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Instead of generic thanks, I always appreciate to hear, what made you laugh lately or if you have any games to recommend, that would be fitting for my curator page.

This is the end of the train. Please consider to bump the thread and if you're interested to follow my curator page.

check the winner as i can still enter...

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for letting me know. I'll look into it before sending the key.

6 years ago

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Addition to Sledge1's comment:

Unfortunately the usual game list of a steam user (.../games/) shows "Life is Strange™" if the user has all episodes but also if he only has the free episode 1. When I gave it away I befriended the winner and checked the shop page of one of the other episodes for the info which of my friends have it.

6 years ago

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Aaand?! Don't keep us in suspense! Did s/he have it already?

6 years ago

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No he just had the free first episode =)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the addition. I would have probably fallen for it, so I'm very grateful for your comment.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the train! Also I followed your curator page.

While I find your reviews quite good I do have to say I disagree on The Plan. It was one of those experiences that stuck with me. I thought it was a poignant and beautiful parable about the fragility of life and how we're all truly a tiny and insignificant part of the cosmos — but to each his own. I agree with your take on a lot of the other games you've reviewed that I've also played and I hope your curation grows!

I think one of the games that would really fit right on theme with your page is Desktop Dungeons. While its my proudest 100% completion of all time, each run's short play time makes it a perfect coffee break game. Its fun, cute and colorful but as soon as it teaches you the ropes it shows itself as the tough as nails rogue like that it is. But it wouldn't be totally inaccurate to call it a puzzle game, either. Its one of my fav games on steam.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your answer and your follow. About "The Plan": I understand, why you feel different about this one. I think it's one of those very individual games, where the reception is widely different. It didn't catch me at all. But that's of course the risk with reviews: It's very subjective and sometimes my view may be pretty off as well.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I added it to my wishlist and keep an eye on it.

6 years ago

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You're welcome! Honestly, I couldn't agree more and I'm completely open to differing opinions on most things as long as its reasonable. :D

I don't think its so much off as its just coming from different experiences, and I find your reviews really useful.

If you do get Desktop Dungeons at some point I'd love to know what you think. Its really unique in that "plenty of content, can play forever and yet, all in 10 minute chunks" experience. And through it all you feel like you're learning and getting better even when its a failed run. I don't know how long it took me to 100% it as I left it open all day but I'd say it was somewhere between 100 and 500 hours? (My playtime is 1000 hours but I know thats really off.)

I wish there was a sequel.

6 years ago

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I don't make any promises I cannot keep, but if I remember it, I will tell you, when I played it. :)

6 years ago

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the game i been playing lately is Breath of the Wild, its not on Steam but i think is one of those very few games that are worth it to buy a console for.

6 years ago

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I thought about the Switch for a brief moment, but since I don't have a lot of time traveling and at home I don't have the problem, that I couldn't play but that I don't have the time to play, I wouldn't use it enough. Breath of the Wild must be amazing from what I heard, but as long as there are so many amazing games for PC I didn't have the chance to play yet, I think I save myself the money. 😃
(And my kids are too small still, that they could use it as well. It probably would be different, if they could use it as well.)

6 years ago

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I think they have BotW mod for PC already, but I don't think it is a short game at all. Probably epic though.

6 years ago

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Probably. And it's not like I don't have any other epic games I could spend hours upon hours on already 😆

6 years ago

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Great train and nice curator page :)

Try Gemini Rue, it's a really cool indie adventure.

6 years ago

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Thanks for this recommendation. I haven't heard of that one before. Added it to my wishlist now. :)

6 years ago

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i played a lot of hollow knight and vampire masquerade laterly. Thanks for this train!

6 years ago

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Thanks for your comment. These look like awesome games, but according to HLTB they don't seem to be exactly short games?
(I still play longer titles, but just not as many as I used to. After I finished West of Loathing I now play Quantum Break if I want to play a bigger game and have more than just a brief moment of time for playing available)

6 years ago

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You're right, these are definitely games that require a lot of your time (if you like them of course)
So Hollow Knight took me roughly 40 hours for my first run, because I did100% and Vampire is currently still at 15 and not beaten.
Anwhow, how do you like Quantum Break so far? I thought about buying it a few times, but never went for it. Any tips?

6 years ago

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I like it a lot. Of course it is a time travel story and as such you shouldn't think to deep about plotholes etc. But I like the story so far very much, it is thrilling and well designed and the combination with a live action series is really great. Especially I find the animations very well. it's just so much more atmospheric to have real faces (from real actors) on these figures compared to most generic faces I often find lack something.
I haven't finished it yet, but so far I would totally recommend it.

6 years ago

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Thank you for ridee, have a bluee

6 years ago

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I beat Inside 2 days ago in one session and while I enjoyed Limbo much more, it's still a game worthy of a recommendation.

6 years ago

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Inside is on my wishlist, so I don't have it yet but know about it. Limbo on the other hand I even own, but didn't have the chance to play it yet, but I know that a lot of people say very good things about it.

6 years ago

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This game is amazing for so many reasons. I am currently on Episode 5 (I'll probably finish it tonight). I will be sad once I am done as the journey will be finished (at least until I start Before The Storm).

6 years ago

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It's very well designed I thought as well. Still I'm not totally convinced about before the storm. The time rewinding aspect was a crucial aspect of the game for me and I don't know if I'm up for just the teenage drama (even if it's done well) without this mechanic. Well, maybe I play it as well at some point, but so far I didn't have the urge to buy it. :)

6 years ago

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It got a decent review in the latest issue of PC Gamer, and even though it looks like it will play out differently, it will be interesting to see how the characters act before the events of the first game.:)

I also cannot wait for LiS Season 2, but it will definitely be different without Max or Chloe!

6 years ago

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Yes, the reviews are well, but I also read, that the fact that it's prequel and the story already set to get to a certain outcome (since you cannot come to other ends but to what you see in LiS) is a pretty big minus, especially compared to LiS where you didn't knew where it all ends. Which leaves us with a teenie drama (even though it seems to be a pretty good one ;) ).
I'm curious too how LiS 2 will turn out, but I'll definitely will wait there as well until all episodes are available before I'll buy it.

6 years ago

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A few games that I would recommend would be: Message Quest, Submerged, and Richard & Alice.

I also joined your group and followed you.:)

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your follow and your suggestion. Message Quest and Submerged are already on my wishlist, but Richard & Alice I missed completly. I think I saw the game on Steam greenlight some years ago, but then lost sight of it. Now, thanks to you it's on my wishlist as well. :)

6 years ago

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You're welcome.:) I do hope you'll let me know what you thought of any of those three games once you've gotten a chance to play them.:)

6 years ago

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I don't make promises I don't know I can keep, but I'll try to remember it. :)

6 years ago

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I'd say it kinda fits your page, but maybe not.

Lately, I've been addicted to Tabletop Simulator. If you only have a few minutes to spare, I'll play a couple quick, non-intense games of Uno, checkers or dominoes. If I have a free night, maybe a Settlers of Catan expansion game or something else, idk Pokemon maybe? And if it's the weekend, we will play a heavy RPG like Dark Souls the board game. I guess it's not really beating the game itself, but the game within the game! Just thought I'd share as I've been hooked lately lol

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I'll keep it in mind, because it really sounds like an intersting concept. Although so far I have been mainly concentrating on games that have some kind of story or a clear ending. But if I want to try out something completly different this might be a good option. :)

6 years ago

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