In order to fight the use of bots and quick-join scripts, I have set up this giveaway as a mean to detect those who enter automatically without reading. You are of course free to join this giveaway, and I will deliver the game at the end, but everyone who joins this will be automatically entered into my blacklist and will not be able to join any future giveaway I create.
Of course, I wouldn't want you to leave here empty-handed so the actual giveaway you should join is located at:
20 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by starstalker
262 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Wolveruno
16,703 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Carenard
222 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Jekofob
15 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Eugentles
79 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Fluffster
390 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by BlackbeardXIII
77 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Kappaking
17,427 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by gonsi
8,477 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by crez3088
Thanks for letting us know. my family will be entering this drawing on all our accounts but then blacklisting YOU for doing this arbitrary blacklisting.
I hope all who read this do the same. We would never use a bot to enter drawings but rarely have the time needed to read every drawing we enter. It'll just be easier for all if we just don't see these kind of ruses.
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Thank you for taking the half a second required to notice the big black bold characters at the top of the page that would be absolutely impossible to miss by anyone actually opening the giveaway page in order to enter.
If you think it's okay to blindly enter anything without even glancing at the description, feel free to blacklist me. I'm protecting myself from the mindless drones winning my giveaways, and you're free to prevent anyone from winning yours for whatever arbitrary reason you see fit.
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well, you know that the staff will not tollerate it that you're creating fake-giveaways no matter how much you've already gifted?
but well, the report function is there for a reason
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That's why I have not created any fake giveaway. But if you took 2 seconds to read the description, you would know that already.
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oh man, this is a fake giveaway and you posted it in you're description yourself,
it doesn't matter that there is another GA for the same game that's private only since there would be 2 winners and only 1 game...
but well, reported already, lets see how the staff thinks about this
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"You are of course free to join this giveaway, and I will deliver the game at the end"
Learn to read..........
It isn't a fake giveaway....
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Maybe you should sharpen your reading skills a little bit...
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well, seems i was a bit wrong there, but anyways, it's just mean
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I'm giving a fair warning in huge, bold characters. The only way someone could miss it is by using a bot or script to join, and that's exactly the kind of users I'm trying to weed out from entering my giveaways.
The only other option is to make only group/private giveaways and that leaves out a huge part of the community.
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(Just noticed this thread being linked from another, recent one.)
Well, there's stil the option of the person simply not understanding English -- they might have had the site explained to them by a friend, or they might have learned what buttons to click by trial & error, but they might not understand what people write in the descriptions or the comments, without having someone translate it for them.
I'm pretty sure quite a lot of people here operate this way. (Just look at the number of fake giveaways whose creators "did not understand how the site works", and were surprised that "what? me not get game?") Sure, it still means they're not great conversation partners, but it doesn't make them bots either.
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I'm sure there's bound to be some collateral damage to such a giveaway, which is why I did not make more of them. (cg should have to raise the maximum size of the blacklist anyway)
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(Heh, right. :-) )
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BOOM! Headshot...
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I got a laugh out of this :)
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Great one! Whitelist++:)
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I can imagine bots programmed to skip giveaways which have the words blacklist /blacklisted. I think I will start putting them on my descriptions.
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Thanks ^^
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Thanks for the Giveaway!
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K, blacklisting YOU.
This takes time out of my giveaway entering.
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Thank you for letting me know. Feel free to enter any of my future giveaways. :D
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But I just want this cheap piece as it is on my wishlist :(
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You want to prevent me to enter a game which is in my wishlist? That's just....cruel.
You're just saved from being ignored because you put a link to another giveaway with the same game in better.
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I would not have done this without providing an alternative giveaway. That would have just been mean. ;)
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And you would have probably more flaming comments if you didn't provide that.
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The point was to weed out bots and scripts, not to aggravate people. :D
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I'm just hoping that nice people will not be blacklisted. Though I suppose the majority of them will be heading out to the other giveaway or proves that they're not a bot.
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Thanks! =D
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Thanks Bro •ิ_•ิ
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But.... but I want to win :(
Er... wait... I just proved I'm not a bot script thingy, right? So can I enter without being blacklisted? I mean, come on, if only bots enter then that means that some bad person is going to be the one to win.... you wouldn't want that would you?
Please reply and let me know, I'll not enter until you do... for all I know, one of your next giveaways might be GTA V for Witcher 3.... would hate a chance at winning one of those :o
Here's hoping whoever wins this will actually play it ;D
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Allrighty, I will allow it. :D
But you should have used the link at the end of the description for an improved version of this giveaway. ;)
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I saw the link :D
Just thought it's silly to give the game to the very people you don't want to give the game to.
Makes more sense to have the people entering say something and if they don't they get blacklisted :p
I just enter the other one only, y'know, since it's improved :D
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It's just a cheap bundle game, so I don't really care. ;)
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Злые раздачи.
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Thanks for this Great Giveaway
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I dont understand,this ga is fake or not? you say you gonna give game for this GA,but you gonna black list-still,there is second ga,proper one...
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I will give the game in the end because I don't do fake giveaways. But if you don't want to get blacklisted, then join the other one, not this one. (The other one also includes DLC)
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Gladly i can read ^^
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dang that's the 2nd time i've entered this and then un-entered after reading the big text about the blacklist. wish i could tell steamgifts to hide individual giveaways but still show me others of the same game -- would also be nice for the 50-copy giveaways i'm not going to enter.
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Sorry about that. It would definitely be helpful to be able to hide individual giveaways you're not planning on entering.
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i think i can make it the few hours remaining in this giveaway, and i can't blame you for wanting to promote a little bit of community with your giveaways.
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Thanks for the great giveaway.
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I've gotten in the habit of quickly entering for games I'm interested in by middle-clicking a number of them in the list then hovering the mouse over the enter button and doing click-to-enter plus CTRL-W to close the window and I too entered this and closed the window to immediately reopen to see what the big black text said, then I quickly removed myself in less than 15 seconds or so. I'm not sure if that got me blacklisted, but it appears to suggest I'm not eligible for anything else. It's too bad there isn't another way to combat the problematic bot accounts directly without collateral damage to people that quickly enter games and don't read all of the fine details in the descriptions, but on the upside there are hundreds of games given away every day on the site so still plenty of opportunities to give and receive even if one gets blacklisted like this. I did withdraw my entry out of respect, but best of luck to everyone else on this giveaway and any others.
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No worries, I'm giving people a 2-hours window to withdraw before I blacklist them. I tend to enter THEN read the description myself quite often. So you're safe, no worries. :)
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I did the exact same thing he did haha I often enter then look if there is anything in the description
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Thank you! :)
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Not sure what to think.... factually it seems like a fake giveaway for me. On the other hand you claim to fight bots. Why do you do and what harm do you perceive that could happen to you or possibly to the site?
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Really? Fake?... Once again: "You are of course free to join this giveaway, and I will deliver the game at the end". He'll deliver you game, if you win. Only one problem is that he'll add you to blacklist.
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I see. Overlooked that part. My bad.
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People use bots and auto-join scripts instead of opening the page and entering themselves for the giveaways. I don't want these kind of people to win my games. If you can't even be bothered to open the giveaway page, even less read the description, then stay away. :P
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You can simply blacklist me then too. I have been using the steamgifts app on android. Which essentially mimicked* your simple join paranoia :)
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I won't. You're safe for now. I remember the Android app but I didn't factor it in since whoever made it never updated it for v2. What I have seen however are scripts to join every giveaway you can in a single click and I can't stand those. (Especially since they're against the site rules now that the terms have been updated.)
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Fine. About the topic. I still see no reason to script anything. You can join maybe 10 or so ga's then you need to wait a long time for points to replenish. Although i liked the fast-join of the app it still was showing the text of its creator iirc. The fastness just came from not having to load subpages but stay on the very listing view which just expanded. Imho a fault of v2 itselves they should made it same to be mobile friendly. Along with other design tweaks like bigger buttons. And endless scrolling.
On topic: what advantage to yourselves do you expect such users to have?
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It's not necessarily about the advantage they're getting (which is mostly entering something they might have missed if they had to do it by hand) but the fact that they mostly enter for anything until they run out of points, many times for something they don't even want. Plus, by doing so, they miss the description completely every single time. If someone is making a giveaway to promote a game he has on Greenlight or some group, that promo is lost on those who don't look at the GA.
Also, if someone has made a comment like "This is not game A, but since game B was not in the list I made the GA under that name" or "This is a region-restricted game that can only be played in Lichtenstein" then they will still join it even though they're not getting the game they signed up for in the end. (That one is mostly on them though.)
Ultimately, I think what annoys me the most is the lack of efforts that is displayed. I feel like there's no appreciation for the fact that I'm taking some of my money to buy a game and give it to a perfect stranger over the Internet.
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Can totally see your point. Your personal investment in curating the event is in vain hence.
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Nice idea ;) You're right about entering GAs and reading description later (I did it in this GA :P) I wonder how many people have joined this GA without reading description and how many people have read description and still have joined GA.
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ok interesting, but for example I am Brazilian and I did not have a curiosity to know what you wrote, I would have given me bad! if it's a game I like I just vo in! there is no need really to read!
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The warning is large enough that you can't miss it even if you're not reading the description.
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really! so I was curious to know what it was! good guy idea is that most of the time is not anything relevant to be read!
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but I don't understand the part about the blacklist, or what GA should I join (this or the other)
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The other one
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This is getting out of hand, joined the GA and please blacklist me.
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You should have joined the other one. But since you are clearly not a bot, you will be spared. :3
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