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Regarding space series, I know there are usually Star wars vs Star Trek. I'm in a third camp : I love Babylon 5 Awesome plot , good cast, but the computer-generated images may noy have aged well . I saw that a new movie is planned in the future.

Yeah I loved Babylon 5 as well.
… and Firefly 🥹🥲

2 weeks ago

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I'm yet to watch Firefly, but i plan to do so !

2 weeks ago

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+1 for both!

Babylon 5 certainly has not aged well... to be honest, a few aspects of the show were dated even back then (the sets for example), but the show is indeed AWESOME. Problem is, it takes some 20-30 hours of watching "setup" episodes to finally understand why it is awesome.... :D

And Firefly, go for it! It is only one season (plus, at the end, the Serenity movie, which is also great), well worth it IMHO.


2 weeks ago

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I ttally agree with you. You must wait for episode 13 to have a grasp (but oh boy, what a masterpiece)

Nearly everyone told me about Firefly, I will try to watch this soon

2 weeks ago

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Battlestar Galactica

2 weeks ago

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So say we all

2 weeks ago

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I tried Battlestar Galactica, but it was SO slow that I dropped it. Might give it a second chance though

2 weeks ago

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The Expanse

2 weeks ago

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looks interesting. I probably dismissed it because no real alien characters, yet.....feels intriguing enough.

2 weeks ago

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Highly recommend. The series does have alien threats, but those are ancient and unknown. It is the big theme throughout the 6 seasons.

2 weeks ago

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I still watch Star Trek reruns. Firefly was ok but kind of overhyped. I used to be big on Stargate Sg1 and Atlantis. Farscape/The Peacekeeper Wars was quite good actually.

2 weeks ago

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I never could enter star Trek, but I'm probably biaised, I knew Trekkies in my youth that were very difficult to like, and I would not want to deal with anything close to them, hobbies included (they loved Warhammer Battles wargames, and that kept me far of any Warhammer lore until very recently)

2 weeks ago

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Warhammer is quite good. Honestly I think Warcraft has the best lore and the games are pretty good. A lot of people don't seem to understand there is a lot more to Warcraft than just the MMO. There are TONS of novels and comics out there.

2 weeks ago

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I read some warcraft books. It's very meh (in my opinion) but there are some real nice things.

W40K books are mostly the same, there are awesome books (mostly Dan Abnett's but some other authors are really good) and many meh/bad things.

2 weeks ago

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I think for most people if they don't like or play the games they generally don't give the lore a chance. Warcraft has very deep and rich lore compared to almost anything out there. The MMO alone has more lore in it than most people could every experience. Personally I moved on as it's too time consuming and I have a lot of other things I can do instead. But for anyone interested in investing solely in one universe Warcraft is a very good option. Some of the writers are definitely better than others.

2 weeks ago

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Babylon 5 is also by far my favorite. It's just in a league of its own. I'll always love it.

Among the other shows mentioned, I liked Firefly, but agree that it's a bit overhyped because of its untimely death. It's really sad when something good gets canceled prematurely and this externality certainly adds a lot to its cult status. Still, it's definitely worth a watch.

I didn't like Battlestar Galactica at all. The Expanse felt somewhat like BSG, but was less bad in my opinion. Same vibes, less bullshit.

But what I unexpectedly loved among the recent shows was Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. It turned out to be the best Star Trek show I've ever seen, better than TNG, more fun than The Orville (which was fun at times but pretty uneven). ST: SNW is a definite recommendation from me. Of course, it's nothing like B5, but I don't think we're going to get anything like B5 in our lifetimes.

2 weeks ago

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We seem to have very similar taste.

As I said in the previous comment to Antidaz, I was pretty far from anythg related to Star Trel, but I'll keep that in mind if you feel this is worth it :)

2 weeks ago

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Star Wars first (only 7 movies exist, counting rogue one)
Aside from that... Stargate!!!

2 weeks ago

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Last time I have counted there were only 3 Star Wars movies :-)

1 week ago

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I like Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Stargate, Firefly, the Expanse, Battlestar Galactica. Give me all the sci Fi and fantasy.

As a B5 Star Trek fan, you should perhaps not watch Star Trek DS9, which is interesting but feels kinda like a watered down B5. :) New B5 movie is news to me, and exciting like new Tron.

2 weeks ago

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Babylon 5 is a masterpiece.

"All life is transitory. A dream. We all come together in the same place at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in the place where no shadows fall."

1 week ago

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View attached image.
1 week ago

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For me it's a tie between Star Trek, B5 and Expanse. B5 has the best writing, but a little too much religious themes, Star Trek is great, but has lots of filler episodes and Expanse has two whole seasons in the end telling a story about a terrorist, would've been great if they continued the show and adapted the last three books that are actually interesting again.

Oh, and this game - it's bloody awesome, my all time favourite.

3 days ago

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