
That's my first giveaway on this website. Enjoy how utterly broken this game is.
Or at least try not to ragequit it forever before you drop all of the trading cards!

This is a gift copy. Assuming internet doesn't crap out on me i'll probably be able to gift it to the winner at 7pm UTC. Assuming it does, i'll have a second connection available from around 10pm UTC. Please mark it as received once you get the copy!

Giveaway nearly over, i'll be adding the winner to send him the game shortly.

Edit: friend request sent on Steam, waiting for a response so i can send the game.
Edit2: it appears i've been blocked from adding the user as a friend. will attempt to do so again later. until then, i'm sending the gift through email.
Edit3: sent to the winner's email address. I'm marking the gift as sent now.
Edit4: gift still not claimed.
Edit5: finally marked as received. Winner's account shows the game as claimed.

9 years ago*

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