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The first PC I bought for myself was a 486 DX/2 66

2 weeks ago

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I only bought the first PC for myself after the first semester of university in 2006.
Not 100% sure which cpu it had but likely an AMD Athlon64 3200+

2 weeks ago

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The first pc I had was a Tandy 3000

2 weeks ago

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My first PC was an 8088 4.77Mhz with 640kb RAM and two 5.25" floppy drives; with a CGA card with a 14" CRT (320x200 16 colours, or 640x400 black+one of 16 colours). No sound card or mouse, only the beeper.
My second was a 486 DX 50Mhz.

2 weeks ago*

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Oh nice, the 8088 was my second PC! Except we had a monochrome amber screen. It was high res at least. I have this motherboard hanging on my wall.

My first PC was a "Trash 80" (TRS 80) that loaded things off cassette tape. It had a game where the letters fell from the top of the screen, and you had to type them before they reached the bottom

2 weeks ago

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I don't think I could afford to get the 66 at first and had to settle for the 33

2 weeks ago

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Mine was a second-hand DX/2 50, back in '96, but it had a 1GB Hard Drive!

2 weeks ago

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Oh damn, that's impressive, I think mine stared with a 80 MB hard drive DOUBLING my fathers 40 MB in his old 386 🙈
Not quite sure WHEN I bought it but we moved in '95 and it was definitely before that because I remember that as a concession for not wanting to move my parents put in a second phone line so i could use my modem without having to always plan with them...

2 weeks ago

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my first personal computer, when it was called a home computer, was a commodore vic-20, 4kb ram and a 22×23 character line interface, cassette tape and tv video port

1 day ago

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