
Location: Capital Square - Alley Courtyard

As you emerge from the dark alleyway into the open space beyond, you find yourself in an area that seems oddly out of place within the polished veneer of the CBD. In the center of the space, a group of individuals, dressed in a motley assortment of clothing and bearing makeshift weapons, engage in what appears to be a coordinated training exercise.
Their movements, although purposeful, are not remotely coordinated enough to be called precise or perfect in any way. Amidst the group, a figure emerges as their leader, his authoritative presence commanding the attention of those gathered. Overheard snippets of conversation reveal his name to be "Abe," a name that carries weight and respect among his followers.
As you observe from the alleys entrance, you catch fragments of their discussions, which hint at a deeper purpose behind their activities. References to a "revolution" against those who oppose the "Mudokons" suggest that the group identifies themselves by this name, viewing themselves as a collective, fighting against perceived injustices.

Train to: Skips to Capital Square Station

thank you

9 months ago

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Nps ^^ Grats xD

9 months ago

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