
Good luck for all and Enjoy :)

Thanks! (^_^)

8 years ago

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You're welcome ! :D

8 years ago

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Thx a lot for this!!!

8 years ago

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You're welcome ! :D

8 years ago

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thank you :)

8 years ago

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You're welcome ;)

8 years ago

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Hey, KeviN22, I hope you're well?

I sent an invite to you over Steam, missing the "no random accepting" stance you have regarding requests from people you don't know, so I figured I'd post here to explain. I just wanted to know if you still do any trading and, if you do, would you have a list of titlkes that you have available to exchange? You may check my SteamTrades Profile out HERE, (not forgetting to use the available links in that profile to verify that I am who I say I am).

I had an imposter a while back and he successfully managed to scam several users out of their games and keys, to which I heartily recommend that everybody should use ENHANCED STEAM, if they don't already do so. Awesome addon for Chrome, and Firefox but the Chrome one is better and it maintained more fully, which gives you the links for the Steam Profile's SteamRep, SteamGifts and SteamTrades TRUE links, so no getting scammed ever again!!

I do have several serials that I'm not sure are activated or not, (long story but can abbreviate and explain, if needed to), but to those titles, even though my Rep is quite a way above yours, I have no issue in going first so you can verify those before completing your side of the exchange........This is all presuming that we come to an agreement, of course

7 years ago

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Yo PhantomTa2, I'm great !

No problem bro .
For now I don't have anything to exchange BUT when I have I'll get in touch with yo .

I see ... these morons do it over and over, i'ts annoying as hell .
About Enhanced Steam and other stuff, I use it most of time to prevent this .

Fully agree with you, few weeks ago I won a game tagged as "Definitive Edition" but I received the "Complete Edition", the same edition that I've own .
This make me feel so upset ... Idk if the owner of the giveaway did a mistake by tagging or somethin' like that .
Anyway ... thanks for the warning :D

7 years ago

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