Simple question for cool people who actually read descriptions - What game(s) have you been playing recently?
293 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Yorickmeister
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Disgaea 5, Killing Floor 2 and Yakuza 0 :D
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I wanted to try Disgaea and Yakuza for a really long time and I was excited when they got announced for PC. Especially Yakuza 'cause I really didn't expect this one (hopefully they'll port more than just 0 and Kiwami). Just waiting for a good discount...
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i expected yakuza because lately sega was importing games to pc and with kiwami 1 and 2 (remasters of yakuza 1 and 2) there was even more chances, thank god it become true. (hoping the same with Square enix and Kingdom hearts, we can always dream)
Disgaea 5 if you want a lot of hours and like incremental games, yakuza 0 for story, fights and japan life (not confuse it with a GTA style game, friends did that mistake)
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They're remastering 3, 4, and 5 for PS4 but I don't know if those will show up on PC. Judging by the time gap between 0's console and PC releases (as well as the gap between JP and US release) if it does come to PC, 3 won't be showing up until around late 2020 at best >_>
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Thanks for the giveaway!
I've been playing Battlefield 1.
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Are you looking forward to Battlefield V?
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Not at all actually. I usually buy games of a certain age, I rarely spend more than €5 on a game. I started playing Battlefield 1 'by accident', because it was priced at €5. I couldn't resist buying such a 'new' game for that price. I bought it for the campaign, tried the multiplayer and liked it (against my expectations).
Buying older games has a lot of advantages:
And there's also a huge disadvantage: the multiplayer of most games is dead after a while. But I usually play singleplayer, so I can live with it.
So I might buy Battlefield V when it's hugely discounted in a couple of years to promote Battlefield VI :P.
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That's an answer I didn't expect, but to be honest - I'm right there with you. For me the barrier is somewhere around $10 per game and only if it's on sale. Fortunatately we live in time when it's sometimes too easy to get awesome games for cheap. looks at the backlog
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Holow Knight, Mother 3 and Darkest Dungeon
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I love Darkest Dungeon. Spent many hours in it, I believe I was near the finish. But the idea of losing my best heroes... I just couldn't do it. But one day! One day I will conquer this beast of a game.
Hollow Knight is first in the queue of my games to play in the future. First time bought Humble Monthly, mostly for it.
And Mother 3 - it never got officially translated, right? Are you playing with unofficial translation?
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I can´t beat the 1st Assault to Darkest Dungeon. I´m near to finish all the areas bc every bosse is in some way easy compared to DD.
I fully recommend it. It´s a really vast world to explore and enjoyable.
Yes, i´m. I noticed slight mistakes in the traslation tough english isn´t my native language maybe i´m wrong lol. But it´s a gem! After playing Mother 2 it feels fresh and in some way more dinamic but some stats like vit and luck were removed
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Been playing lots of Torchlight 2 lately, and I was actually disappointed I never tried it earlier, really good game!
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moves Torchlight 2 somewhere higher on the backlog list
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I've been playing Battlefield 1, Killing Floor 2, The Turing Test (completed), and The Evil Within 2 (100% achievement run).
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I heard a lot about other games, but I don't know much about The Turing Test - how does it play?
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It's a nice first-person puzzle game sort of like Portal. I'd definitely recommend it to people who like puzzle-solving games.
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I've been playing Holow Knight. It's an awesome game!
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It's sitting of my desktop, waiting for its turn. I want to give it all my attention - so as soon as I finish what I'm currently playing... it's Hollow Knight time!
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Cool! You'll love Hollow Knight. So what's the game you're currently playing? I'd love to know it maybe I'll try it after I finishing Hollow Knight.
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I got my hands on Metal Gear Triple Pack and since I was in mood for some action (that isn't very long or hard) I started with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. It does its job, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone. Also, the PC port has its problems.
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Warframe, too much of it.
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I was thinking about trying it out. It looks really cool and I heard many good things about it, but I'm always cautious when it comes to free-to-play titles.
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Thanks for the information.
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Hollow Night, Axiom Verge, and Destiny 2 haha
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Are you playing Destiny 2 with the new expansion or did you just start recently thanks to the Blizzcon gift?
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Punch Club.
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Would you recommend it? I'm familiar with the plot, artstyle and other things, but only now I realized that I basically know nothing about the gameplay.
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Beat Saber, Dirt Rally, soon buying a new PC for Fallout 4 VR
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Beat Saber and Fallout 4... I guess you're really into VR? I always wanted to try it, but I never had a chance.
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Thanks for the giveaway!
Currently playing: Persona Q, Shadow of Mordor, Van Helsing, several others I pick up every so often such as Slime Rancher and Picross Touch.
Recently finished: Ocarina of Time (for the first time in my life--I'm a bit behind on the classics :P), Delta Rune (if a demo counts...for once I actually went into a thing totally blind; thought it was just a survey XD), Epic Battle Fantasy 4, some HOG called Forgotten Places.
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How do rate Ocarina of Time? Does it hold up?
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Can't speak for the N64 version (I played the 3DS remake, which AFAIK is mainly just graphical and QoL improvements), but yeah, it's awesome. One of my top three Zelda games so far, in either first or second place because I'm indecisive like that. (The one it's vying against is Twilight Princess; I like some things better about OoT, some things better about TP, but they're both great.)
Made me really want to hurry up and play Majora's Mask, but I'm holding off for a little while so I don't burn myself out by binging too much at once, because for some reason I'm prone to that with Zelda games. I also want to replay the GBC Oracles games--my entry point in the series--to see how they hold up against nostalgia, but again, that'll be at some point in the future.
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Mad Max.
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I've heard many different opinions about this one. How would you rate it?
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I'm only 5 or so hours in, but so far I'm liking it. The fighting is fun although you don't have as many options as the Arkham games. Car combat is pretty simple in the beginning, so there's not much variety. Just driving around the map and doing side stuff is quite enjoyable.
I'm also a sucker for upgrade systems in games, and Mad Max has plenty of that. It runs pretty well on my somewhat older system, and looks really good. From what I've seen, I'd give it 8/10. It also helps I got it from a bundle so it wasn't that expensive.
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Elder Scrolls online
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That's a name I haven't heard in a while. How does it compare to single player Elder Scrolls?
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it's different but same lore . It's a pretty good mmorpg. It's the kind of game that you feel addict quickly or you leave quickly. hate or love :)
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Thank you!
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition, Grand Theft Auto V, Mass Effect 2,The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
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I see you finished ME1 before. How far into ME2 are you? Or maybe it's not your first playthrough?
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well I played both 1st and 2nd (but never 3rd) long ago when I... let's say borrowed it from a friend :D that was like primary school and part of high school when I was really short on money... so I actually finished the first one like 5 times and also the second one... now I replay it, the first one on steam and currently I am playing the second on origin with all the dlcs and I have also pack of all the dlcs for the third one there (just missing the actual game, in case there would be some discount before I finish the 2nd).. btw BGEE I play through galaxy thing from GOG and GTAV through rockstar account so currently only oblivion on steam
It was a long time ago so hard to say, I think I am maybe somewhere in the 1/4 or 1/3 of the story with garrus, mordin, zaeed, jack and grunt recruited + kaidan/ashley met at the planet attacked by collectors and some loyalty and side missions completed...
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4 games, 4 different launchers ;)
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yep, I used to buy games only on steam and I wouldn't even take good free game as far as they were not for steam but that changed and now I just pick the best offer ... so I also have DRM free games and battlenet although I have the most games on steam by far...
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gems of wars
both F2P by the way ;)
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I almost forgot about The Old Republic. How active is the playerbase?
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not so sure im there only 2 weeks, but we filled a guild with ~60 new players in a week, my 2 old guild tho are i guess its the same as before, high peaks on weekends and on promotional (like this one) and slow on other time :)
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I've recently been playing through the Metal Gear Solid series. Finished MGS1 and MGS2 as of now.
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Are you planning to finish all the major titles in the series?
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I would like to but it's kind of hard without a PS3/PS4.
MGS1 and 2 both have PC ports though, so they were easy to access and with community made fixes, played very well.
I think I should be able to access every other game except for MGS4.
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Thank you for giveaway :)
I've been playing Nier: Automata, Injustice 2, Fallout 4 and Destiny 2
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How is the PC version of Nier: Automata? I want to play it one day, but I remember hearing that it's not the best port.
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Sorry that I didn't answered but I had problems with my internet. I think PC version is ok, I'm playing with mouse and keyboard and it's super fun, only thing which can be bad are cutscenes in 30fps when gameplay is in 60 or more.
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metal gear solid: the twin snakes
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Oh, haven't heard about this one. But I see its similar to Sons of Liberty (at least in gameplay) - the only MGS I had a chance to play.
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Seasons after Fall ❤
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I basically know nothing about this one. But the title reminded me that winter is coming.
Arghhh, I hate winter!
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Thanks for the giveaway! Been playing Killing Floor 2, Bejeweled 3, aMaze frozen, Coloring Pixels, Button Tales :)
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Yet another comment about Killing Floor 2. I'm surprised. I didn't know it's that popular.
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battleblock theater, stardew valley, plant vs zombie and overwatch
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YEAHHHH! Love this combo! Four games I played, all among my favorites.
Are you playing BBT solo or with a partner?
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mostly solo, sometimes my friend will play with me
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metro: last light
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Rise of the Tomb Raider
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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.
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I remember the price glitch during last summer sale when Minit was -75%. Of course I didn't last long, but I still feel bad for not getting it back then when I had the chance.
Anyway - is it good? Do you enjoy it?
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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.
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