Optional question for cool people who actually read descriptions - What game(s) have you been playing recently?
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17,447 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by drbeckett
Been playing the things I got from Humble Choice, most recently Ancestors Legacy. Not my favorite in terms of the RTS genre but it's a time killer.
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I remember hearing about it before its release date. How hard is it? Would you recommend it overall?
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It's not that hard on the normal difficulty at least and perhaps a bit casual for a RTS. I'm 50/50 split on recommending/not though. Maybe if on sale or if it's won in a GA type of deal. It suffers from most of its mechanics being oversimplified and you'll have seen all the meaty parts of the content in the first 10 hours.
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I see... I do enjoy RTS games, but I was never good at them. So the simplicity might actually work for me. Maybe one day I'll try it out.
Thanks for the answers and good luck. :)
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Ohno. I also got Humble Choice but didn't try Ancestors Legacy yet. Can I ask you what is a GA deal?
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I think he meant if you've won the game through a giveaway - that kind of deal.
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Okay, that makes sense, thank you!
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As Aethyna mentioned, GA is the abbreviation for "Give Away" in this context. If you like the RTS genre and If you've got a spare pick from your choice plan, Ancestors Legacy may be worth the time. I wouldn't go out of your way to grab it if there are other options you're more interested in though.
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Actually, AL was one of the games that made me purchase te bundle bc I'm a huge fan of RTS genre. Thats why your comment left me a little bit scared hahaha Anyway, I'm confident I will like it! :D
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Fallout New Vegas, can you believe?
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Oh yeah, I was thinking about this one a lot lately (mostly thanks to one really good song - slight spoilers in the video). Great game, I need to replay it someday.
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Just bought Grim Dawn. Haven't played much, but seems good so far.
Came across a rather fun, albeit somewhat poorly optimized flash game recently as well. Other than that, the usual back and forth across my dozens of installed games. About to finish my Borderlands co-op run. Still not sure yet whether we're moving to Vermintide or Borderlands 2 next.
How about you, been playing anything fun?
Effin winter, always keeping me being just way too cool. >.>
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I have flashbacks to my most recent Borderlands co-op playthrough - I believe we started way back in 2016 and ended it earlier this year. Only 21 hours but we couldn't find time to play together. I love the sequel so we'll probably end up playing this one as well with the same group.
I'm mostly focused on clearing the backlog right now. Finished Assassin's Creed: Black Flag few days ago and now I'm thinking about my next big target. Also, ton of party games with friends - Jackbox, Tricky Towers, Mysterium...
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Board version of Talisman. I have it also on pc but paper version is better than digital ;-)
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Board game classic. :)
I only played it once during board game convention. About 1 hour left til closing and someone thought we can play 8 player game (plus rules explanation) during that time... They were very optimistic - we played 2 round or something like that.
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Once I had over 10 hours of gamplay (4 players, base game + 4 or 5 expansions)
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Might & Magic 6, King's Bounty Crossworlds, and just started Assassin's Creed 3.
All the newest stuff as you can see ;)
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Just finished AC:4 so I'm right there with you. :)
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I got the Switch recently so I've been playin Pokémon Shield and SSB Ultimate ^-^
Thank you and happy new year!
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Curse you Nintendo and your great exclusive titles!
One day...
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I was just like you two months ago hahahaha Your time will come too!
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I bought Escape from Tarkov recently, and bought Opus Magnum during Steam sales. Grim Dawn with wife sometimes too. You?
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Do you recommend Escape from Tarkov? I barely know this one.
Little copy and paste from before:
I'm mostly focused on clearing the backlog right now. Finished Assassin's Creed: Black Flag few days ago and now I'm thinking about my next big target. Also, ton of party games with friends - Jackbox, Tricky Towers, Mysterium...
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I have plenty of backlog to go through as well. Maybe one day I'll actually do something about it.
Escape from Tarkov is in my opinion, a great game with lots of potential. It's a looter shooter with heavy PvP elements in it. I'm not a PvP kind of gal myself, so I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it. I bought it because it looked awesome. Because I thought all the tension while sneaking around with a good haul, hoping not to get spoted or sniped before you reach the exit. But if you do like that sort of stuff, there's endless amounts of possibilities of customizing your weapons for your playstyle.
There's also an offline mode right now while the game is in beta, so if you just want to learn the maps, run around and do whatever, you can do it completely at your own pace.
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I’m also not really into PvP itself, but that does sound fun. I’ll take a closer look. :)
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I picked up Demon's Tilt during the sale and I've been playing that quite a bit. I'm a big pinball fan, and I've been having fun with that one.
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I remember hearing about it recently, but not sure where exactly...
I dig the visuals. As a fan of the genre, would you recommend it for someone new to virtual pinball?
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I would actually consider it probably the best introduction available to virtual pinball for gamers that don't play pinball yet. It's almost a pinball/bullet hell hybrid, so if that sounds interesting to you, I'd definitely recommend it.
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That does sounds cool. To the wishlist!
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One way heroics
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By looking at the screens it looks pretty generic - what makes it stand out from similar games?
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It is a side-scrolling rogue-like game. Random generated map, however, you can challenge once again by input the random seed. Everythng reach left end will be destroyed, including the monsters and NPCs. The "Thing" destroyed everything is not only a mechnism but play an important role in main story, like a JRPG.
This indie game developer did his own game engine for creating this game, and he released the engine for free.
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The words “rogue-like” are like a hook for me. And your description makes it sound pretty interesting, I might want to check it out. Thanks and good luck with the giveaway. :)
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Actually, it is merely a rogue-lite. If you can read Japanese, you can try the basic version in Japanese from developer's website.
If finally you are going to purchase it, buy its plus DLC too.
And remember that: don't touch the game named "Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics". It is a downgrade porting with better illustrations.
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Ok, noted. Again, thanks for the explanation. :)
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Football Manager 2019. Also started Tower of Time, it was free on gog, so far so good.
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I didn't know anything about Tower of Time before the gog sale (and that happens very rarely with free giveaways like this) so I was instantly intrigued. I'll probably give it a try as well at some point.
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I just finished Tyranny. Before that, I played the Batman Telltale games, and before that the The Journey Down trilogy. With a little bit of Tales of Maj'Eyal inbetween. Next I intend to play Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Maybe 11-11 Memories Retold for the weekend.
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Wow, that's a lot of games. Tyranny and Tales of Maj'Eyal are both high on my next-to-play list. And Batman has been on my wishlist since 2016 - I might end up finally getting it during the next Steam sale...
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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What is the main focus in the game after all the updates? Exploration, building, something else?
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Hmm The Expendabros and War Thunder
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Expendabros is based on Broforce, right? I do love the original.
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Yes ;)
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ME: Andromeda - Cool game and I'm having a blast. Not sure why the game had so much hate though. I mean, yes, they moved on from N7 and stuff (they are bound to I think), but the game still retained what ME means, for me at least, and the story here is superb... well, I should say stories because there are so many different ones. They've probably patched up most of the bugs and glitches though - I think that was one of the main complaints during release day. There were still a few issues along the way but nothing big.
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Original trilogy is among my favorites, but 'cause of the hate I postponed my plans for Andromeda. But I still want to play it one day.
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You should - it's pretty fantastic despite not being completely flawless.
By the way, if you managed to snag a free, 1-month Origin basic access subscription, you can play it for free - the game's in the vault. I'm currently playing the game on EA's dime :P
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I have just recently started playing video games again after a 2 years pause, so my backlog consists of older games.
I've beaten Dishonored 1 a couple of weeks ago, so now I am playing the DLCs. After that I will go for 2
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Just yesterday I was talking about it with my friend who is just about to finish the first one. I've been the base game 2 times (+ DLCs once) but I've yet to play the sequel.
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Dota 2 I guess. Played a bit of Dishonored Death of the Outsider, and now I wait to complete new pc to continue, playing on old one wasn't too enjoyable.
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How does Death of the Outsider compare to the original? Is it good as a standalone?
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Really good as a sequel. Same feeling playing the game as the first one.
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Half-Life 2
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High on my "ashamed I haven't played yet" list...
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Trying to play through my steam backlog of eleventy bazillion visual novels actually. >_<
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Different genres, but I know your struggle. May your games be short and stories enjoyable!
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mostly Battletech, little bit of the first Witcher game
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The first Witcher has a great story, but ouch... other aspects definitely show its age. Finished it about a year ago, but it was a struggle. Especially the STUPID SWAMP part!
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destiny 2
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Would you recommend playing just the base game? It looks fun, but all those big expansions make me a little hesitant.
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i only played the base game so just for it sure its great.
tho do take in consideration that i mean the campaign - all 3 that you can play for free (you can activate them from an NPC inside the game) all the rest, what is called "END GAME ACTIVITIES" are one big grind for no reason and no real gain...:)
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not recently but last game was Far Cry Primal
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Is it good? I've been thinking about finally giving the series a shot.
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Personally, I really liked its animal-tracking/hunting part - that part's pretty interesting - and well, you get to ride a mammoth and tame some pretty cool pets (saber tooth tiger, for instance), but ultimately, I guess I prefer the more "standard" Far Cry format which involves guns :P
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thats pretty all about game :) Thx for that =)
i recommended it
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Currently I'm playing divinity: original sin
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I really want to buy it, but my backlog full of other long RPGs doesn't like the idea.
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Metro series - 2033 / last light / exodus
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One after the other? Which one is your favorite?
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Zdecydowanie exodus (pozwoliłem sobie odpowiedzieć po polsku, po zajrzeniu w Twój profil), chociaż wszystkie są świetne, ale i tak preferuję książki z tego uniwersum (chociaż np. taka mrówańcza mi się niezbyt podoba). A że można eksodusa ograć za małe pieniądze (4 zita) to trzeba korzystać.
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Od dawna się zastanawiałem czy nie wypróbować tej serii, ale jakoś nigdy nie było dobrego momentu. Może rzeczywiście jakoś niedługo dam jej szansę - ale jak już to chyba jednak pójdę chronologicznie. Dzięki i powodzenia. :)
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Last games I played were Call of Duty WW2, both Kane & Lynch games, Chasm and Murdered: Soul Suspect.
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Among those, which one you enjoyed the most?
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I actually didn't enjoy only Kane & Lynch games.
I quite enjoyed CoD WW2 gameplay, the campaign was actually nice (maybe except the train mission where everything is destroyed but you and your partner don't even get hit by something), but long cutscenes affect replaying. A couple more missions would have been great, too.
Chasm is a nice game, good music and animations, fun gameplay. It could have been deeper, though. For example, some of the NPCs you rescue don't do anything besides helping unlocking achievements or find other useless NPCs.
Murdered: Soul Suspect was really, reallly good. Loved the concept, the story and the setting.
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I think I'll take a closer look at Chasm and Murdered...
Thanks and good luck. :)
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Metro Last light
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