Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this world
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl :)
It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi!" - whatever it was grinned
Here's some bonus +1 garbage for the (few) people who read giveaway descriptions. Hurry, before some asf bot redeems them all! ...
Sorry, no questions here... Looks like I own the other two, but haven't even installed them. :( I'm sure whoever wins this one will install it...
Good luck! :)
262 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Carenard
59 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by ConanOLion
372 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by kungfujoe
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10 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by SebasR
219 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by aez76
44 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by aquatorrent
137 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by Delisper
I took two of the keys, thank you!
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No problem, hopefully you get some foil cards... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for all the awesome giveaways!!
Claimed this key: C8PK2-VMHDI-205XC
Thanks so much :)
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Oh, it's just a bunch of bundle leftovers, umm, from that Humble Why Did I Subscribe To This Thing Bundle... So good luck! :)
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Lol! Well best of luck with your future bundles~
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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.
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Oh, cool, a deleted comment. I wonder if it was from a bot? Guess we'll never know. Yay.
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used OPCP9-AIH05-ARM6O Timberman Thanks
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Aha, looks like that one was from some old Indie Gala bundle, no idea what the game is about but it seems it was in a lot of bundles... Free +1 anyway... :)
Good luck! :)
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50 too thanks
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No problem, hope it's fun if you win... :) I'll probably get it when it's cheaper, seems a waste when I haven't even played the other ones yet... :)
Good luck! :)
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I love that your giveaways often have some wonderful pervy content. Thanks.
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Maybe this will make up for the most recent Dharker Studio crap I "forgot" to give away, ummm, whatever it was. Oh yeah, Battle Boobies! Woohoo! :)
Dunno if there are any boobies in this game, but I'm too lazy to check the screenshots page... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks. I have now wishlisted that.
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pats appreciatively
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Hmm, can't think of anything to write, so you will have to make do with a boring good luck, sorry... :)
Boring Good Luck! :)
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Didn't take any, but yay for a wishlisted game~
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Ahh, sorry you couldn't find anything to try for... I'll have to check that Wishlist link thing myself and see what happens...
Hmm, No results were found. Seems I don't have enough bundle leftovers in my wishlist... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck if you find something! :) Maybe I'll add some more stuff later, but I guess that depends on something good getting a big discount next week... :)
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Oh, didn't try any keys xD
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Hmm, I don't know what that is, but it's cute! :)
And those keys are junk, don't bother... :) Anyway... :)
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It's cats with hats at a treat bar :D
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Interesting! I wonder how you get the cats not to take off their hats...
Oh, I love those little bells too... :) Can just imagine the Ding! Ding! :)
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Now I can mention those keys were cheap junk, and only used to hide something else... :) :)
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Wow thanks for this giveaway, I loved the 2 first games! You should give them a try, they're like Ace Attorney on drugs :)
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Ahh, unfortunately I've never played any Ace Attorney games either, but I guess I could always install the other Danganronpa games now and hope to accidentally click one of them later... :)
Good luck! :)
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If you do, start by the first one, the second contains a lot of references to the first ;)
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Hmm, that reminds me, I had a problem with the Assassin's Creed series... Bought all of them in a sale, thought I should probably start with the first game, but only wanted to try the pirate ship one... So instead I ended up playing nothing. Should have waited for a bigger discount... :)
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Actually the first Assassin's creed was the most boring/repetitive of them all, go ahead and play black flag ;)
If you're worried about missing some of the backstory, just go on youtube I'm sure there's a summary of "Assassin's creed universe explained" or something ;)
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Nowadays my biggest concern is that it would end up being one of those Ubisoft tower-climbing and map-decluttering things, when all I want to do is sail around in a pirate ship. :)
Kinda like Dragon Age Inquisition, I guess? :)
Ok video game maker people, I really don't want to kill ten rats. Or collect all the things. Can we just stop putting this crap into games now? Please? If you made a ten hour game, sell me a ten hour game. Don't shovel in forty hours of busy work just to drag it out... :)
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It is a bit, I'm not gonna lie, but the pirate part is really good. It's probably my favorite AC. Though the upcoming Skulls and Bones seems to be AC black flag ripped of the AC parts, but I'm scared that they only present it as a multiplayer thing.
I haven't played inquisition, DA2 disappointed me so badly I couldn't resolve myself to give a try to the third one. :/
But I agree it's really time that game devs stop inflating their games with busy work. There is only so much free time I have.
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Yeah, probably other people feel differently, but I don't want multiplayer in every single game. If I want to see the real world I'll go outside. Put all those real people in the shooty games so they can ignore me and I can ignore them. :)
Oh, ugh, the memories... Dragon Age 2, such a disappointment... Felt like someone told the developers ok, the first game was pretty good, go and make me another one. You have twelve months. :(
And I don't even know how Inquisition goes, maybe later it turns into Shakespeare for all I know. But I got bored fairly early and quit. Life's too short for this stuff...
It's funny, when I was younger I had time to play the games, but no money to buy them, so when I got a game I'd play it to death. The longer the better! :) But now that I have the money a 100-hour RPG sounds like a death sentence... :(
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Totally with you on both those points. With the years I'd rather go for a single player game if I have the choice (with exceptions, like for everything). And same as for you, when I was a kid and getting one or maybe two when i was lucky new game a year, the longer the better. Now I'm even scared to start the Witcher 3 thinking about how long it's gonna take of my limited gaming time.
As for Dragon Age, I was actually telling a friend who asked today that DA:O was probably the best of the trilogy, even with the time passed.
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Thanks for the bunch of super cool GAs :) didn't check any key btw
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Yeah, if you didn't see them at the start there wouldn't be much point, free keys don't last long around here... :) Maybe I'll add some more later, but don't count on it, the description is long enough already... :)
Good luck! :)
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Those keys were junk, but some stuff was hiding in there... :) :)
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Thanks for the awesome wishlist GA.
Also tried to redeem:
but they were already gone
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I think they were all gone in five minutes, since it wasn't a very big pile of keys... If you have hundreds or thousands of keys, sometimes you can pick one at random and get lucky, but I don't have hundreds or thousands of spare keys to dump in here... :)
Oh, ok, actually I do, but how many copies of Brilliant Bob can one person redeem... :)
Hopefully it's a fun game, and not just some random thing on your wishlist by accident! :) Good luck! :)
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Be sure its not by on my list by a random chance. I was/am addicted to the first two games, watched the conclusion with the anime (alternating the episodes how it should be) and read the light novel. So I guess you can see now it was not an accident ;)
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Aha, I've never played any of it, so I don't know if it's fun or what... :) Don't even know what sort of games they are, actually... :) Oh well... :)
Sometimes a person who actually wants to play a game wins it, that's the best... Usually it's a just goofball looking for a +1, though... Sometimes they don't even know what game they won, since a script enters giveaways for them automatically... Oh well... :)
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Do you know Ace Attoney? The first two games were Murder Mystery Puzzels were you had to find clues and evidence to find out "who did it" and discuss it in a class trail. It sounds a bit dull but if you like:
dark humor
deep character development
then you should give them a try!
Ultra Despair girls is a ego shoot.... kind of. I try to dont get spoilered to much but its like the black sheep among the series. But since I cant play Danganronpa 3 or any "Zero Escape" (awesome serie of a crime game, on par with Danganronpa) this is the next best to fill my hunger. In the meantime I go on achievment hunts.
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Well, not exactly, I mean I know that it exists, but I've never played it or seen it...
Hmm, actually, it seems I already own Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma, don't remember buying it... Looks kinda creepy though, maybe this isn't my sort of game after all... :)
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Well lucky you. I would play the hell out of the conclusion of the series. And yeah, its creepy and mindblowing. You have to kill each other to escape from psycho (who will otherwise kill all of you). HAPPY TIMES ^^
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I can't remember if you noticed the real reason for those keys, i.e. hiding some stuff... :) :)
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Just finished two first game this summer, those are awesome.
Thanks for chance
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Hmm, just curious, did they take long to finish? Somehow I can't finish a game nowadays unless it's like five hours tops... :( Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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It's hard to say. It's a game which need to be detective, everyone need different time to solve problem.
For mostly, it should take 20-30hr.
if you want to perfectly finish it (e.g all achievement) the first should take 50hr+; the second one should take 60hr+
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I'm useless at solving puzzles and things, just let me click on the bad guy until he falls over... :) Sigh... :) But thank you for the information... :)
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yap, when I lost in a stage, I would think about why should I do all thing to point bad guy. evenly like this pic...
I'm not good at racing.
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You should really play the other two, much better than any other visual novel because it actually has gameplay to it. This one is a bit different from what I know, some type of shooter. Thanks for the giveaways, lots of good stuff
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Aha, interesting, except those "no gameplay" visual novels are so much easier to play... :) Next next next next next, I won! :)
I'm terrible at shooters, so maybe I should have checked the store page before buying it. Fortunately it's going to someone else's library so I won't have to feel guilty about it later... :)
Good luck! :)
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Very true, but yeah the trails are really fun to play through.
I don't think it's supposed to be anywhere close to a traditional shooter, definitely not as hard as some are.
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Thanks for all these giveaways, I think half of them are on my wishlist! This one isn't, but only because I'm currently playing the first one and wasn't completely sure yet (I won the second one last year, so that's up next)
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The first two are in my library somehow, hopefully they were in a bundle since otherwise why did I buy them if they still aren't installed... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck finishing the first one, hope it's fun! :) Oh, and good luck! :)
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Thank you for all the chances, kyu, and good luck to all (:
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No problem, good luck... :)
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Oooh Thank you for the great game giveaway
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Dunno if it's great, I never even installed the first two... :( And waiting for a better price before I buy this... :) But it sounds like some people like it, so here's hoping... :)
Good luck! :)
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This is a great giveaway :) I've won the first one here - from you :D -, and I hope next week I will have the time to play it finally.
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Oho, well I hope it's great anyway... :) It would have been more great if I'd had a 50% off coupon or something, or had the sense to buy it last month when it was cheaper... :) Sigh... :)
Interesting, I don't even remember giving away the first one... Hope it's fun when you get the chance! :)
That's a problem with the "no more gift copies" change at Steam, I can't just buy something on a whim when it's cheap, and give it away months/years later. I have to give it away right now or I lose the discount... Or buy it elsewhere, probably saving some money... Or don't buy it at all, saving all the money... :)
Good luck! :)
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thanku for Whislisted GA >_<
I've been trying to figure out when I whitelisted you cause I lost my notes but decided it was due to having a high played percentage in your wins
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If I'd never won Dark Souls, maybe I would have finished every other win by now, but that's probably not true... :(
At first I just wanted free stuff, didn't care if the game was good or bad, so I won random things like a DLC for a RTS, and I can't stand playing RTS games... So silly, just blind greed...
I guess it's good that people give away random things like that, since it gets new people hooked on Steamgifts, and you never know what will happen then... :)
Good luck! :)
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Awesome-thanks! I've been looking to get into the backstory of the two protagonists for the game ever since the anime. Also, congratulations? :-)
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Oh, so it's not just games, seems I'm completely clueless about this thing... :) As usual... :)
Ahhhhh, you're not the first person to make that guess, sorry about that... :) These aren't celebrating anything, it's just a pile of bundle leftovers since I noticed I hadn't made a giveaway in a while... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Oh, I'll do more than install it...
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Let's hope you win then, since for some people it's just another +1 and trading cards... :( Woohoo! Trading cards! :)
Good luck! :)
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Another GA yay!, let's just enter. because lots of ppl said the more the merrier-
Anyway this game haf good story...
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Hmm, I don't know anything about the story, never played any of this stuff... So hopefully you are right... :) All I know is there was some creepy grinning bear thing so it fit... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks a lot
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No problem, hope you like this sort of thing if you win... :) It sounds a little too creepy for me... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you, very nice giveaways you made! <3
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Hmm, not sure, the only one I've actually played is the Gabriel Knight one, and that was the original, not the one I'm giving away... So these could all be stinkers... Hope not though... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks a lot, fiftykyu
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No problem, hopefully it's a fun game... :) I'd just forget to play, so better to give it away... :)
Good luck! :)
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Seems like a bundle I shouldn't have missed
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Ahh, hmmm, don't believe everything I say, especially when I say something was in a crappy bundle... :) Actually I didn't even buy this one yet, hoping it will turn up in the Humble Store before the giveaway ends, so I can save a few bucks... :) Probably not going to happen, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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