
Looking forward to play this game by myself! Hopes it really is somewhere around of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Condrad (btw Polish novelist) however I've heard already that story isn't so deep as I believed. Still - great game! ^^

Instead of nongeneric thanks please feel free to share your favourite book, novel or story :].

Also - be welcome to check my little giveback thread :*.

EDIT: Thank you for all your response! Maybe I can't answer each one of you but it all means a lot to me! And it helps to choose some great titles to take with me to Norway! ^^

My fav book is going to be... The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
It's bleak, miserable, depressing, hauntingly beautiful in it's simplicity. Forget all them happy people in the Fallout games :P

8 years ago

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I need to read that. I saw the movie, and have been meaning to pick up the book...

8 years ago

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Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game (the movie is not very bad either, but the book is the real one, also won a bit more awards)

8 years ago

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The book is in my top five. I thought the movie was beyond horrendous.

8 years ago

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The Ender series is great. I would have said either that or the Hitchhiker's series.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yes, I liked it a lot

recently also enjoyed The Witcher books, it was kind of great too :)

8 years ago

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i really enjoyed the first part of lord of the rings, but didn't have the time to read any good books in the last months (only stupid study books about economy...) Well enjoy this song's pretty relaxing :) Have a nice weekend and thank you very much!

8 years ago

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You know, you don't have to play alone. wink, wink

8 years ago

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Isaac Asimovs' Foundation series

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8 years ago

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Well, I'm not really much of a reader... So I'll go with The Hobbit!

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Lately I make my backlog bigger and bigger.
I tend to read 90% useful stuff, so books that help me on specific topics. Let's say learn.

I also don't like favourite whatever. But I can recommend you to read Foundations trilogy or at least the only first (that's a challenge, knowing there are two books that continue and end the story) by Isaac Asimov.

8 years ago

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My favorite book is probably His Master's Voice, by StanisΕ‚aw Lem. Who also happens to be a Polish novelist.

And if you really want a game that is reminiscent of Heart of Darkness, I would suggest Spec Ops: The Line. If I remember correctly, Ubisoft developers said that the guiding inspiration for the plot of Far Cry 3 was Alice in Wonderland. The writers for Spec Ops: The Line at Yager Development have specifically cited Heart of Darkness as inspiration for their game, and it shows. The game mirrors the novella beautifully in so many way and with so many layers that trying to compare and contrast the two could inspire a graduate-level thesis.

If you haven't played Spec Ops: The Line yet, try not to learn too much about it before you play it. Don't watch any videos, don't read any reviews. And, if possible, play through the game from beginning to end in one sitting; the emotional impact of the game is greatly amplified if you can experience it in one session. It's shorter than most AAA games, with about 4 to 6 hours of gameplay, so it's entirely possible to set aside an afternoon to experience the game from beginning to end.

Edit: Not level 5 yet, but I just had to throw in my favorite novel and suggest this game when you mentioned Heart of Darkness.

8 years ago

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The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is in my top five. Blood Song by Anthony Ryan is also up there. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch is amazing, but the subsequent books in the series don't match up to this first effort.

8 years ago

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well i don't read so i have nothing to share

except a book gif

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8 years ago

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Adventure Time always welcome!

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8 years ago

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Thank you!!
Have a good time!!

8 years ago

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The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck : a real masterpiece :D

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8 years ago

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I have this comic book! Actually about month ago I've dug it from my basement :D.

8 years ago

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High five for level five!

I don't really read books much (I'm more of a manga guy), but one novel I really like is Redshirts. It's a hilarious satirical scifi book :D

8 years ago

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Battlefield Earth was very good when I read it, the movie not so much :)

8 years ago

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My fav is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, since it introduced me to British comedy scene.

8 years ago

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4,98, I'm so close!

One of my favorite books would be HHhH, Laurent Binet, Translated by Sam Taylor. It's about Operation Anthropoid, the assassination of Reinhardt Heinrich. Operation Anthropoid is legendary and a great story, but what makes this novel amazing is how it's written.It's written as a dairy, sort of a stream of consciousness describing how Binet gathered the information and how he plans to write his book. I think book would be liked by history buffs, because of the wealth of information you you learn about Reinhardt Heinrich and Operation Anthropoid. I also think others, especially those who write, would love it, because it is not the story of Operation Anthropoid, It is the story of a man obsessed with a story who ventures out to find the truth to it. It is the story of a history writer who collecting information about an event and writing a story. I wrote "story" way to many times.

8 years ago

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nice. gracias :D....

i read a lot...stephen king books :p. mmmm i dunno why is the bests...maybe is IT...1500 pages i read it in 1 week :p

8 years ago

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Thanks Torm!

8 years ago

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for me as well

8 years ago

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I'm fairly sure I have already told you mine at some point :-P but its a walk to remember by sparky :-P dont judgee mee!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hmm... my favourite books series has to be saga of the exiles.

8 years ago

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I haven't read in a long time. But the first book that I can think of would be 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' from Oscar Wilde.

8 years ago

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I'm a big Vonnegut fan, so I'll say Cat's Cradle.

8 years ago

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Clue is in my name ;) I'm a big fan of the Illuminatus Trilogy, but I also really like Catch 22, Crime & Punishment & Dune

8 years ago

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