Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this world
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl :)
It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi!" - whatever it was grinned
Here's some bonus +1 garbage for the (few) people who read giveaway descriptions. Hurry, before some asf bot redeems them all! ...
Sorry, no questions here... I never played this game anyway, wouldn't even know what to ask. :)
Good luck! :)
262 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Carenard
75 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by hyrokey
8,477 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by crez3088
387 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by AllTracTurbo
14 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by AllTracTurbo
221 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by zkndlin
76 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by samwise84
1,012 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ImpAtience
Are your giveaways always level 4?
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You can check that on his account. The answer is no ;)
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Hmmmm, I hadn't thought about it, but if you mean everything in this pile, yeah, it kinda looks that way... :)
Actually, with each giveaway I was thinking I'd click wrong and set it to level 3 or 5, making people think there's some hidden meaning when it's completely arbitrary... :)
I was trying to think of whatever would be "$30.01" from the old Steamgifts, if that makes any sense. :) But with so many places selling mountains of 5 cent games, the whole concept is no longer valid. :) With enough patience, even a little money should be enough to get all of us to "level 10" sooner or later... :)
Good luck! :)
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Oh, I remember the $30.01 days quite well. I thought that only a certain number of users could be at each level, which is why users often level down. Or so I thought. I could be wrong.
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Hmm, I don't know precisely how it works, think it's explained in an old forum post somewhere but I'm too lazy to search for it... :)
My understanding is that everyone could be level 10 if they gave enough stuff, and that people lose CV from retroactive bundling or stuff getting cheaper, not from being graded on a curve so to speak. :)
Like if you gave away a $60 game today, you'd have credit for giving away $60. But next year, when that game's only $20, that old giveaway would only be giving you credit for $20, even though when you gave it away it cost $60.
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The two hidden giveaways were level 5. :) :)
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Wow! Thanks for all these great giveaways. This one's on my wishlist. :)
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I thought this looked like something I could have found in a cheap bundle, but unfortunately I couldn't find any such bundle so I had to resort to the Humble Store... Sigh... :) Stupid Steam not letting us buy gift copies of games any more... :(
Good luck! :)
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I think all the codes ale used up, but thank you anyway.
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No problem, it was just cheap garbage anyway... :) Hmmm, with that name I wonder if that cat's been to space...
Good luck! :)
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Those codes were gone quickly, but they were hiding some other giveaways... :) :)
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thanku this used to be in my wishlist before my big purge (I removed everything and added stuff back)
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Wish I could tell you something about the game, but checking the store page I see "Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer..." and know I'll never install it... :( Just not my thing, I'm useless at this stuff... :) Oh well...
You know, I never even touched Salt and Sanctuary, which is apparently a 2D Dark Souls, and I love Dark Souls to death... Maybe I should just buy hidden object games instead, save my money... :)
Good luck! :)
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Its the genre I keep saying I really really like...and then find myself banging my head againsed the wall playing it.
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Unfortunately the only smileys I know are :) and :(, sorry... :)
Good luck! :)
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You always pick awesome games! Hmm... still a lot of +1s to go through for me. I finished 2 @ 100% this past week or so though, so that's progress. In that amount of time, I think I won/bought/traded at least 20 though, so... there goes my progress.
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Looking at all the boobie garbage I've given away, I'd have to disagree... :) There might be some good games in there somewhere, but there's a lot of junk too... :) Oh well...
Can't remember the last game I finished, so congratulations! :) Was probably one of those visual novels you can "next" right to the finish... Oh, I did install something a couple days ago, forgot what it was called, ummmmm, someone suggested it somwhere around here... Aha, Gal*Gun something blabla... Looks like there's still a little time, if I catch up to the comments... :)
Hmmm, trading eh? Like bundles you skipped, or the sort of trading people did back in the old days before region restrictions killed it? Guess I'm out of touch... :)
Good luck! :)
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I'd like to work on some VNs here and there myself... preferably with the "next" button a good bit. :D
Oh yeah, Gal*Gun. I have only given that away so far. I think I can wait... I have to save up for the Pheremone Z dlc... I don't really understand at all, but apparently some bought it.
As for trading on occasion, yeah, mostly for random bundle games I might've missed at similar tiers, or occasional wishlisted stuff, since some of my stuff's more classic "bundle trash", and others are kinda... "upper tier bundle trash". Most keys are still okay, though I'm seeing more region locked things lately for whatever reason. Steam gifts are kinda difficult to work with nowadays with the way currencies fluctuate, but I will do the occasional steam wallet trading for something I have, or grab a few cards in exchange. I still have some old gifts from before the change, and luckily they still have the same functionality as before the gift fiasco.
I'm not updating my trade lists anymore too much. The lists are pretty sloppy, since I am not trading like I used to. If I manage to shape them up though, I guess they'll be fine. Already getting overloaded with too much to add. I want to give a lot of it away for random bundle groups or whatever, so I usually don't add much to the list. Depends on a lot of factors I guess. It's way too time-consuming!
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Wow, that's quite the price on that dlc... :) I don't know what to say... :) Guess I'm silly, but not quite that silly... :)
Hmm, I was saving up gifts for something, but once Valve killed gift-buying I thought hmm, maybe I should keep this stuff. :) Even though it's just a pile of cheap bundle garbage, now it's unobtainable cheap bundle garbage! :) Maybe in a few years I'll be able to sell that gift copy of a $1 crap game for oh, I dunno, $2... :)
I don't do any trading at all, used to trade surplus bundle keys for trading cards, but it was too much hassle finding cards I actually wanted. Now I just save those keys for random forum crap, never know when I'll feel like doing some hidden giveaway nonsense... :)
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That DLC is the ultimate Weeb trophy. I can't afford it, so when I end up getting the game, I'll probably just be getting the Angel Cutting Board DLC ;P.
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Funny, before I checked the store page I was thinking hmmm... I wonder if that's anything to do with... :) And it was... :)
Amazing they are selling something you'd have a slider for in other games, though... Guess that's the world now, though...
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I think it's a little different than the sliders that some games have with the models and stuff they use. I'm not really sure, though. I mostly see bouncyness sliders and stuff, haven't really seen size adjusting ones in my experience. >_<
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Aha, I know those Nekopara games have boobie sliders, and this classic RPG had a boobie console command... Probably a lot of other games, too... :)
It's a pity you can't just buy a game any more, there's always something cut out to make DLC... Oh well...
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Yeah, though I feel it's better that it's something small and something targeted to smaller groups than something really important or everybody wants and stuff. With these you can choose one of them if you have a preference and want to support them, but the gameplay is unchanged for the most part.
And I think Nekopara just has bouncyness sliders, though I guess it's the same kind of idea.
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Oh, right, it's the bouncy thing, forgot about that. :) I think in the first Nekopara game you actually had to shake the game window around, but in the most recent one you just push the "make everyone bounce" key. :)
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here i fly to this one, hope i won't be burned
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Guess that makes two of us, it sounds messy... :)
Good luck! :)
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terima kasih.
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Google to the rescue again, no problem, good luck... :)
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heyhey :3
sorry i didnt answer the msgs you wrote me last time
still have the envelope with your two letters there to remind me
i am just not often here atm
not often anywhere ..
anyway, question
you offered me a trade
i should not be shown as trade partner in stm atm
but i guess thats where you found me?
and thanks for you GAs
this one is on my WL, so i will join it :3
going to read your GA description now
hope you are fine? :3
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Hello! :)
Hmmmm, that's probably how it happened, I was trying to find matches for a big pile of cards this weekend... I really need to be in the right mood for it, trading cards are such a chore... Might need to go back in time and tell myself to sell all those stupid cards... :)
Usually I check the automatic-trading bots listed on this page since outside of the big sale events I doubt many people are thinking about badges. :)
It's strange, looking at the store page I was sure this game had been in a bundle, but Steam says "14 friends already own this game"... Guess it was an obscure bundle, would have expected more people to own it... Don't remember where I bought it, hope it was on sale... :) Oh well... :)
My giveaway descriptions are pretty boring this time, sorry about that... :) I may have a question or two somewhere, though... :)
Hmm, I'm pretty fine, just wondering where the weekend went, as usual... :) Hope you are doing well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for all the nice giveaways, entered a few!
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Hope you found some good ones! :)
Oh, one bit of good news, What Remains of Edith Finch just got a 30% discount, and I hadn't purchased that one yet, so hooray for saving five bucks. :) Hoping for a sale on Danganronpa and Fire Pro Wresting World this weekend, the rest are pretty cheap or already purchased... Probably that means the rest will all be in the next Humble Bundle, oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Ohhh a sale on Danganronpa would be great, been wanting to try those!
What Remains of Edith Finch is already in my possesion, altho my AV seems jealous........:P
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Probably won't get What Remains of Edith Finch for myself yet, since it's only a 30% discount... :( And by the time I remember to play, it will have been 50% off, or in a bundle, or something... Just too much backlog... :( Oh well... :)
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I hear you about the backlog! :P
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Boobs make a good platformer :D
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Oho, so that's what sort of game this is, the kind I'd never be able to play... :) I'm just terrible at these things... :) Hope the winner can do it, though... :)
Hmmmmmm, looks like another show I haven't seen.... :) As usual... :)
Good luck! :)
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I've only watched a bit of The Seven Deadly Sins, but what I've seen is pretty funny.
that anime, I mean
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Aha, that's what google said it was, but I hadn't heard of it... Looks like the sort of thing I've seen before, though... :)
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So much wishlisted games! thx your for all the chances fiftykyu <3
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I added some to my wishlist too, so if there's a big discount I won't forget to buy them... :) Will probably forget anyway, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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I do like the art style and stuff in this and it looks/sounds cool, but at the same time, I'd probably suck at it and get frustrated, lol. Maybe I'm better off sticking with some other ones for now. :p
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Yeah, I'd never be able to play this, but thanks to trading cards I could write a review of it... Thanks, idle master! :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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