
"UBERMOSH:WRAITH is the fourth volume of the arcade series UBERMOSH."
So my previous gib was the third.. no, not the Saints Row the Third, no, the 3rd in the Ubermosh series, you dummy!
Ok, now just wait to win, see? this isn't even a pay2win, you don't need to do anything else, or do you?... I'll be here, just watching how the counter ticks down...
Happy Halloween!

Click here if you want to....visit the next false wagon, with the 5th ubermosh series

gore... gore... everywhere!

thanks for the pew pew, metaleroed! :)

6 years ago

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np, enjoy! and thank you for quickly marking it as received, you wouldn't believe how many users just leave one hanging..

6 years ago

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try those at techland gg

2 years ago

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Thanks for this, unfortunately... <This code already exceeded max uses. #ERR2401176> all 3 of them.

2 years ago

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