
Stop and read if you want a better chance to win games!

This giveaway is for a cheap bundled game with bad reviews. There are much better giveaways that the Level 0 users among you are missing out on.
If you want to be able to enter those giveaways and get a better chance to win games, here are some tips:

  • Level up. You can actually do it without spending money. More here.
  • Participate in the forum. A couple of great reasons to do it:
    • Many of the discussions are not only interesting, but also include additional giveaways. Some in the form of posts with random links to giveaways that are not listed in the Giveaways page (these are called "invite-only giveaways", but if you see the link in the forum you are always welcome to enter). Some other giveaways are in the form of "trains" (multiple linked giveaways), and finally there are some giveaways which are only accessible if you complete a puzzle. Many of the forum giveaways are for games with great reviews, and the number of entries is typically much lower than public giveaways (those listed on the Giveaways page), providing far better odds.
    • If you're opinionated and well versed, some people may ad you to their whitelists because of what you write, regardless of the number of giveaways you created (if at all). Whitelist-based giveaways are frequently for unbundled games and have a relatively low number of entries. I have many great people in my whitelist, but those who ended there by writing exceptionally interesting, insightful or helpful posts on the forum can feel especially proud. I know that's how I felt in the few cases people added me for this reason and not for my sent/won ratio.
  • Join giveaway groups. See this sub forum for group that recruits new users. In general you may want to contribute some giveaways before applying, as most groups are looking for users who already contributed at least some games.
  • Read giveaway descriptions before entering. It's not only the polite thing to do, but as an added bonus you may discover some additional giveaways linked in the text. Reading giveaway descriptions is something that you seem to be capable of, if you've reached this far.

One last thing: Don't feel obligated to say "thank you", but if you do, please don't post it to all of my giveaways. This would result in too many notifications which are difficult for me to go through. Posting in one giveaway is perfectly fine.

Good luck and have fun!

Might want to warn people that if you're opinionated you're much more likely to get blacklisted than to be whitelisted.

7 years ago

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I've done a little experiment a few months ago, with quite opposite results.

7 years ago

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A) If you tell people you are doing an experiment, they are going to act differently than otherwise. That is why good psychological and sociological studies are usually masked (either it is not made clear there is a study taking place, or what is being studied is made out to be something else than what it is). I am inclined to suspect that some people did not blacklist you for that reason.

B) Probably more importantly, your views were not that controversial. I just skimmed them (no offense, just don't have time to read the reasons behind your personal philosophies right now), but seems like you generally fall into the sizable majority around here with things like being left-wing and agnostic / atheist. You'd get different results if you were the opposite.

C) I think it's less divisive (again especially if you are in the majority) to talk generally about your beliefs than it is to apply them in practice to a debate. For example, it's one thing to say you're liberal / left-wing, but it's another to translate that into specific positions when different debates arise. You seem like a pretty nuanced person, and I could picture you rubbing both conservatives and liberals the wrong way potentially.

If you speak up around here, you invite blacklists, especially if you disagree with the hive mind, or attempt to inject some nuance where people are preferring an emotional monotone.

7 years ago

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