Hey Lugum,

since a while ago I have the idea of creating a community puzzle with different authors.

Just some rudimentary thoughts I have at the moment, which we could discuss about:

  • Every puzzle maker can make his own puzzle or even multiple stages. And by solving 2 one can advance further from different directions. Like a math pyramid but from all directions - see rudimentary picture. (Uhh story value :D )
  • So we would be able to differentiate a bit in difficulty outer-> inner and not everything needs to be solved to reach the end.


  • Question 1: Would you be interested in participating?
  • Question 2: Have you some persons in mind who would like to participate as well?

I'll skim through the puzzle section as well and ask regular visitors but maybe you have some ideas as well. In case I miss someone. Also maybe if we want to we could make a topic to gather more interested minds.

As SG will be pretty lively with Halloween and Christmas I would try to aim for November or the Beginning of next year, depending of how big it will become.

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5 years ago

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I am open to help but how much giveaways do you think? And what puzzles? I am known here for jigidi and i tried some other stuff, puzzles from some puzzle magazines i had but that didn't go super.

Delisper would be open to make giveaways, but doubt she would be good making puzzles.
Seretti usually donates games themselves, if you ask her it can be through me f.e with jigidi's, i'll make them.
Why not some itstoohard pyramid thing on different subjects like nordbane did awhile ago, then the directing is all in your hands (in ways that's better then if something goes wrong it's all in your hands), then you can still use people for donations.
Then again, part crypto, part jigidi, part itstoohard could be fun too, as in diversity, i dunno.

Be careful not to sound remotely coming across begging when you ask people to help with a topic, some mods get triggered by it, had it once or twice asking help for the advent events.

Saw you got me whitelisted so whitelisted back.

5 years ago*

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Lemme withhold the answer to the first questions, as I don't know it yet.
The Puzzle content totally lies in the hands of their creator. From simple hidden links, jigs to whatever

Had the idea a bit before Mikalye came around doing it by himself. wow. While a bit hard here and there pretty liked the variation in approach and difficulty.

Thank you for the names and advise. Delipser helped me out with my first event as well, and now I'm running pretty dry on giveaways once again not sure what I'll do. Still am in the progress of hitting people up, wait that sounds a bit evil, will hit the old donators from back then again as well and will keep the name Seretti in mind hopefully :)
Short question what f.e. stands for?

I would guess fiftykyu, I, grez (depending on how much he has to do during his own event) probably will fill multiple rooms

Guess I will starting a real map in the near future with a rough layout what might be possible.

5 years ago

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Since it was apparently already 2 years ago (third time in a week, i am saying time flies here) and before your time.

Maybe an idea on what i meant, if you want you can google steamgifts and his nickname or any other means as he done more events in the past, but this was his last (he kinda quit) a lot of people that used to do events eventually did, so nice to see people still doing something.

5 years ago

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a nice another reference.
I remember him, one of the 10 oldest ones on my whitelist

Slowly starting to add the people on steam now. Guess a few more days until all are gathered then we could start sculpting out the idea.

5 years ago

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