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I love cats (sorry xxxka). I pretty much like all other animals, but cats are my ideal. I mean, who would not want to sleep 18 hours a day?

18hrs a day? nah that is to much, 12 max, rest video games.

1 week ago

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Okay fair point!

1 week ago

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I enjoy cats but my partner is allergic to them. sigh :-(

1 week ago

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My cat overlords agree, and I posted this for them since I am a good human slave. 😸

1 week ago

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All hail Cat Overlords!

1 week ago

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My sister hates cats. She said "If I wanted someone in my life who only loves me when they feel like it and who ignores me the rest of the time, I'd still be married to my husband" lol
She is crazy about kittens though.

1 week ago

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That's a harsh (but somewhat true) comment :D

1 week ago

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Harsh to the cat or to her ex-husband though?

1 week ago

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The ex husband for sure. A cat would cough never do that cough

1 week ago

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Tell that to my ragdoll kitty, who follows me around the house like a permanently lost puppy! 🐱 Even into the bathroom. She looks insulted when I go into the shower without her. 😹

1 week ago

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lol exactly like my friend's cat, Neo. He is an independent cat who likes to go out and hunt in the fields nearby (and brings back mice and birds very proudly) but that's only when my friend is not home. When he is home, it's "how dare you walk away from the couch where I am resting, human! Now I have to get up and follow you and I really didn't want to move!"

1 week ago

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Awwww, he loves your friend a lot then! 😻 My outdoor kitty sure loves bringing me presents as well - especially ones that are still alive. 😅 🐁

1 week ago

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lol he does. He's not a very friendly cat with just anyone but he loves his human very much. So much so that he even let him bring a puppy home without killing either of them.

especially ones that are still alive.

Ooooh niiice lol

1 week ago*

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Dude, can u share this without a Cat pic 😐

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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My mum once kicked a cat out the back door once and sent it flying for a few meters.
We had been looking after it. But it got the boot when it kept on getting on the bench, and under her feet.
It seems rather lucky that the back door was open at the time.
I guess I like animals as long as I don't have any responsibility for them.

1 week ago

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Isn't it the same for humans? :)

1 week ago

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Kicking humans?

1 week ago

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I did not think about that, buuuuut it kinda appeals me

1 week ago

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I remember my grandparents having two cats when I was little, and sometimes I wish I could get a cat, but where I currently live, pets are not allowed.

1 week ago

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You can be sneaky...
What? No siree, that's not a cat, that's a box.

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1 week ago

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Cats, dogs, there all friend shaped and I love them all. :)

1 week ago

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