Hey, look, it's not a removed game!
HEAVEN WILL BE MINE is a visual novel about making terrible life decisions in the midst of a hot-blooded battle between giant robots. Select one of three terribly behaved girls to fight and/or make out with each other in their struggle for the fate of space.
Ok, that sounds awesome. Who doesn't want to play that? So I dunno what actually happens in the game, but after reading the description I can at least imagine some clown at Valve flipping the switch.
Wait a minute, does that say giant robots? You know what that means! It's full of teenagers!! And making out!!! Oh God, it's child porn!!!! Kill it!!!!! Kill it with fire!!!!!!
Oh, a question! Did you play Ladykiller in a Bind yet? Why not?
Somehow I keep not replaying it. :( After the first time through it really felt like I should try again, knowing what I'd figured out so far, but then I really didn't want to try some of the other options, even though it's just a video game, and you know you have to try everything to see the true end, whatever that is. So I guess that makes it a good game, right? Because I'm thinking umm, no. Not going to pick that one. I don't need those achievements anyway. Sigh.
Murdering all the friendly NPCs at the end of every Dark Souls playthrough, just to get all that fancy gear I'll never use? No problem! Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. But seeing what happens if I pick that? Umm, nope. Nope.
Good luck! :)
7 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Golwar
46 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Yorickmeister
742 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Warriot
302 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by Gorebelly318
73 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
148 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Smectik
17,450 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by MjrPITA
111 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by SerenaM
96 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by erom96
4 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Skwerm
743 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by Ninglor03
109 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by OneNonLy
A visual novel that doesn't have "nudity" in its top tags is not a real visual novel.
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Well, there's probably a bunch of implied nudity, or something like that. You can always use your imagination! :) I dunno.
Good luck, if you try for it! :)
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+1 lol
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Haven't played Ladykiller in a Bind. Why? because I don't own it!😁
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You know, if I had been planning ahead, that link would have been to a Ladykiller in a Bind giveaway. But I wasn't, so it's not. Sorry.
Good luck in this one! :)
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Hmm, no boobies and the art looks sorta terrible, but the setting sounds great. I'm in!
I haven't played Ladykiller in a Bind. I have played some darn good VNs in the last year though. Thank you again!
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Ahh, No boobies and terrible art make Homer something something...
I'm too lazy to check, but if you own that other game, maybe give it a try some time! It's a lot better than some other games I could mention. :)
Good luck! :)
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No, I don't have it, but I think it was on my wishlist. I may have removed it again, though; I did try to get rid of a fair bit of 'stuff' recently.
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Ahahaha, I just noticed Ladykiller in a Bind in the Steam sale, 69% discount... :) Pity I can't buy a copy for my inventory, so I could make a giveaway for it. :( All these end after the sale's finished... :(
Thanks for protecting me from those evil traders, Valve! :(
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Okay, where did you hide the Ladykiller GA? I see in your profile that it's finished, but I still can't find it!
You are too sneaky! :)
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Umm, check the comments on this page. Specifically, the one right above yours... :)
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Hahaha. I am so hopeless. :-)
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Don't feel bad, at least you were actually reading comments. :)
Do you think all 82 people who entered that giveaway actually found the link with their own eyes? Smells like a giveaway-finding script to me... :(
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Haven't played that game... never heard of it until now...XD
Drawing is a bit out of my range...hmmm
The story seems fun though XD
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It's good, definitely worth at least one playthrough... :) Probably more if you can manage it... :)
This game is probably good too, but it seems I'm waiting for a better discount... "Save 10%" doesn't exactly set my paypal account on fire... Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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VNs aren't really my thing but because it's a woman lead with the option to make out with other girls, i am entering.
Damnit i keep forgetting that Ladykiller in a Bind even exists. better wishlist that one for the next sale, lol.
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That's the spirit! :) And if you have any Steam wallet money left, it currently has a 69% discount in the Winter Sale... :) But I guess you can always hope for a giveaway, somewhere or other... :)
Ahh, since it's in my library there's no way I would have noticed any giveaways for it, never mind. :) There could be dozens! :)
Good luck! :)
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So basically a normal day in Tokyo.
I had a perfect music video in mind for this, but I can't remember the song's name. I-O-U? :(
That game looked pretty bad, at surface consideration. :X
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Hmm, are you sure you weren't thinking of this video? :) Well, maybe not. :)
Trust me, Ladykiller in a Bind is a good game, pity I couldn't find a big discount somewhere to make a giveaway for it... :( Oh well, maybe next time! :)
Good luck! :)
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It did come up in my search, but I'm not big into Beastie Boys, so I decided against using it as a substitute. :P
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Oh well...
And here I was, wondering how I'd be able to say I've got mad hits like I was Rod Carew. Guess it's just not going to happen. :)
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Because you can't, you won't, and you don't, so you'll stop?
...wait, you're not gonna take a piece of my pie, are you?!
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Thank you for the chance! I played We Know The Devil by the same devs and really liked it so I have been eyeing this game. About Ladykiller In A Bind, I have heard of it but lots of the things in it doesn't sound like my stuff (that's the things with sexual content, when it has the kind of thing you are not into it can be really hard to continue).
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Ohh, somehow that game is in my library, and I don't even remember buying it... :( Never installed, either. :( I wonder if it was in a bundle? Sigh... Maybe I should take a look, but who am i kidding, in ten minutes I'll forget it exists... :(
Probably forgot a dozen times already...
Thank you! :)
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Read there was some controversy with Ladikiller for the yuri crowd, but that's about it.
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I remember reading about some stuff in one of the routes that got yanked pretty quickly and replaced with I dunno what, since I didn't have any interest in that character anyway... I guess if you could find a giveaway for that game it might be something to investigate... :)
Good luck! :)
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Drat! Oh well, maybe the next one? :)
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I haven't played Ladykiller in a Bind, but I did enjoy Analogue: A Hate Story and Hate+ by the same dev. Fun little "document archaeology" game. The Mute* ending in + was bull, though.
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Ahh, I didn't play either one of those yet, even though I remember someone mentioned them the last time I brought up Ladykiller in a Bind... Sigh... Hopefully whoever wins this will play it! :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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It's a good game, if the art turns you away just look at the words... :) But I dunno, maybe you wouldn't like it at all...
Good luck! :)
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Somehow managed to wishlist it but not enter last time. Corrected.
Ladykiller in a Bind doesn't quite look like my thing. Though reading "girls tying up other girls"... hmmm. Hmmmmmmm... I'll try it if it gets cheaply bundled.
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Well, Ladykiller in a Bind has a 69% discount on Steam right now, and if that's not enough you can always look for a giveaway - bound to be one around here somewhere... :)
Good luck! :)
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I've never heard of this VN, seems really cool and with nice art too, that's a plus. Thanks for the chance!
I played Ladykiller a long while ago, the uncut version (the author cut a controversial path because people complained about it and I kinda get why) and I didn't like it, it seemed pretentious at times and the story was nothing to write home about. It's one of those VN that when I finish them I feel "meh" about it and the years haven't changed my opinions.
HEY, i kill NPC's in Dark Souls too, but just because i know they'll go hollow anyway and i want to relieve them from the pain... it's a fair reason i swear!
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It's interesting to hear from different people about games! :)
I thought Ladykiller in a Bind was good, but I only played it once. No idea what sort of stuff is "really" going on, it did seem like you'd need to play a few times to reach the super secret ending, where you learn umm, whatever. No clue. :)
I don't know anything at all about this game, but it sure sounds fun. The Steam store page could be a lie, but if you can write well enough for that, you can write well enough to make a real visual novel, so here's hoping! :)
Ahh, that reminds me, I think there's a mod that changes the end of the Sif boss fight to say "AND THEN SIF TELEPORTED AWAY".... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well if it comes with such an interesting recommendation, guess I'll go try to win it ;)
You kill Dark Souls NPCs?! You're a...hang on, my conscience wants to say something.
(What?.....No, patches doesn't count.....Look, he had it coming!.....Yes I aggro'd him but he ran off the cliff and died. What was I supposed to do? Not take his stuff? That just would've been wasteful!)
Ok sorry about that, where was I? Oh right. You're a MONSTER!!
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I hope this is a good game! :) The store page made it look good, so that's close enough for me. :)
It's funny, since you the player know Petrus and Lautrec and Patches are going to try some murdering, you could always take care of things before it happens - which makes you the murderer instead. Not sure how you would explain that to the judge, though... Assuming there's an undead courtroom somewhere... :)
See, your honor, this is NG+. The first time through Lordran I left them alone, and you wouldn't believe the trouble they caused! Well, this time I decided things are going to be different... Trust me, I'm doing society a favour. All three of them were just asking for it! :)
Good luck! :)
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No problem, have fun... :)
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