As usual, here's my standard CHALLENGE:
Why do I think it's important to reward people who do giveaways across all levels? Because leveling up is a reward for doing giveaways, but that only means something if there's a variety of giveaways to enter at all levels. I reward people who reward that spirit.
If you qualify, let me know with a comment below, or ping me at any time in the future when you do qualify.
20 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by sensualshakti
74 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by sensualshakti
131 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by JMM72
47,309 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FranckCastle
307 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by sfkng
1,225 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TeDGamer
16,710 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DrR0Ck
915 Comments - Last post 58 seconds ago by Keepitup
11,071 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Janediel
767 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Keepitup
3,736 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by yugimax
29,611 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Kingsajz
1,603 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Poisonorange
881 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by C3les
i totally agree your point of view !
and thanks for the GA
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Wow, I'm still a few levels away from that challenege.
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You've done eleven giveaways. If they'd been set to levels 0 through 10, you'd already be done. Easy peasy ;)
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I know, but I'm mostly a leech, so I try to encourage people that are level zero to start giving :)
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I feel that most people are attached to the max limit of their own level so I find it unlikely that most people with lower levels would do lvl10 giveaway because they "disqualify themselves", actually people alike them, in a way. But it is still an interesting challenge rule :)
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Yes, that's the unwritten pattern most people assume. I won't criticize those who choose to do their giveaways that way, or any other way. I'm hopefully alerting a few people that it is a choice they can make.
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I thought steamgifts doesn't allow to make giveaways over your level. Was that changed?
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I've only been here a year and a half. I've heard that was once the case, in "the old steamgifts". All I know is that it's permitted now and it makes sense to me.
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but...but im just lvl 3 :-S
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The level that you are at doesn't matter. You can make GAs for any levels you choose, above or below you.
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Below you makes sense, above - well, I guess it does too if you want to give back to those who
ve given more. Still, I didn
t know we could do that!Comment has been collapsed.
Indeed you can. Apparently I still need to work on the wording, so thanks for pointing out the misunderstanding. Good luck.
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Oh hey, and I see you're a local. Howdy neighbour. Actually, I'm not in Vancouver anymore. I moved over to the island.
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Almost neighbours! What made you move out of this glorious(ly expensive) city?
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Work drying up and, as you say, the glorious expense. 23 years of building a life and friendships, largely tossed down the drain.
That was 5 years ago, while they were still denying a problem existed. It seems like half the people I knew in Greater Vancouver have left the area. It's beyond silly. It used to be an okay, albeit boring city. Now it's just a hellhole.
When are you leaving?
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Depends on how things go after school, I guess. I never imagined moving to another city, most of my friends haven't left so I've got lots of roots here.
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I hear ya. It is hard to willingly leave your friends and familiars behind. But unless you're already rich, or going to inherit, wages have not and will never keep up to the inflated cost of living in Vancouver.
That might be tolerable in an exciting and cultured city like New York or Tokyo, but all that Vancouver offers is mountains and water and you can find those everywhere in BC. As an actual city, I think its only really notable features are the seawall and all the great restaurants. A good city for LGBTQ culture, and a nice multicultural mix.
Beyond that, meh. Most of the small neighbourhood festivals are dead. Live local music venues are mostly gone. Theatre's still scraping by, I guess. Much of that is a consequence of federal and provincial funding taking a nose dive, while operating costs ballooned. So many non-profits closed up shop.
Something's gotta change in a big way to make it worth it, and I don't see it happening.
Where are you going to school, by the way?
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There's a number of festivals, and conventions that run through summer - autumn, but the problem is during the winter months everything is dead. And it's not like the city gets frozen over like they do out east.
If there wasn't such a nice selection of ethnic foods I would probably never go out for dinner. The rise of the microbrews and distilleries spiced things up a bit too in the past couple years.
Just finished at Langara, and starting in BCIT next week to clear up some prereqs for the radiography technician program.
Is it much different in Victoria?
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Good school, Langara. Great teachers. I did several semesters worth of courses over the years. Math, physics, compsci, chemistry, english, philosophy. All good. There are very few bad teachers.
Versus my experience at UBC, where good teachers were a rare breed, and most profs viewed teaching as an annoying side task.
I'm not in Victoria, but I can say with confidence that Vancouver's insanity has had only a partial effect. More Vancouverites are moving there, though, so it may yet be ruined. I'm up on Gabriola Island now, enjoying the quiet but can come to town easily enough when I need to.
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Gabriola's a nice one. I went to camp there as a kid, and to visit my friend who lived there for a while.
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That it is. Nice chatting with ya.
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Yeah, same.
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didnt know that...
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It's part of my mission to correct that :)
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Thank you for the giveaway. :)
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Thank you for this GA ! I do have made publics GAs, but also privates ones :) Everyone should get a chance !
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thank you, I've given GA only to lower or equal lvl to mine, I didn't know that I can't give GA to above lvl.
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Most people are unaware, it seems. Good luck.
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I totally agree with you, and thanks for the chance :) greetings from Argentina o/
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Cheers from Canada. I hope I can look forward to adding you in the future :)
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Yes thanks. I already added you to my whitelist
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thank you!
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