
3 years ago

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Continuing the discussion here.

I saw an event and registered for it . You have to play 5 titles of your wins or backlog until 14/05. The titles are chosen by another member, but you can specify some rules if you want to avoid a genre or specific games.

I'm currently playing Primordia and Hollow Knight, and being given goals helps me to drive my backlog. Maybe it will help you too.

11 months ago

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Sorry about not addressing your query about such groups earlier because I usually avoid signing to such groups/events as timing has been a bigger impediment for me for tackling backlog, so I didn't think that joining timed events would help much. Moreover, some groups announce their monthly rules publicly, so if I feel like it, I can always pursue such events silently. I just joined backlog assassins to track my progress on my own. But you should definitely try and see if these group events help you.
Also, on top of all the other issues mentioned earler, I play a lot of simulation games like Cities Skylines and Transport Fever 2, which like Rimworld, are games not to be finished, but you can fire up a new map any time and sink in dozens of hours... Currently I am trying to find games from my library that I want to play and can possibly finish within a few days/weeks... To that end, Wildermyth turned out quite grindy, but I'm still working on it.... and recently finished Rime and most of TF2, where I lost campaign progress because I didn't realize it didn't have cloud save...

11 months ago

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Hey don't worry about it :)

At the end of the day, you are the one who decides how to play !

11 months ago

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Yeah, that was my reasoning... if I can't make myself play, how would others? :)
External stimulus is not bad, but I'd prefer to see things work without that.

11 months ago

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And you're perfectly right.

I just feel that sometimes an external stimulus may make me move while introspection cannot always.

But as you said, it's not necessarily perfect, as it creates pressure, so it's important to keep balance , but this is really why i like to discuss that with many people. Everyone has a different approach , as if everyone has a different piece of the same puzzle

11 months ago

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And you're also right, this conversation encouraged me to start afresh hunting more rare themes in Wildermyth! :)

11 months ago

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Win win situation then :D

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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