Oh boy, a Tomato Game giveaway! What's cooler than that?
Sorry, there's no question in here, but feel free to bump that dumb forum topic.
And don't forget to enter the other giveaways! :)
Tomato Jones, Level 1
Tomato Jones 2, Level 1
Tomato Way, Level 1
Congratulations, puzzle person! You did it! :)
Umm, actually this isn't a Tomato Game, but it's near enough... Ugh. Sorry. :)
Hopefully I'll be busy playing this game over the weekend, since I kinda forgot about it. :( So please don't spoil anything for me! :)
Good luck! :)
259 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by pingu23
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3 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by PossiblePsycho
189 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Wintermute75
Yay, I solved one of your puzzles! :D
Too bad I already own the game ;-;
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Dang, that was fast! :) Congratulations! :)
Did you happen to notice any of the hints and stuff, or was it just too obvious? I suppose it's easier for native English speakers?
Hmm, I didn't even think of making a giveaway for people who already own this game. Oops! Sorry... :( Will have to think about that one a bit...
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I made the silly joke in the past, so it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread.
It would probably be easier for native speakers to figure it out, but it hinges on peeps being able to sound it out. Helps if someone knew there were 2 separate pronunciations for the word "tomato" but I don't feel it would be a deal breaker.
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Aha, interesting!
Except, for some reason... Instead of feeling bad about my game backlog, now I'm feeling guilty about my book backlog too... :( Sigh... :)
And I won't be able to play any more of this game all weekend, in case someone checks my profile or something. Oops. :)
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I'm still proud of you
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I don't know why but seeing mentioned borderlands as more or less aaa game, and seeing your recently played list, got me here. And only after I saw that it was the correct answer I realized the word play, when I spoke it outloud.. (not a native english speaker.. so.. -.-);
Anyways.. o/
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Wonder if I need to play a bunch of random nonsense to push this game off the list... :) Guess it's not a big deal, wouldn't be fun if nobody could solve it. :)
Maybe I'll have to think of some other way to hint at the solution, so it's not impossible to solve otherwise... :) With the bundle keys or something... :)
Good luck if you don't already own it too! :)
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Well, it is hinted in last 2 batch of keys, however I thought that have to do with 5th giveaway, (which btw I still have no clue how to get, or even if it exists ;) ) not with the one behind ITH.
My mind was.. hmm.. he didn't play all of these tomato games on his profile, lets try this aaa game which he obviously also didn't play :)
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No comment... :)
Oh, you know, I did install all those Tomato Games, but they have no achievements. :( I was hoping getting a few easy achievements would make it look better, but no such luck... Oh well. :)
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I still remember your DFC puzzle it seems o_O
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Oho, I remember that one too! :) Hope the winner played it, that's a good game... :) Wish I remembered to keep playing it myself... :(
Ahhh, did you find all the clues in those keys then? Congratulations! :) Or maybe you can only see them once you already know the solution? No idea at all... :(
Good luck if you try for it! :)
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I probably wouldn't have looked at the keys if I didn't remember your previous puzzles XD
I didn't know the solution before looking at the clues. 2B and near tipped me off. I wasn't familiar with the other characters though until I looked at its Steam store page :P
Still I don't think I've found all the clues and doubt I ever will :'(
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Yeah, I guess if you know I'm always lying about leftover keys, it's the first thing to check. But if you don't know, why would you even look at them? I've never seen anyone else hide stuff in Steam keys, most likely it's impossible unless you buy a huge pile of crappy bundles... :)
Ahh, that's one problem with those clues, i.e. people who own the game will know the characters, but then they won't be able to enter the giveaway... :)
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Great meme, so happy to find this. xD
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It seems like a fun game so far, so hopefully it's not just a meme thing... :)
Good luck! :)
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I was referring to "near a tomato" as the meme, saw it for the first time from a facepunch thread early last year, it's the only reason why I got the answer on the second try, first I tried tomato way because I saw a Jim Sterling video on it, but then it hit me and I was like, no way... but to my surprise it really was nier. :p
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Thank you, I'll try my luck, then. This game's at the top of my wishlist.
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Looks like the odds are good, unless I take pity on people and make some extra hints or something... :) But that sort of thing always makes me feel bad for the people who solved it without the extra hints, so you shouldn't have to worry about that... :)
Good luck! :)
p.s. This might sound silly, but I just realised something - "I made a joke here that turned out to be the correct answer." is probably a spoiler, too... :)
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I've edited it to "said something".
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Thank you! :) Maybe I'm just being paranoid though, I think if someone's heard the Tomato thing it's obvious without any hints, and if they haven't, there's no hint big enough... :) Oh well... :)
Really I just wanted to keep away all the lazy +1 people, not looking for a fancy puzzle thing at all... :) Bonus points if someone actually wants to play it, since it's fun... :)
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My first guess was Potato :)
Thank you!!
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Sure seems to be enjoying that thing... :)
Hope the winner doesn't just get a Tomato, would be evil if I was lying about the whole thing... Probably not, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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Oh, these are certainly some, ahem, "tomatoes" I'd definitely wanna try! :3
I'll be honest when I say that I looked at those "keys", though to myself "Whelp, it's late- TIME TO GO TO BED!!!", scrolled down to see how long ago the last comment was to see if it needs bumping while reading everything along the way, saw Fet's comment that implied that I'm overthinking it a lot and then "Nier:Auto-mato" just sprung up in my head almost immediately. I guess I must have made that pun at some point too. ^_^'
Aaaanyway, thank you very very much! :D
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There's a reason this game was in the Steam Awards voting “Soul Of Vitruvius” category... :) Although some Tomb Raider nonsense won... :)
Hmmm, I'll have to play a bunch of random games to push it off my "Recently Played" tab, thank you for the idea... :) Can't make it too obvious... :)
Good luck! :)
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What idea? I didn't mention your "Recently Played" tab at all. O_o
(I mean, I probably would have done that eventually, but I didn't need to.)
By the way, you can't push it off your "All Recently Played" page as far as I know. It'll always show all the games you played in the last few weeks. So people can still get a hint there, if they are willing to search enough. :)
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Hmm, you're right, it sounds like I was replying to someone else's comment for that part, but I have no idea who... Sigh... Sorry for spacing out... :)
Oh, so it's not showing a fixed number of games? Guess I'm not going to worry if people figure it out that way, it's a pretty dumb puzzle... :) As long as it's not the very first game in the list, that will help... :) Make them work a little for it... :)
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I, too, solved it by looking at your recently played list. #1 on my wishlist :) So thanks for that
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Drat! :) Well, not really drat. :) It's such an obvious thing to do, I'm surprised more people haven't checked... :) I mean, I know I'm lazy, but come on, people... :)
It's a lot of fun so far, but I have to admit I needed to set it to "Easy Mode" to pass the first part of the game - might go back and start over now that I know how to play a bit better... :) But I don't want to start the whole game over... :( Sigh...
Good luck! :)
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Aha, I should have know :)
My personal best game of the year for 2017!
Both to whoever wins the game and to fiftykyu, enjoy, because this one is excellent.
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This Tomato Game thing is making me want to continue playing it... :) But if people check my Steam profile and see NieR:Automata™ it's going to spoil the puzzle a bit... :( Oh well...
And unfortunately I didn't make any giveaway for the people who already own this one, just didn't think of it, sorry... :( If I do something later I'll let everyone know, but most likely I'll just forget... :(
But good luck in some other giveaway, some day... :)
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I already saw it when I searched your library on SteamDB for games with tomato in the name but didn't think that was it.
This comment made me realize the answer was probably the giveaway game so I looked at the community wishlist and tried this one.
Even now I still don't understand how we were supposed to figure it out, all I can see is the pattern with the keys and I still can't make any sense of it.
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Yeah, there's stuff in the keys, but I think unless you have heard someone call the game "Near A Tomato" you'd have to get a lucky brainwave... Or be clever checking for clues outside the puzzle, as some people have done... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Umm, nothing? None of that stuff is hints. :)
The hints are in the "pile of leftover bundle keys". I said "don't waste your time looking at them!" so lazy people wouldn't get a chance to win the game. :) Sorry about that, I'm always lying in puzzles... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Oh, I agree... :)
I'll spell it out better once the giveaways are finished, if that helps... :) But I think your rule is a good one, especially when you don't know what you're supposed to be doing, and there's no road map or instructions or anything...
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Just in case I forget, here's some old puzzles where I hid things in leftover bundle keys:
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Thanks, once I saw double NEAR at the bottom of cd-keys I realised lol.
Excited for Dark Souls: Remastered? 60fps without mods, 4k etc. all that good stuff
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Hmm, I guess this is pretty obvious, especially for people who have seen the "leftover bundle keys" thing before...
Hmm, I'll definitely buy it, but not really excited about it... I think if it's just "60 fps, 4k, better multiplayer, blabla" the PC version already has that, thanks to modders. Finishing all the stuff the original developers ran out of time for, adding quality-of-life things they learned from later games, fixing bugs etc. would be interesting, but I'm not expecting miracles...
I'm sure the console version will be a big improvement, but that's not going to make me feel better about the PC version... Hope I'm wrong, though.
Good luck!
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Like many other remakes and remasters the main goal they had was to make money by making it available to people that own the latest gen of consoles; the enhanced PC version is a nice side bonus to that.
I'll probably pick it up too at some point, I heard that existing owners get a nice 50% off the $40 price so... :3
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Still, if we're going to be paying $20, I'm going to want more than dsfix + dscm + some texture mods... :) I mean, we lost all those $5 Dark Souls deals, there had better be a good reason for it... :)
Good luck! :)
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You won't get any discount sadly, unless Bandai Namco changes their mind in the last minute
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Ouch, I saw that screenshot claiming there was a 50% discount. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I guess I won't get it after all (ಥ‸ಥ)
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Surprised so few people know about this tomato joke.
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I'd guess it's a lot easier for native English speakers, since it doesn't sound the same, but you can still "get it". :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Puzzle reuse, but still extremely effective. I only noticed the weird coincidence in the keys NEARRA just now, googled it alone and couldn't found anything, and finally got the answer after combining it with tomato in the search query. Just how the puzzle should be solved.
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Yeah, I'm lazy, I keep going to that leftover bundle keys well... :)
Glad to know it's possible to solve it with thinking, instead of randomly having heard it before... :)
Good luck! :)
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Bump for solved. I need to get myself to level 3 one of these days :P
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Ahh, sorry about that... :) But at least you could try for those other Tomato Games... :) It's all pretty much the same thing... :)
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Top of my wishlist, was gonna get it in the winter sale (even sold a bunch of cards in preparation), but then it was one of the few that wasn't on sale, wtf Squeenix?
Thanks for the chance, fiftykyu! 😁
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Yeah, that was such a missed opportunity... Valve give them a huge amount of free advertising, plastered all over the Steam store. Paying every Steam user to think about this tiny selection of games... And it's full price the whole time. I wonder if it's the story of the stereotypical clueless Japanese publisher, or just this specific one... :)
Oh well. Good luck! :)
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my first guess was nier: automata, but i guess you didn't like the colon there, i tried some other stuff, luckily i came back to this. Too bad I own this one though.
The first ending isn't really the ending by the way. there are three playthroughs and they all have different story elements so they are essential, just in case you didn't know that already.
Thanks for a nice dumb puzzle!
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Good you came back! :) Yeah, the puzzle is pretty dumb, but I'm pretty lazy so... :)
The correct answers are (oops, spoiler!)
Nier Automata
Near A Tomato
(couldn't resist...) :)I've heard that other endings exist, but haven't spoiled myself, and haven't played long enough to know anything specific... Presumably I'll need to play NG+ or whatever it's called in this game... :)
Aha, since you've played the game, maybe you can give a spoiler-free answer to something I'm curious about: is there any point to getting smaller versions of the umm, the things you find, or do you start NG+ with nothing, and all the time you spent upgrading was wasted?
Since I found a place where enemies keep coming back, I figure if I fight them for an hour or so I could get a lot of upgrade materials, or random thingamabob drops... But if it's pointless, I'd rather not waste my time... :)
Thank you! :) Sorry you couldn't enter the giveaway, but good luck in some future giveaway, some day... :)
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Yes iirc stuff carries over. But I didn't need to grind to get some of the good stuff in the game. So you might as well just enjoy the story.
Something I regretted is that I pretty much didn't do any of the sidequest that I could have in the game. Hopefully I can get back to doing that the next time I play.
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Aha, thank you for the advice, and I'll keep an eye out for all the side-quest stuff as I'm wandering around... :)
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took me a while .. but i found it out :3
i join the GA, hope thats ok? if not i will remove my entry :3
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Congratulations! :) But you don't need my permission to enter giveaways, you know... :) So if it sounds like fun, why not? :)
Good luck! :)
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*munching a tomato* What's up,
Docfifty? :DI had to take a second look at the puzzle to get the joke, but once I did, I laughed out loud, so double thanks!
Now, finding that other thing... will have to wait for another day.
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Congratulations, glad you found it without too much trouble... :)
Hmm, other thing? No idea... :)
Good luck! :)
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Didn't think I'd get here, but after your encouragement I tried some games from my white list and finally decided to look at your recently played list and entered one the game I was interested in close to the other Tomato games you "played". I did notice all the keys were fakes pretty early one because all of the letters between brackets spelling out TOMATO, I also noticed "Nearra" being repeated quite often and tried to find a game with it but couldn't. The last line says "Nearaa" for some reason which is why I asked about that specific key. I am curious about any other hints you hid though. NieR: Automata was on my whish list for a while until I removed it, since I'm trying to limit that list to games I'm absolutely certain I'll play at some point, and try to cut back on gaming in general. Should I by some miracle be lucky enough to win it I will play it and be extatic about it, but otherwise I'll probably not buy it for myself. So thank you ^^
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Hmm, none of those "leftover bundle keys" keys are fake. Now, after a day they are certainly all used, but they are all valid Steam keys. Try some and see! :)
Oh, that was trying to sound like "near a tomato" but I couldn't put a blank space in the keys... There was probably a better way to do it. Scratch that, there's always a better way to do it... :) And the one key you asked about was because I didn't have any leftover key that matched the pattern. Didn't feel like buying 10000 crappy bundle keys just to get a fresh supply and hope I got lucky... :)
That reminds me - if you ever see the characters
O, 1, S
in a pile of Steam keys, those characters were originally0, I, 5
. Steam treats them identically but sometimes you may want to use the other one to spell something. And there's no Steam key with the letterU
for some reason. I assume it's to allow some mathematical thing Steam does with the keys use base 32 instead of base 33, but that's just a guess on my part. Oh well...Hope it's fun if you win! :) Good luck! :)
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Wow, if they were real keys I'm really impressed :D
Ah, I probably wouldn't have guessed it if I saw "Near A Tomato" either to be honest :D Didn't know that about characters in keys, that's actually really clever. I haven't gotten a clue why no key has a "U" in it but it probably has some trivial reason like you said in the key generating algorithm.
It looks like a fun game, I hope who ever wins it actually plays it.
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Well, it just means I buy a lot of crappy bundles, which leads to a lot of leftover keys... I used to save them for trains and junk like that, but the way Steam is today nobody's going to play any of that stuff - might as well use them in puzzles... :)
Nowadays I try to make giveaways for something I can at least imagine the winner playing... :) Sooner or later... :)
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Already owned it, but had to come here to post this. The lack of punctuation on the puzzle threw me off.
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Cute, thank you! :) Sorry you already own this game, I keep forgetting to do something about that... :(
Good luck in some other giveaway, some day! :)
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Well, probably puzzle really wasn't hard, if even I was able to solve it) Thank you)
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Yeah, that's how I judge puzzles too... :)
Good luck! :)
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I think I would have never found without a
littlebig clue on the topic: something about wishlist... I picked the SG wishlist and... it was here... front my eyes NieR:Automata™. Congrats for making me feel so stupid for searching a pattern in your random keys xDIt's not the first time you got me with a simple puzzle hidden as a difficult one \o/
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Sometimes I have a "real puzzle" and sometimes it's just dumb. :) This is one of the dumb ones... :) Sorry about that... :)
Good luck! :)
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np np, I liked to feel dumb for a moment xD
And I think I would enjoy it even if I didn't find the solution, because you always give the explanation when the GAs end.
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Finally got it with a fresh mind this morning. :)
Impressive selection of keys! Were you the one who made keys puzzle spelling out a jigidi URL or something a while back? So when you said "don't waste your time looking at them" I naturally became quite suspicious. :P
Thanks for the brain teaser :)
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Oho, congratulations! :) Hope you didn't waste too much time on this puzzle, it's pretty dumb... :)
Hmmm, probably... I haven't noticed anyone else doing tricks with Steam keys around here, but it's hard to remember all the details... :(
Oh, was it https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/x1uPN/late-shift perhaps? The explanation was at https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Yu1DL/hiding-things-in-giveaway-descriptions if that looks familiar... :)
I listed a few other ones here - some of those had things hiding inside bundle keys... :)
Good luck! :)
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Yes, that was the one I was thinking of! :)
At first, I was ignoring the keys and just trying to guess Tomato-related games. There are games with tomatoes in them, but without "Tomato" in the name. Like Talent Not Included which has a Tomato in its logo, or perhaps I Am Vegend, or maybe Ready, Aim, Splat!... but, nope.
Then, I went back to looking more closely at the list of keys. Hmm... 9 groups of 6 keys each. What could that be telling me? Too many for an sgtools URL... too few in each group for a Jigidi. I tried a few of the keys to see if the games were relevant, but they were not of course. I tried some different arrangements of letters and numbers as answers to the ITH...
Then I saw the NEARRAs and thought maybe it's "Near RA", so I found a key with "RA" in it, but no clues there. Then I saw the NEARAA and inspected the keys with (A)(A) in it. But, nope.
Then I started googling "steam tomato games" and "nearra" and "nearaa" and things like that... got nowhere with that...
Then I was thinking, maybe this is some meme or from some anime or whatever that I'm out of the loop on, tried some stupid searches, no luck there...
Finally I'm searching "nearra tomato" with no good results, though about it a moment, changed it to "near a tomato"... et voilà...
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I guess it's not much of a spoiler to say I'm always lying in puzzles... :) Or that even though my crappy leftover keys really are crappy leftover keys, they aren't chosen at random, or from whatever horrible bundle I bought yesterday - they are always hiding something... :)
It's a pity there's nothing giving a nudge in the right direction, or some actual hints... People who heard the phrase "Near A Tomato" probably knew the answer instantly (unfortunately, many of them already own it...) but everyone else seemed to need dumb luck or a random brainwave to solve it... Oh well... I'll have to do better next time... :)
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SG has taught me to be suspicious of everything, never take anything for granted. Hover every link, view source on every page, stalk profiles... BTW That Pi puzzle was a thing of beauty... I failed miserably, of course... I'm also suspicious that there's another one hidden on this puzzle... you have 5 invite-only giveaways running... ;)
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Thanks to this comment I finally managed to figure it out, due to seeing 2B several times in the keys :P "Unfortunately" I bought this on release, but it's one of the best games I've ever played so I hope the winner enjoys it ^^
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Ahh, sorry, I never did make a giveaway for all the people who already bought this... :( Guess I don't play enough games to know what would be similar to this one... :( Oh, and I still haven't finished it, so maybe some games are more similar than I would realise... Sigh. :)
I hope the winner enjoys it too... :) Having a lot of fun so far... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway, some day or other... :)
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To be honest, I don't think you could make a giveaway for a "game like this", unless they port the original Nier over to steam as well :p Don't know any other game that blends so many different genres successfully at the same time.
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