Well, here it is. The entrance to the ZIGGURAT OF DISAPPOINTMENT™. You notice a sign: DISSATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your MONEY BACK!
After what feels like hours you finally reach the front of the queue. A ticket vendor is standing here, apparently waiting for you to say something. But you're not sure precisely what. Perhaps you should TAKE A GUESS.
You see cars to the SOUTH.
So what's the disappointment with this one? Well, checking the discussions - maybe it doesn't work on windows 10? Something about the DRM. You know what they say, the only thing better than DRM is more DRM.
Good luck... :)
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341 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by SilentGuy
Been here..
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Pity you didn't really need to do this, it was only a 2x2 grid... :) But there's always the next bit... :)
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it was worth visiting this part of the parking. I could even survive the DRM in order to try this!
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Well, if the game won't even run, there's not much benefit to winning... :( Apparently you have to use some files from the GOG version? Or download random goodies from the internet and hope for the best... :(
It's funny, though - I have a screenshot from the last time I tried to play the game, so at one time it did work. Dunno what happens if you try to play today... :(
Good luck! :)
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Whether tesseracting DRMs or conflicting mods numbering into hundreds or just the toll of passing years and increasing OS incompatibilities, I've been there... Well, to the "too many mods" or "ten different build installed at once" section the most but still. Did I ever tell you [-de definishun ov insanity?] about running Chaos Gate on a separate rig with Win98? A virtual machine could've been handy in hindsight ;p
Not sure if I have the strength for more of your games today, o Riddler ;O
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Hmmm, I've played a bit of Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition in a virtual machine, probably trading some item to myself? It ran, or maybe I should say shambled? Hobbled? Barely walked. :( Half the trouble was trying to figure out how to do anything - I wouldn't wish that game's mouse+keyboard interface on anyone... :)
I think this puzzle's not too bad so far, when you notice what the questions are asking for. There's a slightly less enjoyable part that's not constructed yet, though... :)
Good luck!: )
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Hahaha. I'm already stuck. Oh well, two weeks to work it out. I love your puzzles. Thank you, fiftykyu! :)
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Oho, that was fast... Don't give up! :)
Good luck! :)
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mh .. maybe drm or another reason, but i cant find the game, so i wont enter and hope someone wins who can actually play it later :)
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The game was removed from the store, but you can still redeem keys if you manage to find one. This is one I bought years ago, figure if I don't give it away soon I'll forget it exists again... :(
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"Hints will appear in 10m"
maybe the hint will be helpful xD
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I hope so too! It's the usual sort of dumb stuff from my puzzles, every time. But maybe the hint won't be completely useless...
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I have no idea what to say so this is my stop. Good luck everyone!
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Ahh, sorry to hear that, so the hint wasn't any help? :(
Well, good luck, and maybe you will get some inspiration and solve it later... :)
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Did you check the new hints? :)
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Yes. I knew they were chapters from the bible but they had no connection with the question. Thank you for the hint.
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Ahh, sorry about that, there's no connection with anything... It's just an excuse to make people do a little googling... "One of them is missing. Which one?" is all you need for these things, at least until you reach the final bit. :)
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the answer 'big busty blond that fall from sky' does not work >.<
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Well, you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you might find... :)
Good luck! :)
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I'm in line to get tickets for something, and then I see a ticket vendor... so I ask for a ticket! But apparently I am not supposed to ask for a ticket.
I'm just too literal for these types of puzzles, I think. Lateral thinking is not my forte.
Nice event, though!
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You have a good point... So did the puzzle hint help at all? What's missing? is the important part... :)
Good luck with it! :)
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Nope, the hint is no help.
Obviously a ton of people are getting this, so I understand that it's just me. I'm pretty smart in some ways, but this is just not one of them, and that's okay. This is why I usually don't even bother with puzzles -- I have a hard time thinking like someone else. My brain just works in its own way.
I only tried this one because it looked uncommonly good. But I will go back to not bothering with puzzles. :)
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Hmm, sorry about that. :(
Not sure I could give much more of a hint without saying hey, look at those things RIGHT OVER THERE, and then DO THIS WITH THEM.... :( Hope you get a lucky brain wave, though... :)
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Check the new and improved hints for the car park bit, hopefully it will make sense now... :)
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Well, that got me through the first puzzle! Thanks for the new hints. For what it's worth, I never, ever, ever would have figured it out on my own. I am just too literal. You put me in front of a ticket vendor, after standing in line for an event... and I'm going to ask for tickets.
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The other puzzles are the same thing, more or less... Right up to the final piece, which is more of a real puzzle I guess... :) Good luck in there... :)
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I checked out the maze for a bit, but it's just too much for me. I have limited free time, and I can't justify spending it on a crazy random maze on the internet.
Thanks for all the effort you put into this event, though! I know it's bringing lots of happiness to lots of people and that is cool.
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Yeah, that's probably the best choice if your free time is limited... Most likely it would take hours to see everything in here, and there's no telling what you'll find...
Taking all that time just for a chance to win 1000 cheap bundle leftovers doesn't sound productive, but if you actually want some of those leftovers the odds are pretty good... :) All the giveaways that end in 7 days have entries, but so far nobody's trying for about 60 of the giveaways that end in 3 weeks.
Maybe people are out of points, maybe they already own them, who knows? :) Looks like all the "real" games have entries, fortunately... :)
I hope some people are happy with things by the time it finishes... :) Have fun! :)
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I'm hoping to find a way the winner can actually play if they win, without the need of downloading anything "extra"...
It seems the game is "phoning home" to check if you are allowed to play, and whatever server it's trying to contact has been shut down. Yay.
So far it sounds like you need to overwrite a few of your Steam Riddick files with some DRM-removed Riddick files from elsewhere, i.e. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1231181951 - but what's preventing people who don't win the giveaway from just coping all the files from elsewhere, I don't know...
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Can't remember how far you got in this thing, but I finally connected the penultimate part, and added some bigger hints to the tutorial. Good luck if you have time for it! :)
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That is why i am still on Windows 7, too many old games that i enjoy have issues on new OS. Thx for a chance!
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It looks like this particular problem isn't a Windows 10 thing, but a "the drm stopped working, sucks to be you" thing... Copying some files from the GOG version (i.e. Tages-free) works, but not everyone has those... Not sure if there's an alternative. :(
Good luck! :)
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Damn, what DRM even can achieve at this point lol. Game was cracked on release if i remember correctly so its basically just hurting legit customers. Reminding me King Kong game that will ruin your PC with StarForce if you are legit buyer and will play smoothly if you just torrent some repack with cut out DRM :D This sucks, well at least community found some solution
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This game was so good!
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I'll have to give it more of a try then, all I did was try to get the game working, then fool around a bit. :( The "copy some of your gog version's files" method works, yay. :)
Good luck in the other giveaways! :)
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The only place I know that still sells this is umm, https://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/the-chronicles-of-riddick-assault-on-dark-athena/72990 :( And it's no longer being discounted... I'm so happy the key worked, didn't want to deal with buying from them again... :)
Hopefully the games will be fun if you can get them working... :) It worked years ago, but I tried again last week because of this giveaway and... :(
The only method that worked for me was overwriting some of the Steam files with my GOG files. :( If you don't have / can't find those files, I don't know what to do. :(
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Once upon a time it was possible for non-US people to buy digital gamestop gift cards at amazon, use a proxy, lie about your address, and buy games from them. I don't know if that still works... :)
Sounds like the problem with this game is the DRM - apparently it tries to phone home, but the Tages DRM server is shut down so it fails and you can't play. :( I assume the GOG files aren't infected with DRM so you just install and have fun. :) What a crazy concept...
There's a guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1231181951 explaining how to make the Steam version of Riddick work, but I don't know what files you will get via that method. Maybe it's the legitimate GOG installer, and maybe it's random malware, no idea, sorry. :(
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Wow, that's great news! Now I'm wondering if I just had some bad luck?
If I had time I'd delete everything and let Steam reinstall, see what happens... But I'd rather not mess with it, somehow or other it's working, that's good enough! :) Plus, there's still 291 games to send... :(
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Have fun with the game, hope it's a good one! :)
Just finished sending everything for today, so hopefully nobody got a bad key... :) Got lucky with the preorders, had no Due to regional price differences, the gift you are trying to send cannot be sent to the recipient's region problems. :)
Really not looking forward to the end of the month... :)
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Yeah, years ago any "u gibe bad key!! need more key pls!!!" problems immediately made me suspicious... :) But nowadays, with all the amateur / clown / sleazy developers on Steam...
There have been too many instances lately of a "developer" revoking keys just to be a jerk, basically. Maybe they didn't like the deal they made, maybe the bundle killed their Steam sales, maybe they didn't want any traders making profitz, who knows...
One crazy theory I had:
Sometimes a developer will give a few keys to their friends, and later sell those same keys to a bundle site. Then when I buy that bundle and complain, the bundle site thinks I'm lying to get a free key, and I think they are lying to save 5 cents of profitz... But the developer was the liar all along, and none of us will ever know. :)
Anyway... So far about five people have had a problem with their key, with 36 still "Awaiting Feedback" so the number will probably increase... :( For some, one of my spare keys worked, but for the rest I got to buy it from Steam. Yay. :) So far only one winner needed wallet money to buy the game themselves. So it could be a lot worse. :)
Well, if this is as far as you reached, I guess you didn't pay much at all... :) But if you decide to explore a bit more, you'll be paying in time and effort, which is just like money... :)
Glad the game turned out to be good! If I wasn't already a million games behind in my backlog I'd take a longer look, but most likely in a month or two I'll forget it's even installed... :(
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Bummer about the failed event, guess I don't check the forums enough to know what you're talking about, when it was, or what happened, etc. :( Maybe it's for the best if I don't know, though... :)
Ahh, unfortunately I didn't check your wishlist against the remaining giveaways, so I don't know if it would be worth the trouble for you to explore the rest of this place... :(
There's some more preorder stuff, some boobie garbage, and some other stuff. Oh, and a huge pile of bundle leftovers that nobody will ever install... :)
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Thank you for the update, and hope the next game is a good one! :) I haven't even looked at it... :(
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Oh, thank you too! :) It's always fun when a game gets to the right person! :)
One of these makes up for dozens of great games collecting dust in some +1 goofball's library... :)
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