We'd like to join to the #stayathome initiative and offer some free copies of our game - Banana Invaders.
Recently, VR has gained great popularity. Probably many of you have been encouraged to upgrading PC rig and purchasing VR stuff due to Half-Life: Alyx announcement.
Banana Invades (probably) won't be another AAA title, but for a now you can definitely consider it as a quite good warm-up for your upcoming longer sessions in VR 😀
Take care of yourselves, and if you can - limit leaving your home.
Cheers and have fun,
Techmo Studios
18 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by reigifts
277 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Carenard
164 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Superefg
22 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
263 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
16,703 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by Superefg
7 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Patxxv
224 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Mileworg
85 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by MrVivian
83 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Georgeous
400 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Hodexii
47 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by WaxWorm
17 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TheMuzo
only VR?
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Yup ;)
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thank you, Remove Entry.
not have VR.
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Game page says VR but also says:
"Banana Invaders requires a controller in order to play. Playing with a keyboard and mouse isn't supported."
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Look very funny. xD
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It's our aim to make funny, cartoon/comic-like game :D
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Great. :-D
I love playing VR games with my Pimax. <3
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I am not sure if a game works properly with Pimax :( There's official support for Rift/Vive headset. I'll ask our tech guy about it :)
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Ah okay. Thank you for the information. I had just one game out of 50+ that did not work with my Pimax so far, even if Pimax is not named on all these games as supported hardware. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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If I know, there's document on Google Docs with games whose have Pimax support. Did you know about it?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ljKyF0eMgY3qqZWjVVBvI0brfv9IxocXjroYtJyTlY/edit#gid=0
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Oh, I was not aware of this document. Thank you very much. That's very interesting.
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Thanks a lot
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( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
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can this be played with one hand?
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Using two hands is recommended, however it's possible to play with one hand :)
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so you play as banana invader or its the player being invaded by banana ?
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The player is flooded with bananas flying towards him. Main goal is to shoot them down before they reach him. There are many "boosters" that make it easier to stay in the game for as long as possible.
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(͡◔ ͜ʖ ͡◔)
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Gib it naw onee=chan! >:3
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WMR (Windows Mixed Reality) is not mentioned, however I can only assume it will work as WRM plays most (if not all) HTC/Oculus rift games?
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We didn't check WMR equipment, which means that the game may not work properly. If the screen resolution is not higher than those in Oculus Rift / HTC Vive and the controllers can be mapped to one of the mentioned devices, then technically the game should work on such equipment.
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Love the love ur giving for gamers health and well being Devs!!!
May I add, keep ur Immune systems boosted.
Fruit smoothies (packed with vit C berries, apples and citrus) not only good for our health and skin, but great for keeping our game brains grinding!
I get teased for eating 'rabbit food' from carnivores, tho rabbits are agile, lions get lethargic and sleep all day, which wd make the better gamer I say?!
Two other things that can help are Lavender Oil, and Colloidal Silver.
Though this flu is probably viral, these two natural items, are awesome antibacterial Defenders.
If anyone has a cold in the house, as most children do, lavender in an oil burner, or diffuser, kills the bacteria in the air.
I personally like to put a few drops on a cotton ball, pop it in my bra, so my body heat activates it and the aroma wafts up to my nose.
Also I dab it on my nostrils too. They say not to use these oils on skin undiluted in carrier oil, so , disclaimer disclaimer.
Finally Colloidial Silver... google it... Basically pure silver electrically infused in pure water.
Get a bug and u start 'feeding the fish' drink some of this, and it will kill those lil bugs like a Quake Rocket.
Throat getting that scratchy swollen feeling, gargle this. - amaze balls for singers
I use it to steralize new earrings I buy.
Mouth gargle, instead of that who knows what chemical in the standard mouth wash.
Gives me a bit of energy too.
I keep a 40ml spray bottle in my bag to spray my hands when Im out.
Also its a fab natural deodorant - as odor is due to bacteria, and its an anti bacterial.
Also have read it helps with white blood cells.
Disclaimer, I cant remeber the exacts, tho I kno its a good 'blood cleaner' of sorts. And besides our good gut bug balance, our blood p.h. is where the foundation of most illnesses are built on.
In Australia, a 500ml bottle in the health store will be from 30-50 Aus Dollars.
Instead go on Ebay, for $15ish buy 99.9% (this is MOST important) medical grade silver rods about 2inches long
If they sell one for 4" the silver is so soft, u can bend it and split it into two.
Good silver jewellery, they cal 925, because the other 75 is different metal alloys, so do not try using ur jewellery.
2x 2-3" 99.9% s silver rods (2, 3,mls, thick)
2x aligator clip wires *both with the alligater clip either end)
a wooden pop stick, with 2 holes large enough for the silver rods.
9volt battery.
Pure spring water or that water they use for steam irons, i have heard
Coloured glass bottle (wine bottles, beer bottles etc work fine) NOT CLEAR and GLASS IS BETTER THAN PLASTIC eco wise too.
(optional) PPM (parts per million) electronic tester - this is more for if u want to sell it i suppose, so u can label the exact strength.
also...NASAL SPRAYS MUST BE A CERTAIN STRENGTH google this to be sure, i think its 16ppm from memory, but unsure
any other application is fine.
Balance the wooden pop stick over a jar, filled with enough water so the silver can submerge, at least and inch.
alligator clips each on one silver rod and one node of the 9vlt battery
Put the rods though the pop stick, submerged in the water, without them touching each other...
there should be a misty cloud coming from the end of one of the rods, if not, ur water has impurities. Start again.
For me, I do about 1litre of Spring water, for 15-20min
Look into Copper and Gold Colloidals too, if u liked this.
Their health benefits are generally, hair/skin and Nerves/Neurosystem respectively.
And Copper rods are even cheaper. I paid about AU$5 for 2rods.
Havent sourced, or saved the cash for my gold rods yet. and once again, they both MUST be 99,9% purity
I generally drink a shot (30mls) every now and then, and daily would prob be better.
There is no taste and If u make all three, or just Silver and Copper, like I have, u can combine them in a glass, add them to your daily water bottle, or combine them into one bottle.
I usually have an extra silver bottle, for cleaning home & body as well as a half and half (thirds when I get my gold rods)
Hope u enjoy these natural health items, they been used for hundreds of years.
Finally, keep your heart and mind as positive and joyful as u can.
When we stress, worry, get negative or allow others to upset us, it lowers our immune system.
So play more games that bring u joy... If anyone complains u can say its Doctor's orders!!
I mean come on... Banana Invaders? just makes me laugh thinking about what it could be right?!!
Had better go, got me some Zombies to kill, Satellites to take down and Banks to rob!
Thank-you for reading my Heath Preach
Be Well
Game on
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Lol, I should definitely try it, in this or another life: D
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lols i been away for 6 months - my macbook went boom wen i dropped it, and was using my back up desktop calculator - seriously the specs of that thing are laughable - nothing like time travelling - I got to discover a whole lot of low end spec games tho and man they have so much detail to them.
Anyhoo thanks for the reply, yes the Colloids are pretty good - even saw a documentary where old italian couple in a traditional village gave a dose to the reporter who was sleeping over and got ill.
Gives a bit of energy too - happy game brains ;P
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Thanks for the giveaway! ✔
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Thz you for the chance~
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Thank you ;D!
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Thank you 💙
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Thank you!
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Thank you
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Thank you!
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Thank you!
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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