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About This Content

After The Government discovered that Hilda Rize possessed cosmic abilities, they held her in custody and subjected her to torturous experimentation throughout her childhood. Eventually the experiments triggered a cosmic shock wave throughout the world and caused her to escape into the cosmos. Now as an adult and in full control of her powers, she returns to the world and pledges to go on a violent rampage in a quest for vengeance.
Updated version of Vanguard Princess
Play with the boss character Hilda Rize in Arcade Mode and Two Player Mode
The playable and cpu Hilda Rize characters are updated and game-balanced
Exclusive Hilda-themed battle stage
Exclusive in-game music
Alternate Hilda Rize storyline ending
Play Vanguard Princess in its original uncensored version

BONUS: Hilda Rize DLC Game Soundtrack MP3s are included

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