NOTE: Arcane Raise comes with Trading Cards & Letter achievements (instant unlock). Now SUPPORTS Max OS X & Linux/SteamOS.
Ha Trading Cards, successi Lettera e inventario elementi.
Hat Trading Cards, Letter Achievements und Inventory Items.
Tem cartões de troca, realizações da letra e artigos do inventário.
Имеет торговые карты, достижения в письме и предметы инвентаря.
A des cartes à collectionner, des réalisations de lettres et des articles d'inventaire.
73 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Freilyreydia
296 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by wigglenose
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18 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by makki
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1,598 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Ingrid88
Thanks ^^
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i have this one and can join.
be sure to check the winner
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Thanks a lot.
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Thank you very much indeed! ☺
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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sry can you reroll please already owned ;/
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Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
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Oh yeah, well i will have to return the favour and blacklist his lazy ass too, as i don't have the time to sit around waiting for a lazy dev with some Lame giveaways to correct a simple mistake. :)
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My thoughts exactly.
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Hey man.
Just letting you know, it's been more than 4 days since i opened my Support Staff ticket to try and resolve this issue, and still no reply.
So, i have ticked the "Not Received" button which is now available.
If you don't want to get a suspension from the Moderators for a "Multiple Wins" offense, i suggest you tick the "Not Received" button as well.
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Same here. Already owned. Gotta mark it this time.
Please, reroll.
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Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
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Ayy. Not my fault the SG filter didn't catch it and I had to filter it manually.
Oh well, will just write a ticket since "not received" shouldn't be used for this afaik.
Thanks for the info.
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You're welcome.
But what kind of ticket are we talking about here?
I mean isn't the procedure to ask for a reroll and if that doesn't occur, to just mark it as "Not Received"?
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Thanks!! :)
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Sorry, same for me also! Already owned. Please, re-roll my win.
Thank you so much.
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Couldn't help noticing the little icon.
Happy Birthday!
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Lol.. Thanks man :D
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You're welcome.
Now then, about the reroll...
Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
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Thank you so much for the info!
I really used to check whether I have a game/dlc before entering it or not. And I am pretty sure that when I checked this one I hadn't had it in my library! Well, at least that was what I saw on its Steam page! But I think that happened because of this Enhanced Steam add-on. I noticed that I have to clear the cached data regularly when I am using it!
Now I really don't know what I have to do :(
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Well, there are pretty much only 3 choices, in the following order:
Wait 4 or 5 more days and hope that the developer will do a reroll.
If after those 4 or 5 days he still hasn't requested a reroll, by this time the "Not Received" button will be available in your "Won Giveaways" section and you can check "Not Received". (so as not to get in trouble with the Mods here for a "Multiple Wins" offense)
(not adviseable) Check the "Received" button in your "Won Giveaways" section and wait for a Mod to ban you for a few days/weeks because it will be considered as a "Multiple Wins" offense.
You could also submit a ticket to the Support Staff "pleading your case" and hoping that the issue is resolved.
This is the method i resorted to in the end, and am awaiting a reply.
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Thank you GiANi!
I have just sent the Support Stuff a ticket, and I'll be waiting for a reply too.
Have a nice day.
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Well, it's been more than 4 days since i opened my Support Staff ticket, and still no reply.
So, i have ticked the "Not Received" button which is now available.
If you don't want to get a suspension from the Moderators for a "Multiple Wins" offense, i suggest you tick the "Not Received" button as well.
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I got a reply directly actually from the support! This is it:
"Hello Safwan.
We can only reroll giveaways with a request from the creator. As you've already left a comment on the page, you have done everything we could ask of you in this case.
Please mark the giveaway as "not received" if there is no resolution once 7 days has passed since the end of the giveaway.
Thank you for contacting us."
So, the only solution is exactly what you have done :)
Have a nice day.
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Although when i entered, i did not have this DLC, it would seem that when i try to activate it, Steam says i already have it.
I may have won it in the meantime, but am not sure.
In any case, please reroll for a different winner.
Thank you for understanding and for the giveaway.
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Same here as well
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Well, the developer has been online on several occasions today, yet no action has been taken so far.
But, since there are many other users facing the same dilemma, it might take a while.
Maybe in a few days tops, this will be resolved.
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Thanks so much for a copy ^^
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already have it
reroll pls
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Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
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no problem lol
just that even when i refresh my SG, sometimes it still there
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I don't think you understand.
The giveaway creator (which is not me) will most likely NOT do a reroll.
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Thank you
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Thank you
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Hey it seems I already own it. Please reroll a new winner, thanks!
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Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
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Taken from the developer's Steam Profile:
So he already blacklisted all of us who already own the DLC, and will most likely NOT do a reroll in our cases.
But what if we DIDN'T already own the DLC, but actually won it a few days before this giveaway finished?
Or what if we just simply forgot about already owning it?...
In any case, it's been more than 2 days since we kindly asked for a reroll, and nothing has heppened since, even though he has been online on several occasions.
So all that is left for us to do is to check the "Not Received" box in about 4-5 days when the button will be available.
You could also submit a ticket to the Support Staff "pleading your case" and hoping that the issue is resolved.
This is the method i resorted to in the end, and am awaiting a reply.
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I did the same and support yet haven't replied me or removed the key.
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They didn't reply to my ticket either, nor did the giveaway creator do anything about the whole mess.
So, you should just do what we all did in the end, namely tick the "Not Received" button.
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