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Did someone impress you here? For me Aneve and Chris76de are the ones. They offered so many games (including to me) on different threads, to perfect strangers, by pure generosity. These 2 people morivated me to stay here.

There were some marvellous people around during my 10 years on this site. However, most moved on by now.

5 months ago

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Most of my whitelist is "last online x years ago"

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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icaio secretly has a harem.
I do like my interactions with him though :)

5 months ago

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the first one that came to mind was you, and i'm not saying that to be flattering. You gifted me Midnight Suns, and as a massive marvel fan it made me really happy :D. Aside from you, Ieniu, canis39, [NU NRG] LosT_SouL_VL, Lugum, ConanOLion, Bombaklats, wigglenose, MarvashMagalli, FranckCastle, Crakocia, Korlagwan, followbubbles, Oppenh4imer, Foxpile, defence5, josmerod, Drayze, valaketchni, dmitriyn7, Fillipw, Ninglor03, ophello, smatiofy, Drafek and AJBlack are some of the people that left me a positive impression. Definitely forgetting others though

5 months ago*

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hey congrats on one year on SG!

5 months ago

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Thank you, and glad to see you here as well! :)

5 months ago

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Awww , that's nice of you. I rememer this win. You were so happy, and that's a very good memory.

5 months ago

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CowOfDarkness was the first person that I saw on here that seemed to be motivated by pure generosity. He was the first person I saw that just... gave away games. Directly, person to person -- no giveaways, no CV. Just 'hey I have a game that you want, I'm going to give it to you.' Definitely inspired me. (Now we have a thread just about every year where a bunch of people do this, and it's awesome to be a part of).

5 months ago

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Same. And there have been others since who just have been very generous without any reason to be, no CV no level, just "hey I saw you had this game wishlisted and I have a key I won't be using". I did it several times myself just to spread the karma around but Cow was the first to be cool enough to do that for me.
s4k1s was the latest. He's also a really cool guy.

5 months ago

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There are so many cool kids around here. I am impressed every day by people on SG.
Look at CJComplex. Every month, he actually buys full priced recent games from SG's community wishlist to create an event that will get people playing their backlog. How about Samwise and everyone helping out for the PAGYW event every month to motive us to play our wins?
And Fiddler who came back from retirement just to get the ball rolling on this train?

It's humbling really.

5 months ago

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That's totally right, and you also have Jbondguy that still manages the very positie thread!

5 months ago

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And we need the positivity more and more every year!

5 months ago

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I dont want to name names, but some users here have a wicked sense of humor. Some misunderstand them as rude and harsh tho. But I love reading those unapologetic funny interactions.

5 months ago

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A bunch of people. Mainly regular puzzle creators. I like a nice brain teaser or jigidi and while doing a random image or a quick quize isn't that hard, there is a (rolling) set of people who really put their hearts to it to provide some high quality entertainment to the community

5 months ago

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So many people ❤️

5 months ago

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There were many but sadly most moved on and never came back. I'm sure there are still some great people around but I rarely contribute to the forums so I don't get to know them.

5 months ago

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I absolutely love the tricky puzzles on this site. Especially the ones TomasMacMordaine has created, I am madly impressed by his puzzles. It also inspired me to do a similar one. I also have ideas for more as soon as I have the time to complete these ideas.

5 months ago

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Impress? Hm, I would say JeffHowe for the puzzle pyramids he organized years ago. That was some real dedication. However, I understand how it wasn't feasible to keep doing this. There are also people who show a lot of generosity which keep the site running but "impressed" is something more special.

There are also a lot of older puzzle creators / community members I enjoyed interacting with like (I take no guarantee to remember their names correctly) SamusX or Nordhbane or Oppenheimer. Or EvilBlackSheep. Or Aurora. Or the one with the silhouette before the window whose name I can't remember right now. A lot of people stopped coming to SteamGifts or became mostly silent. The average steamgifts winner attitude makes it hard to keep on staying generous.

5 months ago

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Most of the remaining 'founders' of SG say the same thing. Must have been really nice years ago.

But I still think there are nice people left , cool events, and still room fo give.

The only thing worrying me is that the site is not really updated.

5 months ago

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Not sure if it was really better some years ago. Sure, the general stats of the page show a decline both in giveaways per month as well as comments (both spiking at different points in the past). However, there are still events, still puzzles, still discussions. People becoming less active over the span of 10 years is to a part a normal process as we get to different parts in life and develop different interests. So, old community members get mostly replaced by newer ones.

Still, we have lost the large puzzle events or other events like Touhou. And there is a growing discomfort with the slow updates (there are actually updates but I would argue not where people want to see them). Personally - as written somewhere else - I would welcome a change in the guidlines and rules, maybe even the point regeneration. I would also feel more motivated to make public and forum giveaways if more people would actually use games for their intended purpose. Going to private groups can't be the solution for those issues -_- Not sure where Cgs intentions really are. If he is just being unmotivated or if there are economic interests in the background.

Well, the site itself is still active and there are still lots of people and events.

5 months ago

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Haven't been on the site long but Schmetti and his win-a-game-of-your-choice thread come to mind. It was a very kind gesture in the first place, but when the raffle winner made a mistake by entering with a game over the specified amount (sale ended earlier than he thought), Schmetti went the extra mile and not only gifted him the game (at full price!) but also drew another winner to make it fair for the other participants. Class act all around.

5 months ago

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I already told him, but Schmetti is too good for this world !

5 months ago

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Yes, in good and bad way. But I'm not going to name them.

5 months ago

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Name them and leave it to everyone's interpretation who's good and bad :D

What could possibly go wrong...

5 months ago

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There are so many people who are worth noting it's hard to come up with a list. Carenard, and you Sword, and all the people making interesting long trains (particularly the organizers, linking is time consuming). The helpful people keeping us up to date with linked bundles, their prices, steam links. The friendly commenters who keep the site engaged, like Fluffster, and those who open threads like iciao, and the positive thread and others. The regular puzzlers, from the crazy complex, the complex contest ones, to the regular interesting song based ones, and even to the simpler jigidis, to the people who try to gift spare keys in a non-ninja'd fashion, the generous whitelisters (thanks shmetti and moka and everyone!). The more active groups that are encouraging, like PAGYWOSG, and I hear good things about PoP and MiaM and such, and even the more gift only groups, where I'm sure monitoring the list and reviewing members takes more time than we'd realize. And the mods who have to review problems.

There's a lot that makes a site interesting, and though I get the lament of those gone, I think there's a lot here still worth highlighting.

5 months ago

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Yeah, there were some who left the site and there still are some sticking around. To not put one above the other I will refrain from names, tho :)

5 months ago*

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Pour one out for TragicBronson, but the cozy thread stays cozy.

5 months ago

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Thank you for the game =)

5 months ago

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You're welcome !

5 months ago

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