Some fool bought this on Amazon, and excitedly opened the box. Woohoo, one more removed game added to the library! Except...
Yes, the fool in question already owned it. Oops. :(
Everyone says this game is garbage, full of bugs, lazy port, doesn't even work, etc. So don't pretend you're excited to win this stinker... You just want one more removed game, too. Or maybe your script wants it, and you're not even at the computer. Works either way.
If you love baseball, play something else. If you love management games, play something else. If you don't win, and you're starving for removed games, try - but make sure you don't own it first... :)
47,316 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MikhailSaTuRn
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65 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by shandyseggs
Whoo hoo for some fools! Thanks.
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Well, you know what they say... :)
If you listen to fools... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you for the chance ;D
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I forgot to ask, how was that Sakura Angels thing? :) Takes too long checking the profiles of steam addicts... :) Good luck... :)
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Only played a bit of it and felt very dirty afterwards XD. I feel like I need to play it when no one is home, so if caught, I wouldn't have to explain that I was totes playing a video game and not watching hentai.
Haven't been gaming as much as I would like to over the past 6 weeks or so since I've been forced to pick up extra shifts :/. Everyone seems to be going on vacation at the same time but I'll back to my usual schedule next week :D. The extra cash has been nice though since it gave me more breathing room when I would've been a bit tight, but more on that later.
You trying to join the removed games group by chance? Or are you a management fan trying to spread the love?
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Oh, think I joined it already, was just checking removed game bookmarks and didn't see I already owned this one. Oops...
Take your pick, Frankie Boy. My loss will be your gain.
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Hello, please check your steam library, you already own MLB® Front Office Manager. :)
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Well this is embarrassing -.-. Thank you and sorry for the trouble.
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Woohoo for broken buggy lazy games :P
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Not as lazy as that other person who entered... :) Thought everyone who gave away this much stuff would say something... :) Seems not... :)
Hopefully all the reviews are wrong and it's not complete garbage... :) Good luck! :)
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Sometimes people can surprise you. ;-) Just wanted to say thanks again for sparing me my own embarrassment.
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Life is full of surprises... :) Good luck if I find some other removed game, but you will probably already own it... :)
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Damn, that sucks! But win for us :3 Especially us that would love more removed games!! ^__^ I'm a few away from being able to join the removed games collectors group!
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There's a fair amount of removed games at Amazon and Gamestop, assuming you can get them... :) Cheaper to win this one, though... :) Good luck! :)
"Your order of "Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge" has shipped!"
"Your order of "Speedball 2 Tournament" has shipped!"
Hope I don't already own those... :)
Also, there's always some stuff that "looks like it will be removed soon" - don't know how people discover the future, but maybe they have some inside info...
But don't buy NBA 2K9, no matter how cheap you see it, unless you can be sure it actually comes with a Steam key... Apparently 2K screwed up and most of the manuals had no key printed on it. :( So Valve fixed 2K's mistake and let people install with an original disc in the drive, no key needed. But then the pirates heard about it, and everyone could install, with a pirate disc image. So Valve turned off the free game spigot, and it went back to needing keys, which you could get by pestering 2K. Until 2K decided customers were a hassle, and stopped giving keys. Or maybe the one person who knew how to do it quit, or retired, or something. I was told the game was old, so go away. More politely than that, but not much. Anyway, if you buy one today, you're playing the customer service lottery, and all the winning tickets are gone... :(
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So the customers are punished for 2k's mistake? not very cool, and steam/2k removing the ability to redeem it from disk is also not cool.
Also thanks for the removed game giveaway + lvl 7.
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Aha, missed this comment, sorry... :( Looks like you won, too! :)
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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.
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That's the spirit! I wonder what game we're trying to win? And does it even matter?
Appreciate the opportunity!
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The same thing happen to a me a couple of times...
Thank you!
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Felt so silly, all I had to do was check my library... :( Oh well. Must have been from one of those old Steam sales, when you could buy everything from publisher X. Don't remember buying it, obviously... :) Good luck! :)
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Don't own it => check ;)
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Think that's good enough for this giveaway, don't expect the winner to install it... :) Good luck! :)
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lol thanks !
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I guess it is something to laugh about, think of all the bundle garbage I could have bought instead with that money... :) Good luck... :)
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thanks :D:
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Sorry it's a stinker, but nobody's going to install it anyway... :) Good luck! :)
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Is it physical from Amazon?
Thanks for managing bases with ballz!
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Yes, I now have a physical copy of a game I already own. Dumb. But good luck! :)
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Enter giveaway.. wait.. this game sounds familiar.. hmm.. check library.. no wonder, I already have it.. eh.. remove entry...
For some reason SG is not recognizing ownership -.-
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Ouch, that is going to be a problem... I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a few other people already own this. Especially those "hmm, is that a scripted thanks, or is he just lazy?" people... Guess I'll have to check the winner's games list... Hope it shows up in there!
Thank you for pointing this out! Sorry I have no reward, but how about a key for some other removed game? Here's my NBA 2K9 Key:
:) or :( - take your pick... :)
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I think that you won't have a big problem considering high lvl requirement :) Also I don't think that that many people have it despite it was cheap. I remembered that I bought it earlier this year, knowing that I will never be able to run it, since I read somewhere that it was broken, and I wanted only +1 :D
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Well, I've seen people "level 10" around here who enter giveaways with a script, so that doesn't mean much... :)
I think the main problem is that it's going to appear in the giveaways page list like every unowned game, unless a person hid giveaways for it manually. :( Nobody can remember what games they own anyway... :) Oh well... :)
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Not in my library yet - check -> taking the chance, thank you for your mistake^^
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I'm sure it will go to a good home, especially since that friendly "Appreciate the opportunity!" person removed his entry... :) Hope he remembers to remove his entry from the Football Manager giveaway too... :)
Good luck! And don't waste your bandwidth downloading it if you win... :) I'll feel bad if the winner plays it... :)
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thank the fool for me
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Consider the fool thanked! :)
I'm supposed to say good luck, but the winner is the one with the bad luck... :) Perhaps guilt will compel them to install the game, and suffer a couple hours playing... :) Let's hope not! :)
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Pretty sure it's garbage, sorry... :)
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I have probably played worse
Plus it's baseball :)
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Knowing how the Steam store is lately, I think we have all played worse... :) And we keep buying them... :)
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WOW thx for the lvl 7 ga!!=>
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But what if you win, you won't be thanking me then... :) Good luck... :)
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Well I'm certain I don't own this game, something about a removed game makes me want it. If someone felt strongly enough to have it removed, I need it added! Thanks :p
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That's probably for the best, nobody should want this game to play it... :) Unless it's secretly a great game, and all the reviews are lies... :) Good luck! :)
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dhanyavad ^^
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Google says धन्यवाद means thanks, so I learned something... :) Will forget in a few minutes, though... :( Sorry! :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks you.
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Aha, looks like you won a large collection of games so far, hope have time not to play this one if you win... :) Good luck... :)
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If you're buying up removed games on amazon, I don't think you own star trek d-a-c.
Already own this one, wish I had MLB 2k for steam though :(. I tried begging 2K support when they gave me my NBA 2k9 key but they shut me down.
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Hmm, think I got the Star Trek game last month, instantly forgot about it of course... :( Also my final amazon removed game from this batch arrived today, Speedball 2 Tournament, whatever that is. :) The rest can wait for a sale, I think... :) Seems the physical copies are discounted from time to time, but I haven't seen digital copies of removed games discounted. :( Guess that only makes sense, though. It's only fools who buy this stuff, after all. :)
Looks like I only have MLB 2K10, don't know what other ones exist... Not exactly a baseball fan... :)
Lucky! How in the world did you get a NBA 2K9 key from 2k? Those wonderful people refused me twice. :( I even tried Steam support, who of course ignored/misunderstood/laughed at my request... :( It was irrelevant pointers to random FAQ things or answering questions I hadn't asked. Glad I've never needed to contact Steam support for anything important... :)
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Yeah I tried steam support for NBA 2k9 too, they're a bunch of idiots. If you've actually bought the game, open up a ticket with 2k telling them that you bought the game but it didn't come with a steam key. When you try to install the game it asks you for a cdkey. I don't know the whole story but I guess there was some sort of error when packaging the game. They'll ask for a picture of the game or something like that and will give you a cd key.
As for MLB, watching baseball is boring, but I've always enjoyed playing it (irl or games). I think I read that 2k15 was supposed to come out but I guess that was just false information.
PS: not sure if you know, or have it already, but 007 legends is on
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I bought NBA 2k9 on Amazon, before reading how the keys were missing. Oops. The page was full of warnings from other customers, but I was in such a hurry to grab the removed game I didn't read them. :( And 2k support said hmm, we feel terrible, but that game is old so go away. Well, that's a bit of a paraphrase, but that was the message. :) Apparently if you draw a lucky ticket in the customer support lottery you can get a key, but I got nothing. :(
Dieser Artikel kann nicht an die ausgewählte Adresse versandt werden. :(
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Well if you want to try again, you can try using my ticket as a reference, REQUEST #872531.
"Hi, I recently purchased NBA 2K9(NEW) and when trying to install the game steam opens and asks for a cd key. Well the problem is there is no cd key, NBA 2K9 didn't ship with cd keys. I tried contacting steam support and they told me to return the product and get a new one if it didn't come with a cd key even AFTER I tried to explain that the game never shipped with cd keys (every copy).
So after asking around someone told me to contact 2k support and make reference to ticket #730479. They had the same problem as I and went through you guys (2k support). They also told me, if possible, to ask for "Charley N." to support as they were the ones that dealt with their ticket.
I bought the game and am unable to play it so any help would be great!
I attached some images that I was told would help speed things up."
Is what I said. You cant even install the game because of an error on their end so they should fix it. Steam supposedly fixed it a while ago but people were just using iso to attach the game to their account so I guess they reversed it.
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Thank you, I may try again (again) when I'm feeling sufficiently masochistic... :)
This makes me curious, though - can a publisher generate keys for removed games indefinitely? Does the publisher even generate the keys? Do they ask Valve for a .csv file full of keys? Do they run a program that gets keys from Valve? Guess someone with a game in the Steam store would know how it all works... :)
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I remember a few months back a dev said he had to request some keys, beyond that I'd only assume.
As for 007, thats a shame, gonna have to ask someone what seller they got it from. I've bought from France and they shipped to USA, shipping cost more than the item, but still got it :P.
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Aha, that sounds familiar, used to buy a lot of stuff from, shipping was always crazy... :) Fortunately I kicked that habit... :)
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Oh and I forgot:
Theres a few sellers that ship internationally. I haven't bought a copy myself, yet.
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Tried all the sellers that said international, no worky. :( Guess it just wasn't meant to be. :) Sounds like I'll have to pay some friendly German person to help with this one... :)
On the other hand I'd never remember to play it, so I should probably thank for saving me some money... :)
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lol thank you very much for sharing it with us :)
love them removed games \o/
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I hope the winner will love it, but it sounds like a terrible game. Fortunately there are no achievements, so if the winner just idles it a few hours I won't know the difference... :) Good luck! :)
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Is not my type of game but thanks for this giveaway :D you are awesome ! :)
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Many awesome people around here, but I am not one of them... :) Awesome people would give away a game people want to play... :) But good luck anyway! :)
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lol, I remember that I didn't join to this giveaway,maybe my entering were a misclick lol ,I think that someone will really enjoy this game, but not me, because as I say before isn't my type of game.
Good Luck for all... and sorry for my english.
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and you are awesome because you giveaway a lot of game and have a good C.V. ratio, I need work on fix my C.V. ratio
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That's easy, once you stop entering giveaways you will appear very generous... :) But then you may wonder why you are still making giveaways... :)
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wl & ty
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Careful, this game looks terrible... :) Might want to save your points for something better, if you can find some you don't already own... :) Good luck... :)
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Autojoin-bot activated
Get all games
sort by level
join any game in the list, until no points are left
joined MLB Front Office Manager
Autojoin-bot finished
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Hmm, I would have thought the bots sort giveaways by time remaining, but you never know with bots... Maybe they enter wishlist giveaways first? If one of those evil bot-users were around, they could tell us... But they don't read comments, so they will never explain how all the evil works in detail... :) Good luck! :)
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I guess it is a mix of all the things. But that may depend on the bot. Already had several requests for an autojoin feature on my plugin, but I think only from people that were not contributing a lot.
Thanks :)
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Hmm, haven't tried your plugin yet, hmm, I forget the name of the one I'm using. Probably the SG++ one. Sorry! :(
Those autojoin people can all fly away, I won't miss a single one of them... :)
p.s. I keep hoping for to show no giveaways at all, but too many generous people keep giving away games I'll never buy... :) Oh, and one little bundle of evil keeps giving away games scammed from developers or whatever method they are using nowadays. Give free keys or my clown army will write bad reviews. :( They can just fly away also...
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That's alright. SG++ is not that bad.
Yes, I won't miss them either. But I guess a high CV level requirement will prevent the most of them to join ;)
How many pages does it show for you? You seem to almost own all games :D
And I guess you mean the Original Groups? ^^
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Most... :) But definitely not all... :(
Hmm, right now I see Displaying 1 to 25 of 65 results, looks like I'd need to buy 50 random things to make them all disappear. :( Some of them I didn't buy even with a 75% discount, so I assume I never will... :)
Yes, I guess that description wasn't very subtle... :)
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Nice, I've got 405 games currently :P Although there are 2500 games on my blacklist here on SG.
I'm currently in those groups, but considering to leave, after I've read about their methods to get the keys.
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I think you can find already for all sort of games a "manager game" but why not maybe it is good =)
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Hmm, it's not really the same thing, but did you ever play ? It's a lot of fun, just remembered it for some reason...
Although, hmm, looks like you already won enough bundle games to start your own giveaway site... :) Good luck! :)
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Lol :P
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Also Thanks for removed game. :3
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Pity I'm not giving away then... :) Good luck with this one... :)
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I know I was joking xD
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