
For the community train.

I have gone as Far as I can with these Lone Sails, I will have to wait before going further as I am out of giveaway slots and don't feel like asking for more... I need my sanity when these end.

My giveaways are set to end September 28th, 8am central

cart # 2180

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11 months ago

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Rest well, thanks for all the many gibs! ^ ^

11 months ago

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Thanks for all these carts Carenard <3

11 months ago

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I feel you on the sanity thing, at the end of the train I will have to send out 142 gifts .... and I hope all my keys are still working.

11 months ago

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I feel you too, Carenard, I often get anxious until everything goes well.
Thank you for all your contribution. :)

11 months ago

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