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Some of you may remember when you needed to use cds in magazines to patch your games. I'm glad this is no longer the case

🙄...Recently, I had to find an old runtime for an application made with an old VB and run it on a recent PC with an application for Win95... because there was no alternative.

(I had to search for an application that talked about a sound that only the youth of mankind can hear, which is generated by a special process).

Could we use this to call the human race to the waterfront and have them bring us cucumbers...?
Eventually, human AI will automatically maintain and redistribute the latest Security patches for legacy apps in the web archive and say, “Newly done!” and sell them to the highest bidder.😅<No way

2 weeks ago

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And before buying magazine, you had to check the list of contents of the cd, if it's actually useful to get (unless there was hyped demo there....)

5 days ago

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Was fun for demos though, although its great that nowadays demos are super accessible and there's stuff like Steam NextFest that has similar vibes. Each demo disc had like custom menus though which was cool (talking about ps2 magazine demo discs).

3 days ago

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That's true, you could discover new games thanks to that! (and also useful programs for pc, not sure about ps2 ones :) )

3 days ago

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