero al fin esta.
Gracias por este sorteo.

8 years ago

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