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6 years ago

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Ah, so pewd is for pwediepie, thanks for the links. I was wondering what pewd meant...
And, errr, who is pewdiepie exactly ? :-o Since when egocentric guys filming themselves in videos are supposed to be famous ? I don't watch that kind of things, I prefer a good movie or a good TV serie. :-p

6 years ago

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I only know that he's for some reason one of the most famous people on twitch? or youtube? one of those sites. But he manages to regularly fuck up his public image by using slurs on stream, filming a suicide victim's body and such. I don't know why he's so famous btw. Iirc I tried to watch one of his videos once, but could only tolerate his style for like a minute.

6 years ago*

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Filming a suicide victilm's body ?! Who can be so stupid ???
I never was fond of all youtubers but for sure I won't watch that guy, thanks for the info Kazerniel.

6 years ago

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Just checked that and it seems that kazerniel is not well informed. It was not PewDiePie who filmed a dead body. He was only criticizing the guy (Logan Paul) who filmed the dead body. PewDiePie was not even there.

6 years ago

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I guess I mixed them up 😅 But the slurs and racist jokes are all his doing, as shown on the links.

6 years ago*

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Seeing you guys talk is honestly like watching two grandpas talk about how the world is fucked up. Don't believe the media, they take things out of context (like in this case). He said "nigger" in one of his streams by accident, apologized, not a big deal. The "death to all Jews" was just a joke, he didn't think those Indians would seriously write that, he wanted to see if they will. He's not a nazi anti-semi as the media portray him, so don't believe them.

6 years ago*

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Let's just agree to disagree. I don't think there's such a thing as calling someone a slur "by accident". Racist "jokes" are not funny regardless if he truly meant that 14+ million people should be killed or not.

6 years ago

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Let's disagree to agree I say, in the heat of the moment you can say stupid stuff you didn't intend to say. It's not like he was sitting calmly on his porch sipping tea and out of nowhere said "you nigger" to someone.
"You can joke about everything but not with everybody". They don't have to be funny to you, they are jokes, period.

6 years ago

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Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^

6 years ago

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Thanks! :)

6 years ago

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Thanks :3

6 years ago

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thanks :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you! =)

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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