Thanks x2 and welcome back!

For your curiosity's sake, both games i received seem to be ROW

8 months ago

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I got confused by the store page. It said "Activates in United States," which was just confirmation that it works in my region, not that it's region exclusive.

8 months ago

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Ah so I just checked what you're talking about and Fanatical just means that it activates in your region and it's not locked to US. You can click the "View All" button next to the "Activates in United States" and click each individual region that you're interested in to see if it's blocked (helpful if you're giving to a friend since going through them all to find region restrictions for SG is tiresome). There's also posts similar like this in the discussion thread - - where the main post will get the subID and region restrictions added in after there are reports from purchasers. I think this one doesn't have one just because all the keys are already ROW.

8 months ago

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Successfully activated and marked as received, thanks and enjoy the rest of your week!

8 months ago

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