
Welcome to the sixth and final wagon
Discussion Question:
If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?
Fun Fact:
LEGO® Italia (Italy) built a structure in Milan that measured a soaring 35.05 m (114 ft 11 in) and required approximately 550,000 LEGO® bricks to complete. Source

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North East Indian States and Bhutan. The whole area is breathtakingly beautiful and the people are kind, the food is unique aswell. And it is a very easy and realistic goal for me. But im too lazy to make a plan for it.🐒

2 weeks ago*

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Bhutan looks very interesting, I like the architecture.
I haven't tried it yet, but a friend of mine used ChatGPT to create a schedule for his trip to Spain. He said that it made a detailed schedule of things to visit, to do, and where to eat.

2 weeks ago

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if you wanna travel to bhutan, lemme know. i am also interested.

1 week ago

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Japan. And Egypt. And then to the Maya Pyramids. And then these awesme landscapes in the US and... ok, five seconds looking at the northern lights. Lots of places on the way, but at the end New Zealand. A quite place to settle down and finally finish my book... xD

2 weeks ago

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Japan and New Zealand are also among the places I want to visit. The only place I visited in the US is New York. I heard that Boston and Washington are also great

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, I'm not so much interested in the US cities, but more the country in itself? I mean, I've been as a kid, but I hardly remember it. And we even skipped some pretty awesome stuff I'd wanna see :o

2 weeks ago

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Well, I have visited Japan, and loved it. And I'm from New Zealand, hehe.

2 weeks ago

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Singapore, mostly because of the food. A few of my friends went once and came back telling tale after tale of all the great cuisine they found. Unfortunately, it seems to be wildly out of my budget range, so no feasting for me anytime soon :(
Other than that, anywhere with great natural sightseeing.

2 weeks ago

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Singapore looks like a beautiful and modern city with a lot to visit. I'm not familiar with the Singapore cuisine

2 weeks ago

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Guangdong (and it's surroundings areas of Macao and Hong Kong). My fiancée was born and raised there, and I plan to visit there next year.

2 weeks ago

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Anywhere I could live my life in peace.

2 weeks ago

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Probably Japan, I'm very curious of the culture and food

2 weeks ago

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Japan is also among the countries I want to visit the most. I love the culture, architecture, and the food

2 weeks ago

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Norway, they say it's amazing and also i'm a fan of the movie Flåklypa Grand Prix.

2 weeks ago

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this is real

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1 week ago

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Hawaii. I would like to explore and see if I could find any of the locations they used for the tv show Lost.

1 week ago

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There are a bunch on the island of Oahu. Kualoa ranch was used in a ton of scenes. Camp Erdman by the north shore is the dharma villiage. Near the town of Haleiwa was the survivors camp, although there is not much there anymore.

1 week ago

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Hey, keys for this game are region-restricted, which goes against the rules of the train. It cannot be activated in Russia and Belarus :/

1 week ago

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When I checked with humble bundle it said no restrictions for those 3 giveaways. The first two were my mistake and I made them as a Sub-Cart. However, according to HB, all "official wagons" in this train are not region restricted

1 week ago

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They were restricted retroactively because of the invasion at the time the Stand With Ukraine bundle had dropped and it remains that way. As can be seen on SteamDB:
Soulblight - Lust for Darkness - Lust from Beyond: M Edition

1 week ago

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I was not aware of that at all. I usually check with humble bundle links and I've never had any issue doing so. On my end, it said no restrictions, but maybe HB didn't update and SteamDB is more accurate. I'm not sure if this affects anything, but the keys aren't from the "Stand with Ukraine" bundle, expect for Lust for Darkness.

Next time I'll make sure to look both Steam DB and HB to ensure there is no problem. I was not expecting them to be in conflict with each other in terms of region restrictions.

1 week ago

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Another tip: if a game was bundled, I usually check any of Sensualshakti's posts; she keeps a good track of region restrictions, even if they were added afterward. For example, Soulblight was also in Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle, so you can see it in ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️ part of her post. To find out what bundle a game was in, you can check isthereanydeals. SteamDB is the best, but the pain in the ass, to be honest. And Humble is quite often messing this up, that is true, so I don't suggest relying on it without checking elsewhere.

1 day ago

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I've been to England and Scotland and I'd really like to visit Ireland, especially since I have family there.

1 week ago

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To the Dhalai Lama to meet him.

I think he is a very wise and smart man.

Tibet, the only country that changed from a country that was prepared for war, to a country based on peace, freedom and inner clarity.
Sad that they got then invaded by china :o(
I see the tibetians as the people on earth that reached the best result as humans.

3 days ago*

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Region locked key. This package can NOT be activated or purchased in RUBY.

1 day ago

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The author has been aware of this for a long time -
But he still hasn't replaced the ga. Аs well as the two previous ones. He doesn't seem to understand that he has to do this.

1 day ago

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