
Location: Captial Sqiare - Dark Alley

As you approach the dark alleyway, the ambient light of the CBD seems to dim, casting the narrow passage into shadow. Despite the absence of any overt signs of danger, the surrounding buildings loom overhead, their towering silhouettes enveloping the alley in darkness.

Upon closer inspection, you find that the alleyway is much like any other in the bustling city center, its walls adorned with vibrant graffiti that adds a splash of color to the otherwise drab surroundings. The artwork, a testament to the urban culture thriving within the heart of Lame City, depicts a myriad of styles and themes, ranging from intricate murals to simple tags scrawled hastily across the brick surfaces.

a) Walk through the Alley
b) Return to the station

Thank You! =)

9 months ago

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Nps ^^ Grats

9 months ago

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