don't whitelist people you win games from; they didn't give you the game - it was Space Cat. of course it'd be nice if you thanked them for giving the game away, but mind that they had no knowledge of to whom it would go (excepting cases such as (")overly(") exclusive groups)... i mean, if we're to get technical, okay, the gifter does give the the game to the winner specifically because they have to actively send it, but they didn't decide to give it to that winner in particular - i say, don't whitelist them just because RNG just so happened to be in your favor.
bet i'll regret having this thought and deciding (impulsively) that i had to express it
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8,147 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Mayanaise
For me it's simply my way of saying thanx to the person, hay if they wanted to they could have just given the game to someone they know but they decided to do a giveaway for it that I (for this example) won, and as such I feel obliged to whitelist them as thanx :P (it's just good manners, like saying thankyou to someone that left the lift open so you could also get in )
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of course, all of what i say is prefaced by "in my opinion," i just argue the principles and don't want to repeat that phrase ad nauseam xD :
literally saying "thanks" should be enough (if, indeed, the winner feels like expressing it)(if they feel it even heh) - exactly, they decided to do a giveaway but, without a specific person to give it to in mind, they consequently only decided to give it to the ether. Space Cat then swoops in, retrieving the game and pulling some random person to receive it. i argue it is good manners to say thanks - if that is how you choose to say thanks, excellent! - BUT you really shouldn't feel obliged to whitelist because they didn't actively choose to give it to the randomly chosen winner.
if any of that made sense
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I get what you mean, that the giveaway creator isn't the one that chose you to win and as such deserves no thanx for that, but in my opinion he still deserves thanx for doing a giveaway at all :P , and another point, I have (just like other people) whitelisted someone for just being funny or saying something I agree with, so thus whitelisting is a really opinionated subject and will differ from person to person , where some people only whitelist people who have a higher giveaway ratio than win ratio , differs from person to person
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nodnod absolutely; i whitelist for the most random and sometimes frivolous of reasons myself xD
to be sure, though, i don't argue that giveaway creators deserve no thanks at all - i argue that one shouldn't feel compelled to say thanks by whitelisting. neither is it (")correct(") to thank them for the chance at winning / just for making the giveaway at all, and to assume that that thanks stands should you win (which is to say, ideally, another thanks would be in order (if you felt compelled to thank them for the opportunity in the first place) should you win)
...aye, whitelisting is such a subjective thing; apologies for the useless ramblings xD
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Haha no, I understand , and to prove my point for random whitelisting people I am going to whitelist you XD it's a fun highbrow conversation we have here, and to add something to your statement I don't comment "thank you" messages on a giveaway before hand, only if it is a game I am thankful for for there being a giveaway for it , for example a invite only Just Cause 3 giveaway deserves a thank you :) (just a text thank you not a whitelist thank you)
Edit : Holy crap look at that give to win ratio
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^-^ wull thanks vurr much; i appreciate the conversation too and have thus reciprocated. i say "thanks for the chance" kind of often - usually driving factors are whether there is a description to respond to and/or if there aren't many thanks already posted, because (bundled or no) appreciation is always nice though, imo of course, that shouldn't be the reason the gifter would give in the first place
and yeh >.< one of my winners is online but hasn't activated their win yet, i hope they do soon, because i hate my current sent number
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Thank you. :)
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