
It's a Steam gift. Good luck to all.

Going for DLC-s, if that's ok

9 years ago

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It's ok with me as long we don't break any rule on SG.

9 years ago

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It's up to the creator's discretion. Thanks for the generous entry terms.

9 years ago

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Thanks for can entries for DLC :3

9 years ago

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For packages, the creator has full discretion over rerolling for already owned content [though not indicating such an intention in the giveaway is understandably considered quite rude].

In the case of X-Com, the base game has been both free and $1 bundle tiered, so creators typically allow entering just for DLC.

So, if you're okay with it, thank you for the opportunity to get the DLC. :)

What are the rules for entering to win Steam packs if I currently own a number of the games contained within?
We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games. This allows for winners that will receive the most value out of their gift. In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the input . Plus the DLCs cost more than the complete package if you want to buy them separately.

9 years ago

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I personally try not to enter any package gibs where the retail of the items I need is lower than the retail value of the package- in other words, if it's cheaper to get them separate, then going for the package is just being wasteful. I usually expect a similar mentality from people entering my gibs.
I do make rare expectations on both sides, though, for packages were a lot of the content has been super cheap or free, and the DLCs are tricky to get otherwise.

Like, if you're entering for a soundtrack DLC, that's not usually appropriate, but if you're entering for a package that includes the base game and an expansion of similar retail value, and the base game has been free, then I may lean toward allowing it.

X-Com is a good example of that- at $41/49.99, I'd usually not enter for DLCs alone, but given the state of the base game and that I'm unlikely to be able to get the DLCs otherwise [they don't generally go on sale- the complete pack actually has gone further on sale, and more often than they have], I make an exception for it. :)

Well, I tend to be more precise about those kind of things than most people :P
A lot of giveaway creators use more of a generalized 'as long as you don't own most of the content / any of the expensive content' approach to it, instead. ~.^

9 years ago

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Going for DLC too.Thanks.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the chance Rex!

9 years ago

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Thanks, another entry for the DLC!

9 years ago

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In for DLC too,, Thanks! :D

9 years ago

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Thanks, another entry for the DLC!

9 years ago

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Thank you so much for sharing, Rex! ;)

9 years ago

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Thanks so much, RexMundi! :D

9 years ago

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Thank you very much!

9 years ago

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Cheers, luv. Entering for the DLC as well.

9 years ago

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Thanks, I'm here for the DLC.

9 years ago

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Entered for the dlc. Thank you

9 years ago

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