Thank you for making this giveaway. ^_^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hey Paradoxical,
I'm Mdk, Admin of a group called Quality Games Giveaways (QGG).
I've noticed you as someone who is active in SteamGifts, and likes to giveaway (and win) high quality games. And I think you will be a good fit for the group.
I started the group, because I didn’t like the fact that any decent game in SteamGifts gets so many entries, you have virtually no chance of winning, and the games you do have a chance to win, are not very good. In our group, all games are at least of decent quality, and you have a good chance to win each one.
You can see a sample of the games given away in the group here:
And full group rules can be found here:

Let me know if you're interested.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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we each have our own bad story that we feel that ours might be worse. I sympathize him but that and not giving back is 2 different thing.

giving back is to show that the world have kindness and not just taking and stealing from others or this is how I view it

wanna know something? I was bullied ever since I was young. i got beaten up, got reported on some stupid website when i was just 13years old just cause letting up a seat is a norm when u are young even though u may not notice the person or even though u may be sick.

I got bullied for 6 years and teachers and my entire sch knows.
My parents got retrench,my mum had cancer. I had a couple of skin related problem. I even had depression, self abuse was a norm for me, there are many things that I do not want to continue saying. But I still try to do my best to try help out even though how this world treated me.

I have also lost many that is dear to me. i lost both my grandparents when I was young. My family was poor, I have to work on the weekends to survive but I try to cut down on my meals and don't go out with friends just to save up to give out.

I don't go around telling others since no one owe u and I believe that each of us have our own bad story.

My point is, the one he says that he doesn't even care about those games he won and just wants the card and the +1 just angers me. people spend money and that's all he can say? that is rude.

He doesn't spend money and he still have the cheek to say that.

all I can say is that, to me he doesn't seem to be someone I would wish to help based on what he said in that conversation with me.

besides he doesn't have the basic manner of saying thanks when he won a game and that is way before this happen, and I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with the thread that he created.

He looks like a cheapskate and a selfish person to me, that's all. I seen worse that people have gone through and yet try to give back. this is about the heart to give

6 years ago*

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Apparently you had many hardships in your life. Thanks for sharing. A lot of different problems in a single life yet you are here polite, and generous. I admire your character even more now.

As I said before I didn't think anything you said was wrong. I just wanted you to know his circumstances and not help his self abuse or attention seeking. I mean why would anyone publicly announce their bad behaviour otherwise.

The more I write about it more stupid and pointless it seems though. I was probably overthinking things. I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries :)

6 years ago

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no worries:)

6 years ago

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