
Instead of a “thank you”, I'd actually like some help.

I am currently working on a sci-fi/mystery story and a psychological horror short story, but I have a bad case of writer's block that has been plaguing me for nearly a week now.

I'd like some links to some good sci-fi or horror music to help me get into the zone.

Thank you so much and good luck everyone!

The OST of Interstellar movie easily live up to your expectations.

8 years ago

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The original American McGee's Alice had awesome and very creepy soundtrack. I don't know if you enjoy it but that is the closest one that came to my mind at the moment :) Also older italian zombie movies had nice ones too, some were a bit miss though (just google "italian zombie movies" and pick some title from the 70's or 80's and search soundtrack from youtube). And one more which I almost forgot: The movie "Moon" 2009. Clint Mansell did nice job with the music.

8 years ago

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