
This is my first giveaway on here. I will giveaway more games when I can, but I might limit them to my Steam group in the future. To reduce on bots and fake accounts.

Steam Group:

When you Win, do not forget to confirm receipt of the key at the end of the giveaway

If you want to support me and learn more about then here is a link to all of my socials:

Subbing to my YouTube and following my Steam Curator page will lead to more giveaways.

2 years ago

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Welcome to steamgifts! Just joined your steam group and curator.

2 years ago

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Thank you it means a lot. I will try to work on it more. I am just so busy.

2 years ago

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Thx for the giveaways and videos o/

Your videos are interesting, but could do with some love from an editor to make them easier to consume. Most people these days have limited attention spans, so having a synopsis at the start, and clipping out some drawn out parts, can greatly increase your views and subs.

2 years ago

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Thank you for the feedback. I do know that shorter content gets more views, but sadly, I do not have the money or time to edit them down that much.

2 years ago

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I've not done it myself, but cant you just note highlights in your video, and then copy and paste them to start it off.

The only part you'd likely want some help with, is a professional looking intro themed to your brand.

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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No problem. Hope you enjoy it.

2 years ago

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