Just finished 100%-ing this game (took me 36 hours over the course of a week, which is the first time in a long time that I've stuck with one game for so long), and I loved it so much. A huge ball of color and cuteness and humor and fun. Yooka is a sweetie, Laylee is hilarious, and the two play off each other very well and make for really fun underdog protagonists. The settings are stunning; I played it at the absolutely lowest possible settings, and a couple of the worlds still took my breath away with how pretty they were. Soundtrack was very cinematic, and frankly was also some of Grant Kirkhope and David Wise's best work. Voice acting and camera never got on my nerves, dunno why people didnt like them but hey whatev I'm a patient gal who can put up with a lot. In the end, while it's still pretty early in the year and other games I'm waiting to play have yet to be released, I feel I can safely say that this is my personal GOTY for 2017. Now I just have my fingers crossed for a Twoka-Laylee.
I'm so proud to have backed it. And now I'm going to foist it on all of yall. Enjoy! :)
I feel I should mention that I've never played Banjo-Kazooie, so if you're worried that you have to be a Banjo-Kazooie fan to like this game then don't be. As long as you like quirky and colorful platformers, or you think that chameleons and bats are neat, then I think you'd like it.
297 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by DeliberateTaco
73 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by makki
322 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
58 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by SolvedPack
732 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by RavenWings
362 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Hawkingmeister
141 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by q0500
108 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by rufioh
nice recommendation! and appreciate you throwing us a chance for this one!
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You are my hero for putting this one up :)
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hey!! thanks for this awesome wishlist. Hope the guy who wins this, play it.
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thanks for the giveway!
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To get a sense of your perspective, what DIDN'T you like about it?
Thanks for three giveaway!
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There were a couple of the minigames and one of the minecart sections that I really didn't like, because they required super-split second timing and if you messed up once then that was pretty much it. Unfortunately, I'm not good as super-split second timing.....the minecart track in question actually took me two hours to complete...I'm ashamed...
And I just wish there was a little more emphasis on the story. I mean, there was enough of a story to keep me hooked and to set up a nice little bit of intrigue, but I just wish there was more to it. If that makes sense.
But still, the pros outweighed the cons for me.
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sounds like the cart levels in the donkey kong country series
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Yeah, I think the intention was to channel those. Except now the minecart has a Texas accent.
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Thanks for the chance :)
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runs in circles because being overly excited
Thank you SO much for the chance!
My wishlist isn't in any particular order but if it was then this would have the top spot!
EDIT: I SO regret not having backed this!
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I'm just gonna leave this here as a thanks
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Hahaha thanks for sharing, that was amazing. :D
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My pleasure! :D Honestly, I just couldn't not share it ^^'
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Thanks for the chance at a interesting game.
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Nice description. What other games are you waiting for in 2017?
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Oddworld: Soulstorm and Death Stranding (which I wont be able to play cuz I dont have a PS4 but still), mostly. And anything Artifex Mundi puts out. And Super Mario Odyssey might make me cave in and get a Switch.
And I was waiting for Diluvion, Narcosis, and Snake Pass, but I've already played those and they were ok, great, and good (in that order). And actually, Narcosis is the one game that could possibly challenge YL as my GOTY 2017, for kind of the opposite reasons: story was friggin absolutely amazing, gameplay and settings were ok.
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I really liked Oddworld, I didn't know they were making a new one, that's great!
Death Stranding seems interesting, but like you I don't have ps4 so other than envy I can't.
The switch looks meh, but I will always love nintendo games, they are that perfect mix of childish and polished.
You have some good taste in games, Snake Pass seems silly but fun, the other two look very cool.
So many games and not enough time/money
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Yeah, Soulstorm is basically the director's cut of Exoddus. The game how it was always intended to be. And if it does well, they might remake Munch's Oddysee in a similar fashion. So fingers crossed!
And I like the Switch because its a tv console that doesnt actually require a tv, which is good cuz my tv wouldnt be able to handle a console hooked up to it.
Seriously though, 2017 is shaping up to be a great year for games but not for my wallet.
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It seems to me like every year is a great year for games lately and I love how the computer is getting more attention, lot of games, indies, ports of old games.
I don't even have a tv, and I doubt the switch would get much use from me. Though I would play mario and zelda for sure
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I've got some good news for you then. It has been said that there will be a PC release for Death Stranding. I believe there will probably be a PS4-exclusive window (like there was for Rise of the Tomb Raider, or whatever game it was, lol), but it definitely is getting a PC release.:)
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You sound a little excited about that news.;)
I am glad I could make you happy!:)
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Just a little bit. Hope it wasn't too obvious. ;-)
But yeah, thanks for letting me know about that!
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No worries.;) If a person can't get excited about something, then what is the point, right?:)
And with what Valve has done with regards to Steam Gifts, we could all use a little good news!!
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Awesome wishlist giveaway, thank you so much!
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Thank you for the great giveaway, and the review.
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Thanks a lot
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Is this real life?
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thanks for such a great giveaway!!! I'm a huge Banjo-Kazooie fan so I've been really excited for this game. I was little sad when they said they weren't able to port it to the Switch, but I just got a new gaming computer so I'd be stoked to be able to play this game on there. :) Good to hear you liked the game so much.
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Wait, I thought the Switch port was just delayed for awhile. Did they cancel it completely? If so, whyyyyy?
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Hmm, I remember them saying that they were having complications porting it to the Switch, and were even offering a refund for kickstarter backers who chose to receive the Switch version of the game or choose to take the game for a different console. But now I'm seeing that they're back to trying to get it to work with the Switch? If so, that'd be great. Or maybe I was thinking that they were having trouble porting it to the Wii U, lol.
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Yeah, i thought they'd cancelled Wii U in favor of a Switch version. That's why I was confused for a bit there. ^^;
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Yeah, thats probably it, lol! So if they do actually come out with it on Switch that'd be nice. But I don't plan on getting a Switch for a while
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Thank you love these kind of games! ^^
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I didn't play much of Banjo or Conker but did love Donkey Kong on my N64, this game seems pretty great and the only thing that worries me is the camera since it's the main gripe of the review's I've checked. Either way thanks a lot for the quick reviews and the chance!
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Oh well if DK64 was your jam, then this might interest you
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wow! I loved the vibe, hated the singers/voices, in the comments there was a good tip, "play it at x1.25", it does sound better :D thanks a lot for sharing
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Sure you are very satisfied with this wl game. It's on my wl for quite some time and I was thrilled it was finally released. Then I saw a few not so great reviews and got worried. Reading this restores my faith :)
Thanks for the great gib.
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Actually it works vice-versa. If you're a huge fan of Banjo-Kazooie then you're gonna be thinking to yourself while playing this game. "I would be enjoying this alot more if it was Banjo-Kazooie."
How an N64 3D platformer has better camera controls than this is a mystery.
Made me a sad kickstarter. >:
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The camera was no different than the cameras in basically every other 3D platformer I've ever played. Except the few cases where the camera here was honestly BETTER than the camera in some of those other ones. Even the let's plays I've seen of banjo looked like they had to fight the camera a lot. Camera issues just come with the 3D platforming territory.
So how come literally every other 3D platformer gets a free pass on the camera, but this one doesn't?
Sorry if this sounds ranty or angry, it's not meant to be. Just more tired exasperation. :-/
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I kickstarted the project and played the game too, there's watching a let's play and actually playing. All I'm stating is I had an easier time controlling the camera in Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, 2 incredibly outdated titles that were pioneers of 3D platforming.
You can argue all you want on how perfect the camera is. My PERSONAL EXPERIENCE tells me otherwise.
BTW I binged Banjo Kazooie and Tooie before Yookah for extra hype. It made me realize how relaxed and non-risk taking a title Yookah really is.
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Never said the camera was perfect. Just that it was per the norm for the genre. If you're going to fuss about YL's camera, then go and fuss about other 3D platformer's cameras as well.
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You might like A Hat in Time as well
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