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Hope you have a nice day or night
Be kind to yourself, others and animals
ʕ๑• ᴥ•ʔ੭♡

Manatee, dugongs and extinct friends by pikaole!

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thanks for all the giveaways!

11 months ago

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They're not amazing, but it's what I have 🙊 Thank you so much for all of the carts you've done!

11 months ago

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that is kind of the point of the community threads to give what you have - no one is saying you need the latest or greatest stuff - just whatever you might have that fits from your left overs

i have done (2 years now) and will be doing again another Christmas train which allows anything and everything ass long as it can be activated on Steam (dlc, 0p - 1p+ freebies) everything so your more than welcome to join that when time comes - even just to enter for some carts

11 months ago

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That's true! I tried to pick the ones that are rated Very or Mostly Positive! I've added some carts to that train before as well and definitely will again! Appreciate you doing it :)

11 months ago

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FF69B4 (Hot Pink)

You have a scientific and mathematical mind, as well as a feminine side to you. This means you're like the hot pink color, especially since your soul is more pure and innocent. You have really good listening skills, and you're not afraid of being honest with someone who needs criticism. You also like to keep your social circle small with only a few BFF's.

Most of this does apply to me, although I am confused about having a feminine side, and being all that pure.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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Uhhhh yeah same here... was expecting more of a grey or dark blue or something else... I call shenanigans.

11 months ago

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Hmm well people are complex and a quiz is usually only a fun way to guess about some parts of you, or maybe find out something new you never realized, but they won't be able to get you all figured out, personalities are too unique 🙊

11 months ago

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Same lol

11 months ago

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I got the same. lol.

11 months ago

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I got the same as Kireato, Hot Pink.

11 months ago

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Well hopefully there's more than 2 results for the quiz lol!

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago*

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Worked for me trying a different browser. Edge was the different one, Firefox worked on a second try.

11 months ago

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Ah that's unfortunate :( I've removed it, maybe I'll try to find a better one

11 months ago

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I'm sorry for the negativity, it just doesn't seem like a good quiz, unless you're a generally positive and outgoing person based on the results. (I'm neither of those attributes).

11 months ago

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It's okay, I appreciate the honesty so I can know it wasn't very good, the questions seemed interesting and pretty unique so I had no idea! Myers–Briggs is my favourite personality trait test, but I think it's on the longer side! It's hard to find a good one, cause people can't really be easily put into simple boxes, we can all at times be a mix of many different things!

11 months ago

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Oh, it was absolute nonsense :)
Even a proper Myers-Briggs is just reflecting back what you think of yourself, and this was not proper. But I did it anyway, for the lols.

11 months ago

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I got gold. I'm generally a horrible person.

11 months ago

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Hot pink xD

11 months ago

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Seems like the next cart is still available, so:

11 months ago

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Yeah :) Added!

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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You're welcome! Hope it's fun :)

11 months ago

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