
Courtesy of Oppenh4imer's suggestion!

This is a Steam gift! I will be adding the winner in order to send this!

First time I see a giveaway for this game, and I have on my wishlist from a long time, thank you for the chance. c:

7 years ago

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Thanks both

7 years ago

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Thanks a bunch for a chance at a wishlist title :D

7 years ago

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Better choice :D

7 years ago

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Wishlisted game, cheers!

7 years ago

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Thank you for this one, Noxco!:) It looks like it will be a fun RPG!:)

First time in quite a while I won two really good games from someone's train (usually one of the wins is a bundle game that a fair number of people give away)!:) I don't think I've heard of either game before your train (possibly this one, but I am not certain), so it was really awesome winning them!:)

I hope you're doing well. I saw that you hadn't been on either SG or Steam in about 5 days so I thought you may have been ill or something (it is still flu season, after all).

Take care!:)

7 years ago

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My pleasure, frankly it's always nice to see someone from whitelist to win a GA that isn't whitelist specific! :D

I hadn't heard of either game before they were suggested as hidden gems, but both seemed to be positively received on Steam. This one specially looks rather unique, so hopefully it's a good one! I'd be interested to hear what you thought about it whenever you've gotten the chance to try the game, but of course don't feel obligated to do so! :)

I'm fine, thanks! Just took a long weekend trip so I couldn't check SG during that time. :) I hope you're also doing well!

7 years ago

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